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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I still kind of love that they had her quickly glom onto Franco, the guy who had caused Jason so much pain (along with facilitating her favorite child's rape). I feel like it showed exactly how selfish Carly truly is. Jason was dead, he wasn't around to do shit for her any more. She needed a new guy to prop her up. And she thought he was Jason's twin, so he was the closest she was ever going to come to screwing Jason. It clearly illustrated what a shitty, self-centered person Carly truly is.
  2. While watching the repeat episode today (what, I was feeling too lazy to change the channel!), a Soaps In Depth commercial came on, leading with "Franco and Nina finally make love!" Jasus. Trigger warning, SID! I just ate!
  3. I believe it is when Nany is packing for the Pit, right after he goes in there and has his "God, you're still mad, that was like 5 minutes ago!" moment with her.
  4. I won't lie. I laughed, rewound, and laughed some more. Steffy as the killer cousin is the only thing that seems to make me smile on this show. Not because I like Bratz, by any means, but because it's just so hilariously bad every time. (Not that I'm not still bitter about her offing Aly, because I am). Fingers crossed this spill down the stairs re-aligned whatever rattled out of place when Ivy got electrocuted, and we can discover that all this "I love Liam!" was just some mis-firing neurons, or something. And Caroline still exists!
  5. You definitely saw John flat ironing his hair. I rewound to watch again and laugh.
  6. Carly and Courtney always watched the Academy Awards together...when Courtney wasn't starting at snow globes.
  7. Well then clearly that baby was an asshole. Poor Saint Taylor.
  8. Johnny and Nany being the ones going on about how Cara Maria's flirtation with Thomas has to come out is really rich. If Johnny does really decide to set that reveal in motion, I hope that Abe and Cara Maria return the favor and put every single one of his "off camera" (i.e. he gets the production crew to agree to look the other way) hook ups out there. Every single one. And Nany, the girl who complains that she's being slut-shamed if anyone dares to talk about her hook ups? But it's OK to use another girl's flirtation as the source of endless gossip and judgment? Shut up, Nany. And Johnny was an idiot (although I did wonder if he figured that saying Nany's name would play well with his girlfriend, since Nany is obviously still hung up on him). It would have been easy to say Jenna's name. Everyone would recognize it for what it was - him refusing to say Nany's name and sticking to his promise to Aneesa not to say her name, while still not being a legit attempt to send Jenna in, since the numbers were already against that. And then he has the nerve to complain that Nany's going to be pissed too long over it? Um, are you, or are you not the guy who showed up for this one still bitching about Sarah sending you in on the last season? But Nany gets, what, 2 minutes, to be pissed off and then she should just move on? I certainly hope Nany was paying attention to this episode and heard him essentially say it was good that she went home because she would have just been mad at him for the rest of the season and that would be bad for his game. Nany, you're a pawn to him. If I had to hazard a guess, he has figured out some time frame as to how often he needs to throw her a little flirtation, maybe a few kisses, and then a random hook up less frequently, just to keep her happily on "Team Bananas." I hope his girlfriend realizes that him voting for Nany to make things look good to her means that he'll have to indulge in that hook up with Nany sooner to make sure she's on his side the next time they're both on a challenge (which will likely be soon). Oh, and Nany, at least Cara Maria was flirting with some new guy to solidify her position on the show. You're willing to continually take Johnny's marching orders, knowing that he will always come first, just to get whatever scraps of attention you can from him. You can judge Cara Maria all you want, but you're just pathetic. I adore Abe's John hate. It was the best part of the show. Aneesa confused me. I'm sure it's partially because I missed the first half or so of the first of these two episodes, but why is she back to drooling over (and then getting pissed at) Cory? Did we not already see her eavesdropping and finding out that Cory has a girl back home and he's only interested in Aneesa as a means to stay on the show? So why was she acting like there was still some chance for a relationship with the two of them? And you've managed to go all these seasons while essentially keeping any relationships off screen and now, as a grown ass woman in her 30's, you manage to go to pieces off this little boy who is clearly not worth it? Please gather up your dignity and forget his name.
  9. Is Jack the baby that was supposed to be Taylor's, but ended up being Brooke's due to some "oops!" in the lab? And Taylor had the baby but couldn't bond with him because the idea of one of her kids being partially Brooke's made it impossible for her to bond?
  10. When they showed CT in the "this season on the Challenge" package, I was really hoping that he was coming back to take part in a Pit and give us another Johnny Bananas Backpack moment. I still hold out this hope.
  11. I just don't get how Wyatt can rail at Ivy that he doesn't want another woman who wants his brother and then end up going after Steffy. How does that remotely compute?
  12. And, really, if Hope was able to get over Liam's repeated detours to Bratz-land, she should be able to be over that by now. I hate how much they've changed Ivy's personality for this mess, but what I hate most about the whole thing is that it's looking like we're going to get Steffy all happy and in love (with her pick of Wyatt or Liam) after all the shit she's pulled. And, let's get real here, Liam, Wyatt, and Steffy all have ZERO business judging Ivy for this. Their own romantic shenanigans make this little out of character sojourn of Ivy's seem like small potatoes. Liam, you tossed the same fucking engagement ring back and forth between two women, willy nilly. Steffy, you specialize in going after other women's men, like it's a sport. Wyatt, you've certainly not been shy in the past about making your play for Liam's women. So, all of you, shut your judging mouths. And writers, screw you for ruining one of the only couples I enjoyed on this show.
  13. It would be better if it was with his memories, just because then it would be Jason, knowing his past with Sonny (and Carly) and still choosing to take his ass down. I'd still throw Jax in there. Actually, ideally, it would be Michael, Dante, Jason, Jax, Monica, and Tracy.
  14. All this talk about whether Liz loves Lucky just reminds me of how much freaking magic BH and JJ had during their brief scenes around Jake's return. That level of genuine natural chemistry is so rare. I know JJ is never going to come back for any meaningful length of time, but it sucks that we won't get to see that on display for any real length of time.
  15. If Josh ever decides he wants to pop up on GH, no matter who is character is, I give it a week before Nina is hanging all over him. No way MS is going to have him back in her atmosphere and not piss all over his leg to mark him for her very own.
  16. I will forever remain bitter that they ended Michael's very valid hatred for Sonny so quickly. There was so much they could have done with it. We should have seen an all out war, where Michael tried to take down Sonny's empire, backed by Jax (and Tracy?), with Dante siding with Michael and Morgan siding with Sonny (because he's giddy to be the number one son with Michael and Dante out of the fold). Michael and Jax taking the Metro Court away from Carly. There was so much to be done and it just got pissed away.
  17. I don't usually begrudge actors a little indulgence in those "last scenes together" situations. But, it has to not ring totally false for the situation and characters. So the Sam/Patrick scene bugged the living hell out of me. First, as mentioned, we already had their breakup talk about how awesome they were together, how much they loved their little "family," etc. We didn't need another one. Second, it just makes the rather lackluster writing of the Scrubs scenes so far seem even more ridiculous, and, as GHScorpiosRule has mentioned, it makes it seem like Patrick would have preferred that he was still with Sam. Yes, I'm sure it's emotional doing a "last scene" with someone you're close to. And I get that. But, in some cases, maybe the actors could save their emotional goodbye moment for after the director yells "cut!"? I mean, I get the impression that JT has a lot of respect and affection for Mo. But if I see some deep meaningful Patrick/Sonny scene, just because the two men like each other, I'm going to lose it. Say goodbye off screen, people.
  18. I'm really going to hate when they eventually swap Bratz on over to Wyatt. I actually like Wyatt. That's just going to ruin him for me. Who knew the best case scenario for this show would end up being Hope returning? I really need her to come back so I can watch Wyatt and Liam both forget Ivy and Bratz even exist. If a Hope return isn't possible, can Quinn bash Ivy upside the head for hurting her baby, so that it can, hopefully, reverse the clear brain damage that she developed when Bratz toppled her into the live wires? When Wyatt showed Steffy the ring and she said "Ivy's going to die," was I the only one who, given Steffy's history, took that as a subliminal threat?
  19. To him, it's all because they're just jealous that he's awesome or some such shit.
  20. And it makes zero sense for her to say she'd do it all over again at this point. It's pretty clear that, had she told him the truth, she wouldn't have lost Jason. Even now, knowing the truth, and leaving Liz for lying to him, he's not running full speed back to his old life and seems pretty put off by his old life. So why in the world would she say she'd do it all over again to lose him again instead of "I wish I would have told him, and maybe we still would have had a chance together"? It's just absurd writing that does her zero favors. Make her "bad" fine, but have it make some damn sense.
  21. Jason being disgusted by Spin's glee over him getting out after almost killing a man was one of the only good things I've seen on this show in recent memory. Spin waxing nostalgic over the wonders of his BFF Jason? Not so good. And can we discuss the elephant in the room here? What in the ever-loving good name of fuck is Sam wearing?
  22. And Johnny didn't even get sent home - he went on to win the damn Island. So he's holding a grudge for 4 years over the possibility that he might have been sent home but ultimately stayed and went on to win the season. God, he's insufferable.
  23. Whatever BryDog's talents are, they're being completely wasted on this acting thing.
  24. I've never understood the vitriol towards Robin for telling AJ he had a son. Are all those people telling me that, if they knew a friend of theirs had a child, but the mother was lying about who the father was, they'd just sit on their hands and say "nope, not my secret to tell," and let their friend continue to miss out on being a part of their child's life? Harsh.
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