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Everything posted by CaliforniaLove

  1. Even though we didn't get much exposure to him in season 1, where the hell did this Oliver come from, and why does he have such disdain for Karma? He & Amy had a one - afternoon flirtation from what we saw...not exactly something to make him a whacked out mental patient who is "triggered" by Karma. I agree that Gregg Sulkin looks constipated in most scenes, and I attribute it to his struggles with an "American" accent. With his backstory, they should have just made it so that Liam was shipped off to boarding school in England as a young boy. I mean, what's hotter than a rich, brooding bad boy? One with a British accent! I will say that the most natural he has come across to me has been his scenes with Amy. I didn't care for Willet's singing voice, but I think that's because it sounded off being juxtaposed with the others. Karma's confession would have sat better with me if she had said Amy UNWILLINGLY agreed. Like Amy said to Liam, that wasn't exactly her secret to tell. Karmy is dead to me, and I don't even feel it from Amy's end anymore. All I see is a girl desperate not to lose a best friend, not a girl desperate not to lose a potential lover. Just move along the Karma/Liam twu wuv story so we can see Amy pursue a reciprocal relationship with the cute waitress without any interference from Karma. And speaking of cute waitress, I don't think she's an adult. She'll have some rough backstory to where she has had to "make it on her own" from a young age & is supporting herself with cater waiter jobs. Cliche? Absolutely...but I see potential with her having her own apartment. *wink* *wink*
  2. I think if you're fully clothed in a Vegas casino you're already ahead of the game. Bernadette mimicking the counterclockwise "stripper schwing" because they're Australian was awesome.
  3. I was surprised about Maya's ouster. She stood out for me the most in the Blinds. I would've been star struck by Gwen & Gavin in a "US Weekly" way, but musically speaking I might have peed myself if I walked into a room & Stevie was sitting there.
  4. I like Jen, and she's definitely not hard on the eyes, BUT...no trainer will ever top sweet sweet Jill.
  5. At least Dr. Drew was equal in his odd sex obsessed questions..."so Adam...do you still hook up with Taylor sometimes? If so, how often & what is most common position you use??!!?". SMH
  6. I was being sarcastic...although I completely see where the confusion stems from! I wonder if the pretty little polka - dots on Javi's undershirt represent the size of his balls.
  7. Yeah, to me it's no better than hooking up with someone for money, then they lose their ass & you say "if you don't get rich again, we're done". I can of course see a partner being concerned for the other's HEALTH for the sake of getting to foresee as long a future as possible with them, but Matt makes it sound like they're through if he doesn't land another spread in GQ.
  8. According to my guide, "actress" Ian Somerhalder will be on The Talk today.
  9. Katie Stevens will be on "The Talk" tomorrow (it comes on at 1 PM PST on CBS for me, but check your local listings). **on a side note, my guide also says that "actress" Ian Somerhalder will be appearing. Hee!
  10. When did Toma turn into Andy Garcia? I can't stand the big guy on the red team for some reason (Rob?). It was time for white to lose someone, but have I missed the parts where they have been dicks about winning? The way Laura snarked on them for their sideline backfiring seemed a bit unnecessary.
  11. Jenelle & Javi have been going back & forth with each other about HOW HILARIOUS it is that Jenelle posted a picture of a woman in a salon who DARED to take a picture of Jenelle without asking her permission! Javi having a laugh about how tough the celebrity life is makes me ill...and is there now a "tweeting" division in the military because I am mystified about how obsessed he is & how much time he spends on all aspects of social media? I get it with Jenelle...after all, I don't think I can recall a scene of the show where her head wasn't buried in her phone, but a military man with kids? Color me confused.
  12. I really wish they would cancel this show already because watching all these assholes implode on Twitter would be far more entertaining than anything they've shown on tv.
  13. Yeah, and the regret over the DUI isn't because it was horribly irresponsible, it's because it created too many "Nathan haterz!" Online.
  14. Dr. Drew: is there any moment you wish hadn't happened? Kail: I feel bad for giving Jo shit about a perfectly normal haircut. I didn't mean to come off as such a racist pig. I'm also sorry for exposing the shirtless portrait of me & Javi to the home viewers....just kidding! I wish my mom hadn't visited.
  15. Actually, Nipples WAS supposed to appear on stage, as was Javi, but they were too busy fighting backstage about who would get to sit in the seat that was in view of the camera the most so they didn't end up making it.
  16. On a completely shallow note, the one issue that I've always had with Liam is that if he is the offspring of Mark Zuckerberg with the looks of a Cullen & the hammertime skills of a true "artist"...why couldn't they have just made him British? Gregg is doing MUCH better on season 2, but I so often get taken away from any of his stories by how much he struggles with an American accent.
  17. I agree...which is why I'm dumbfounded when guests want the easiest foods ever to cook! You'd think it would be a "break" for an amazingly talented chef like Ben. *eye roll*
  18. Exactly! He has always been legit on Southern California radio...then he rolls into the Teen Mom reunions all "Chelsea, why are you not with Adam? He's the equivalent to Jack Dawson from the film version of "Titanic"!! I don't get it.
  19. I don't mean to open a can of worms to a discussion on "society as a whole", but this is my opinion... If I knew you in "real life", I'd never make such an accusation. As it stands, Kate signed up for a "reality show". "The Real World" & that random PBS show from the days of yore notwithstanding, reality shows have been a major part of our culture for almost 15 years. If you sign on to appear on a show, you leave yourself up to the scrutiny of many many people. It unfortunately "comes with the territory". I took the "anorexic" comment to be in jest to undercut a person who has shown herself (on reality tv) to be nothing more than a gold digging shrew who had no problem commenting on the food intake of people who paid tens of thousands of dollars to enjoy themselves on a yacht for a couple of days.
  20. Ryan Seacrest & Dr. Drew...two people who really should have just stayed on their local radio stations.
  21. To throw in my 2 cents on this...my ex girlfriend had a very strong Southern accent while her brother (2 years younger than her & from the same parents) did not. They also didn't look alike. I agree that Kelly & Amy are weird, but not because of those aspects...I never saw my ex & her brother cry to each other on the regular.
  22. I saw Amy's physical reaction to a guy to be realistic. This is so cliche, but the hardest person to come out to is yourself. Amy has been in a "Karma cloud" for a while, and to me, it's very easy to chalk it up to a natural progression in an already intimate relationship. The Oliver thing happened in the midst of that "cloud", so to Amy, it's irrelevant to base anything off her reaction to that situation. Now that she knows where Karma stands, her true journey to figuring out where she stands on the sexual spectrum can begin, and that is probably scarier than falling for your closest confidante. Resting on "he's hot!" Is probably more of a "defense mechanism" than anything else. Even if that dude hadn't been carted off in an ambulance, I still think Amy's night would have ended with her making out with "hot Brazilian girl". As far as what happened with Liam? I could get with a guy...if I was completely hammered. Bravo to Carter for at least getting THAT right. ;-)
  23. Kate & Kat are absolutely disgusting, vile women. They are an absolute disgrace to any service industry, and don't deserve to even serve chalupas at Taco Bell. If this isn't at least somewhat scripted, they should be banned "Pete Rose style" from ever stepping foot on a boat. Oh, and Kat? Quit with the ridiculous accent. It's offensive to the British. Ben continues to be a pretentious douche. I want to hire him as my personal chef & demand nothing but cheeseburgers for breakfast, lunch & dinner. I'm so team Amy...and team Snookie.
  24. Crazy antics aside, I think this show is đealing with Amy's particular journey in a somewhat realistic way. I didn't see her attraction to the random guy from Brazil to be anything other than an appreciation for a good looking dude. I'm as gay as the day is long & I'd have looked at that dude in a similar "halos appearing over his head" way. BUT...the "Twilight Saga: Karma & Liam" needs to be put on the back burner behind Amy, Lauren & Shane ' s stories. JMO
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