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Everything posted by CaliforniaLove

  1. Babs is the shit...and if any of you AREN'T following the fake "babsevanstagram" profile on Instagram...start NOW.
  2. There needs to be a disclaimer to the disclaimer..."make sure that therapist is NOT Dr. Drew"." Catelynn should have done a throw back to the Couples Therapy reunion..."Farrah isn't here because she's busy selling HER VAGINA!".
  3. Jenelle is a female John Lithgow, and Javi is the incredible Mr. Limpett. I'm sorry if this isn't the correct thread to say this, but if I said it on social media I'd have to deal with the "haterz".
  4. "Wuhllllllllll...." (How Jenelle begins every sentence)
  5. She probably wore heels...gotta show Big Papi who's boss!
  6. Did Javi tweet a picture of their epic date? I'd guess not because as usual, Javi probably wore a 3 piece suit, while Kail was in cut-off sweats...but I'm sure she looked good to him! *insert douche smile*
  7. Why did Matthew think it was a good idea to channel Daniel-San's final kick at the end of the Karate Kid for his photo? Denzel & Marijuana are gross. Much like the CW challenge, they are gross together, and when I judge them individually. Denzel deserves a heel up the ass. At the end Tyra looked like she was blind & trying to "see" what Kari looked like by feeling her face. At ease Ty Ty! Classy exit by the alien ice queen.
  8. I'm not sure what disturbs me more. ..the number of people who tell Jenelle she is doing great & has "really turned her life around", or the number of people who tell Javi he is good looking.
  9. Jo: I'm not a normal father. I'm an EXTRAVAGANT father. Sort of reminded me of "I'm not like the other moms. I'm a cool mom."
  10. I don't think Javi thinks he won a prize because Kail is white...I think he thinks he won the lottery because he gets to be on tv & tweet with Maci & Jenelle. If a camera had an available orifice, he'd have stuck it in that.
  11. Omg...Javi even tried to glom on to KAIL'S "emotional connection" (snerk) to Eminem? I really thought he couldn't possibly get more pathetic.
  12. Kail is like the dentist from Seinfeld who converted to Judaism for the jokes. "My children are half hispanic! I married a hispanic! I simply can't be racist!...now get in the kitchen & whip me up some tacos Big Papi." Vee looked like she wanted to cut a bitch when Jo showed her those texts...SEVERAL texts actually, ALL of which were taking out of content. *eye roll* Have you ever heard the joke about how lesbians bring a U-Haul to the 2nd date? That is Jenelle's mentality towards all her relationships...if they aren't professing their undying love within 2 hours of meeting her, she's outta there. And we wonder why she ends up with such "winners". Regardless of that though, Jenelle will never be in love with anything as much as she's in love with her phone. If there is a sequel to "Her", she should be cast.
  13. Jo & Kail are arguing over on the Twitter. Something about not letting Jo get a makeup weekend because he missed a weekend or something. I didn't really get it. *shocker*
  14. Time to go to twitter to see what Javi has to say now about his bae's words being taking out of content...
  15. Amy: she's been too dazzled by Edward's disco ball skin to see that they'd be perfect together!
  16. I don't see Karma as being malicious either, she just lacks common sense. At this point I don't care about A "Karmy" end game, but for cripe's sake, I just wanna see Amy get some legit lady action already!
  17. Next time Kat tries to dry hump Ben, I'd love for Amy to go & insert herself between the two of them. Then let's see how much Queen Beej likes it.
  18. Back rubs Karma? Really? Followed by cutesie tickling on the bed? Why not ask if showering together is also off the table? Lauren is the winner of this episode, followed closely by Lisbeth's morning hair.
  19. I knew they wouldn't kiss...with tongue. I'll let it go. Let it go. ..
  20. Kaley was on the episode? I thought that was Chyna Phillips in a guest spot.
  21. The thing that makes me scratch my head about Kat being SO upset about AMY spreading shit around about the blackout BJ is that she has no proof of that. Amy has been nothing but tight - lipped about the situation. Adrienne is the one who brought it up, and as we saw, Adrienne had never even met Amy when she brought up the rumor so she obviously didn't hear it from the horse's mouth...and who is even to say if Amy even spread it to anyone 4 years ago?! As we've seen, they all see & hear everything each other does in those tight quarters, and if Kat was blackout BJ-ing on THE BOAT, what were the odds that Amy was the only one privy to it when it happened?
  22. Although I've always wanted to go on a luxurious chartered yacht trip, if I were to win the lottery tomorrow I would be too self conscious to do it. I couldn't enjoy myself if I felt like major crap was being talked about me because I wanted my margarita blended. I'd be like those ladies from that one charter where they helped Kat fold napkins.
  23. Maybe it wasn't Kail who texted that? I think one of her 37 chins might have hijacked her phone while she was sleeping. Javi is such a little bitch. If he weren't such a famewhoring nitwit, I'd almost feel sorry for him.
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