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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Anyone who is legitimately holding out hope that this will make sense is going to be wildly disappointed.
  2. Well, he won't be around long, then. Nobody will be allowed to win against those two.
  3. He's definitely been fucking her with Liam's dick for quite a while now.
  4. I was laughing during Bill's message to Liam about how "you want Steffy. You've always wanted Steffy." Well, you know, except for when you wanted Hope. And Ivy. But, yeah, always. I refuse to believe that Quinn isn't better at keeping on her game face when running a major scheme like this.
  5. I can't be the only one who laughed at the complete lack of self-awareness required for Drumpf to mock Rubio for how much makeup they were applying to him before heading out? I mean, can he not see exactly how unnaturally orange his own face is? Does he think we all think "yep, that's just how he naturally looks"?
  6. I think that the saving grace of when we have a real life entity as part of the story line is that you can't really write something like "oh, look, the mobster is financially supporting Shriners Hospital for Children! They're going to name a wing after him!" I can't imagine any company would be like "yes, please, write in some mob ties for us!" Yes, it's just a TV show, but, still, not the kind of brand messaging anyone would want.
  7. I think my favorite part of the whole proposal thing was their wide-eyed "you're going to be my wife!" "you're going to be my husband!" wonder. They were acting like they've been in love for years, but they had to wait to win some kind of lottery to be able to marry each other, instead of the reality - that they just hooked up 5 minutes ago, and the only thing left up to chance for this was whether his brother, her pre-existing fiance, was going to stay gone long enough for them to feel it wasn't tacky. (P.S. you two crazy kids, this wasn't long enough for it to not be tacky.)
  8. Reading those YouTube comments, one person goes into this whole long drawn out explanation as to why they support him, attributing all this policy to him, and all I can think is "um, yeah, but, seem all Drumpf has said, aside from the whole wall thing, is that 'it'll be great.' He hasn't uttered a single word of actual policy." These people are deluding themselves into thinking there's all this substance that they want to be there, but he's not bringing any substance to the table.
  9. That seems like you're asking a lot of GRRPANTS.. I mean, who can resist the lure of hate sex in a crypt? If the manliest of moobsters can't restrain himself in that situation, what hope do we mere mortals have?
  10. I'm going to assume that, even though they're broken up, Nicole is going to lose it when she gets a double whammy reveal that Zende and Sasha are hooking up, and Sasha is her half-sister. (I'm guessing that one of the reasons Nicole is out of Eric's house is so that Zende will feel free to hook up there, because she's not going to walk in, and then she'll decide to head over to try to convince Zende that they should be together, and she'll walk in on him and Sasha.) That freak out will lead to the tock. (No spoiler, I'm just playing the odds, here.) If this baby survives, the only way I can see this story going is to end up with Nicole wanting to keep the baby - either on her own, because she's bonded with it (especially after losing Zende, and feeling lonely), or because she's also developed feelings for Rick, who will be the man being nice to her and holding her hand through the pregnancy stuff now that Zende is gone.
  11. That's usually about how long any interest I have in an ME character can be sustained. I swear, I remember liking him/McBain when he first showed up on OLTL, but it all went to hell. And, am I understanding the spoilers right? Is "Claudette" the name of some old girlfriend of Nathan's, but he's going to claim that she was his childhood dog? I mean...really? This is what we're going with, show? He can't just admit that he had a life before Maxie, and that finding his old girlfriend's glove in his tux brought her to mind for him, so that when he was out of it, he said her name? Instead we're likely going to have weeks of "wacky hi-jinx" where Maxie thinks everyone is discussing a dog, but they're really discussing a person, and misunderstandings abound? Really?
  12. This is, more succinctly, what I was trying to say. There's just no way that, on this show, with that actor, the story wouldn't be, at minimum, horribly offensive.
  13. I'm sure Nathan Varni's tweets would be face palm worthy.
  14. Well, you know, they know Morgan. They would probably be sitting at a distance, whispering "oh, no, dumbshit, don't anger the arms dealers. You might get killed. We mustn't have that. Oh no, not that. Then, when Kiki showed up, they said "it's gonna be a two-fer!" and high-fived.
  15. This has been even faster than this show usually kills off all hope and enthusiasm for a new character or story line.
  16. That would make some sense. His parents' relationship is not a remotely healthy model, and both of his parents are overgrown bullies. Add in his clear emotional issues (outside of the bipolar), and it would not be remotely surprising for him to be emotionally abusive.
  17. I don't want to stray too OT here, so I'll just comment that the 40% number is, in any study I've ever seen, cases that did not proceed. That's not the same as "false accusation," not by a long shot. As for this show in particular - I'm not concerned with protecting the character of Darby. Her character is essentially Morgan's blow up doll (and I could go on about how offensive it is that the show is actually writing a female character to be nothing more than some douchebag's sex plaything). Her characterization is already offensive enough, no need to make her existence on this show even more offensive and misogynist. And, yes, false rape story lines do exist on TV and movies. Not on a daily basis or anything, but they exist. And, there's rarely reason for it, beyond using rape as a plot point. And the damage done by perpetuating that stereotype (especially as horribly as this regime would write it), is certainly not worth it, in my opinion, to make Morgan the victim. Should Morgan suffer consequences for his actions? Absolutely. But the idea that being falsely accused of rape is somehow a punishment for being a douchebag is problematic for me. This kind of thing would be similar to when shows decide to redeem a "bad girl" by having her raped. We should be beyond that at this point. Also, it feels kind of sex-shaming to me to assume that Darby is "bad" because she is sexually active with a guy she's not dating. Should Darby call Morgan the asshole that he is and tell him to never call her again after realizing that he was trying to sleep with her because he wanted to prove he could get it up before trying it out with the girl he (claims he) actually likes? Yes. But falsely accusing him of rape, to me, just perpetuates some of the greater issues we have in society. I'm not remotely interested in seeing that play out on any level, but especially with this crew. Between the writing and BryDog's acting, it would be a disaster.
  18. More absurd "I love you" exchange - Nicole/Zende or Liam/Quinn? Oh, no, wait, we have a dark horse sneaking in for absurdity - Wyatt proposing to Steffy. If we're going to have rushed proposals, just hang that story on Nicole/Zende. They can get married and decide to keep the baby. I hate to call anything involving the two of them "interesting," but it would be a hell of a lot closer to interesting than watching Wyatt rush marry another one of his brother's harem while his brother and the girl are being kept apart by misunderstanding. Shallow note: What is with Steffy's face? Did JMW make another pit stop at her onscreen mommy's favorite doctor?
  19. Maybe that's what the Snickers eating was - prep for their scenes. The Caleb/Livvie redux had Cheesy Poofs, Laura and whoever the hell ME is this time, will have Snickers bars.
  20. I definitely do not want to see a false rape accusation story out there for multiple reasons. One, I don't want to see poor victim Morgan. He's an asshole, full stop. I don't want to see it turn into some thing where he's the victim of anything, and eventually all the people he's been a shit to are going to have to suck it up and apologize for not believing his lame ass. Second, I just hate when that notion even gets put out there. Too many people, in real life, are quick to jump to "she's lying" when a woman says she was raped, so it makes me automatically cringe when we see stories of false rape accusations played out on TV or movies.
  21. I think it would have been closer if Cory and Mitch didn't kill the other teams at the final leg (the puzzle and run). I figure that they were probably at least a half hour (possibly more) behind the guys before the last leg. C/M were done running before either of the other two teams finished the puzzle, and then, if I remember correctly, J/B didn't even finish the puzzle, they just hit the time limit. I don't remember if they said how much of a lead J/B had over C/J and C/M after the first leg*, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear that, when all was said and done, with the time penalties and the big gap in the canoe race, J/B were around an hour behind C/M. *But I wouldn't think it was more than 1/2 hour, maybe 45 minutes. We know that on the last leg, C/J were up on the roof starting the tire walk thing before J/B finished, and then C/M got up there right around when C/J finished. Depending on how fast each team ran the rest of it (after finishing the tire race), C/M were basically behind them around the length of time it would take to do the tire walk twice. I tend to think that the canoe race difference erased that gap (and then some). So C/M were ahead of J/B the 20 minute difference from the eating challenge, along with however faster they finished the last leg, which seemed substantial.
  22. If you're not already watching John Oliver's show, check it out. He does this even more than Jon was able to, because he typically devotes most of his 1/2 hour show to one or two topics, with a little bit of summary of the rest of the issues of the week thrown in. Sometimes his topics seem obscure, going in, but I always end up interested and learn something by the time he's done. I like Trevor's style now, but I also wouldn't mind if, at least once a week, he did a show more like what you're describing. It doesn't have to be every episode, but once a week would be a nice balance. Some topics just need a more in-depth examination than you can do in the kind of format he's following now.
  23. I think LW is usually good, it's just her character who makes me want to throw things at my TV. I give her credit for being so convincing at portraying the beast. Why do the bad guys always have to be so stupid and toy with their prey? Just shoot Sonny, dude. No need to monologue and start ranting about wanting to toy with him and cause him to suffer. Just plug a few (dozen) bullets into him and call it a day. If you felt like picking off some of the rest of the attendees, just to make a point, I wouldn't be mad. As long as you kill Sonny's ass dead. You just can't get good help these days.
  24. On the food round, Cory and Mitch were 10 minutes behind, but Jenna and Brianna were 30 minutes. It was 5 minutes per serving of food uneaten by the time limit. C/M had 2 items left, and J/B had 6. And then I got the impression that they were pretty significantly behind the others on the canoe race. They never showed us actual times on that (so we wouldn't be able to figure out how everyone was ranked by that point), but I got the impression it was a pretty decent lag time, given that they didn't seem to know how to paddle and they got stuck in a tree. Oh, and they were more than their time penalties behind in the eating challenge, since Jamie and Cara Maria actually finished. So they would be behind however much time those two finished before the time was up, along with their penalties for not finishing.
  25. Please, she'll be monitoring everything she eats and drinks so nothing impure gets into the baby's breast milk supply. Nicole better hope she doesn't get sick "no, you can't take antibiotics, they'll get into the breast milk!!"
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