I can't stand what seem to be the popular new characters - Britt, Dr. O, and Brad. I'll at least give KG (Dr. O) credit for being a better actor than the other two, but all three are nails on a chalkboard or useless to me, depending on what they're doing on any given day. I've never seen Dr. O as "fierce" or anything remotely close. She's pathetic and wasted her entire adult life pulling scheme after pathetic scheme to get Faison to notice her when he's clearly had no interest in her or their daughter. Then she manipulated her daughter into doing her bidding in yet another failed attempt to get Faison's attention. And her daughter has just followed her lead in obsessing over men who want other women (hell, even Nik, who proposed to her after knowing her for 10 minutes only did so because he didn't think things could work with the woman he loves more than her, not that I approve of Niz in the least). Add in that she's become this show's Babe Carey, the baby stealing pig, and I'd be happy if she dropped off the canvas never to return.
As for Brad, he's a skeevy sexual harasser who decided he's suddenly in love (twice) and paid lip service to wanting to redeem himself while still keeping huge secrets about illegal/unethical acts he aided and abetted, affecting the family of Insta-Love #2.
And, shallow end, neither Britt or Brad are pretty enough to make it worth it to just zone out and enjoy the pretty when they're sucking up my screen. Thank God Britt didn't have a kid with Brad's sperm, that sucker would have had teeth down past it's non-existent chin.