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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Well, there's always the hope that his sister will get around to taking him out.
  2. And that finding out about it got Carly so hot she had to go 8 seconds with the Moobster on her son's living room couch.
  3. Yep. I mean, we have a contestant this season who delayed her wedding when given a chance to be on a season. I still can't wrap my mind around that, especially when she seems like one of the relatively normal ones of the bunch.
  4. I fully expect that we'll soon see him tweeting that "That new guy on The Daily Show begged me to come on his little show. I turned them down, it's small time."
  5. I remember after the Portland shooting, they interviewed a student who is also a vet, who was, indeed, carrying at the time. He said that, in that situation, he (and some other people who were also carrying) decided that it would only make things more difficult for the en route law enforcement. And I think he was right both for the reason you mentioned and because, if the cops arrive and those "good guys with guns" are already actively involved, it gives law enforcement more potential bad guys to focus on. They need to be able to process the situation and act as quickly as possible. That becomes more difficult if they have to quickly mentally sort out the folks with guns and process which side they each fall on. And then there's the fact that the average citizen isn't remotely experienced with or trained to handle that kind of situation. I'm sure they'd all like to think that, if they were ever in that situation, they'd be a calm, cool and collected "hero," taking out the bad guys with precise, clean shots. But, in the stress of that situation, it's far more likely that they'll end up hitting innocent bystanders. An active shooter situation isn't the same as target practice at your local gun range Sunday afternoon. Of course, one of my many pet peeves of the NRA response to public shootings is "if everyone in that theater was armed, none of these people would be dead now." Well, no. Because unless you're also a psychic who can read the minds of every theater goer and know not only that someone is planning on attacking but also who they are, that shooter is still getting a chance to get the jump on the situation and take a few people out before you know what's going on. Not to mention, the last thing I want when I go to a movie theater is to be surrounded by a bunch of twitchy people waiting for their cue to take out a shooter. I have a teenage son with Tourette Syndrome. I don't need a situation where he has a tic mid-movie and some self-imagined Dirty Harry misinterprets the situation and decides he's a threat. Also, the threat of the "good guy with a gun" being in the theater isn't going to scare off a lot of these shooters. They're planning on going out in a "blaze of glory." Knowing that they'll likely be killed by another movie goer isn't going to deter them. They're essentially already planning on either being taken out by a cop or turning their gun on themselves once they've gotten some shots off on the people in the audience. If I was running the GOP party or was working on the campaign of one of the other candidates, this is exactly what I'd encourage the others to do. You know the other candidates are all pissed off at the minute by minute coverage of every ridiculous thing that comes out of Trump's mouth (and, to a lesser extent, Ben Carson's mouth). So start demanding that equal time. One of two things will happen - you'll get enough opportunities to promote your own campaign, or the talk shows will decide the ratings boost isn't worth scheduling Trump if they have to take the other candidates. Either way, you're going to seriously cut down on the extreme advantage Trump currently has when it comes to exposure on the talk shows. They can't do much about the news media covering him so much, but they can focus on the opportunities where they do have the option to demand equal attention.
  6. For someone who doesn't like when the other cast members gossip about and judge her sex life, Nany certainly isn't shy about participating in the "Cara Maria's a big old cheater" conversation. Jenna and Briana strike me as the kind of cousins who have been forced to be "friends" their whole lives despite not really liking each other, so they take some level of pleasure in the other's suffering. When Jenna said that she know Brianna is competitive, I figured that was the reason she chose her to come along (either that or she was the only person in her family in the relevant age range who was willing to go play fame whore for a couple weeks). What she doesn't get is that Brianna is, apparently, only competitive with her. If whoever is paired up with her next episode is smart, they'll subtly use that to encourage her to compete harder. "Keep going, we're going to beat Jenna!"
  7. If Taylor was actually still around, she'd probably be even worse than Stephanie was in that regard. She'd probably be whining about how Ivy is ruining her kids' lives or some such shit.
  8. Does the show think we're going to feel sorry for poor Steffy? Not happening. Steffy going on all "what about wanting to be family?" Umm, maybe her take on how close she'd like to be to you changed after you tried to bust up her relationship and followed it up with almost killing her? I kind of loved Ridge's not remotely veiled disgust with Thomas, especially "can you take no for an answer?"
  9. I would laugh for days if, now that he's been revealed to be Jason, he drops dead because the BFTD protocol was only temporary.
  10. Speaking of which - have we ever found out if it's the same ring that bounced between Steffy and Hope before? I really, really want it to be.
  11. Back when Dillon, Milo, and Spinelli were jointly panting after Lulu (you know, when she became Carly Jr, the girl every man must want at all times), she was dating Johnny.
  12. After I watched the show this morning, I told my husband "I'm going to go take one of those Silkwood showers now. I may never be clean again." The worst one, to me, was when they were being interviewed and were asked (paraphrasing) "What is the thing the two of you have in common that you enjoy the most?" Ivanka answered "real estate and golf." Then it was Donald's turn. His response started with "Well, I was going to say sex, but..." No one should ever have to have the "Please stop telling people how much you want to bang me" conversation with their father, but, I think Ivanka REALLY needs to have that conversation.
  13. At this point, I half expect NotDeadHelena to swan into town and laugh at Lulu "well, of course I was using mind control on your husband. That simpering fool would have never looked at anyone but you without my help."
  14. Apparently, Bobbie has never heard of the concept of "here, learn from my mistakes." For her, it's more like "you should totally make the same mistakes I've made! It's fun!"
  15. But if she died, he'd totally keep a brain tumor to keep having ghost sex with her. He's truly a prince.
  16. As someone who used to decorate cakes for a bakery and an ice cream parlor, I refuse to believe that someone paid for that decorating job.
  17. And, really, morning sickness should be the least surprising thing for her. Doesn't everyone know about morning sickness? At her age, I just assumed all pregnant women puked. (I can't say how grateful I was to not end up with morning sickness when I was pregnant.)
  18. "When Rick and I moved in and Ivy and I were first housemates, there was tension." Tension, bitch? Tension? Like you have no idea why? Can we lock Steffy and Maya in a room with a faulty electric board, a tire iron, a gun, and a rabid bear and just wait to see what happens?
  19. Totally agree that we need some Lucas perspective. I think it really said it all when Maya asked him who he was saving the spot next to him for, and he replied that he honestly didn't know. Girls, back off. It's not up to the two of you to just decide who he is going to be with.
  20. I wish someone would have told the deadly Bratz doll to spare us her crocodile tears. Oh, poor, poor Steffy. She was physically incapable of not flapping her inflated lips to Wyatt. She was also physically incapable of not trying to do in another female cousin. Poor, poor Steffy. Will nobody think of how much this all must pain FUN!!Steffy? I mean, this shit is the exact opposite of plastic parachute men and cold truffle fries. The poor creature.
  21. It's going to be so much harder for her to sneakily toss the electrical grid over a cliff.
  22. Two things disappointed me in this episode. First, no Zay. He's often my favorite part of an episode. Second, I would have much preferred the girls to take the "who you start the new year with..." thing to heart and choose to ring in the new year together, instead of either one of them worrying about choosing to spend it with a specific guy. It would have been truer to their friendship (and a nicer message for the viewers.)
  23. Somewhere, Nik is fist bumping him saying "I know, right? Bitches, man."
  24. Oh, yeah, it was bad. It was like they decided to just become a parody or something. The whole scene was so ridiculous.
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