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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Britt might want to look into taking responsibility for her own choices. Somehow, in her useless mind, the only person who has done wrong here is Liz, and not, oh, I don't know, the person who stole a baby and lied to the man she "loves" over and over about stealing his sister's baby. Nope, all Liz. Poor widdle victim Britt. Sonny/Britt 2014. I'll keep putting it out in the universe until Ron makes it happen.
  2. I'm just surprised Levi isn't played by the guy who played Ford on OLTL.
  3. There's no way I'd be able to buy Britt as young enough to be Coma Baby. Of course, that just means Ron's more likely to do it. I mean, in a world where RHo and James Franco are the same age...
  4. Also, they have no interest in Robin being a front burner character year round. So it would seem that Robin popping in and out when KMc's availability lines up with potential story would be the best solution to both for the time being.
  5. I can't stand what seem to be the popular new characters - Britt, Dr. O, and Brad. I'll at least give KG (Dr. O) credit for being a better actor than the other two, but all three are nails on a chalkboard or useless to me, depending on what they're doing on any given day. I've never seen Dr. O as "fierce" or anything remotely close. She's pathetic and wasted her entire adult life pulling scheme after pathetic scheme to get Faison to notice her when he's clearly had no interest in her or their daughter. Then she manipulated her daughter into doing her bidding in yet another failed attempt to get Faison's attention. And her daughter has just followed her lead in obsessing over men who want other women (hell, even Nik, who proposed to her after knowing her for 10 minutes only did so because he didn't think things could work with the woman he loves more than her, not that I approve of Niz in the least). Add in that she's become this show's Babe Carey, the baby stealing pig, and I'd be happy if she dropped off the canvas never to return. As for Brad, he's a skeevy sexual harasser who decided he's suddenly in love (twice) and paid lip service to wanting to redeem himself while still keeping huge secrets about illegal/unethical acts he aided and abetted, affecting the family of Insta-Love #2. And, shallow end, neither Britt or Brad are pretty enough to make it worth it to just zone out and enjoy the pretty when they're sucking up my screen. Thank God Britt didn't have a kid with Brad's sperm, that sucker would have had teeth down past it's non-existent chin.
  6. Exactly! Patrick's not around now anyway, so why couldn't he be "not around" with Robin, just living off screen and called into duty when they have something for him to do?
  7. It's really very simple - you bring them back if they are available and you have story that matches up with their availability. If only one of those elements is in place, you don't do a return at that time, because it won't work.
  8. Entirely a matter of opinion. Shows have done good jobs with limited returns in the past, and they could in the future. It just depends on if the writer can be assed to do so. Ron should do his damn job. Regardless, though, the solution is not recasting Robin. KMc is a HUGE part of the reason people are still attached to the character. Throwing someone else in there isn't going to resonate with the audience who still wants to see her. Kimberly isn't the one who is letting the Robin fans down with her availability. Ron's the one letting the audience down with his inability to capitalize on opportunities when they present themselves only to then turn around and try to throw the blame for his crap on the actors.
  9. I actually gave them a bit more leeway to slam Candace for the rhumba, because you have to wonder how much Mark's choreography was affected by her "some things are only for my husband" crap. (Yes, honey, and no one is asking you to go out and fornicate on the dance floor). If the rhumba didn't look like a rhumba because the star refused to go there, then I think it absolutely should be reflected in her critique and scores. From what we saw, though, Charlie had no such hang ups (and I'd be shocked if he did, given his background, I'm sure he gets that it's not about anything other than performing the character of the dance). So if Peta failed to put together a proper rhumba, that's not because of his tying her hands.
  10. Again, that's on crap writing. The writing isn't going to magically get better if they recast, but the performance and connection to the role and audience will suffer. So we'd have crap writing AND no reason to emotionally invest in the character. I'll pass.
  11. Decent story lines can absolutely be written for characters who are in for a limited amount of time, provided, of course, that the writer has the interest in planning and utilizing the time they have the actress instead of leaving her on the back burner for a huge chunk of her return time and then remembering, a week before she leaves, that he needs to write her out somehow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that, after Nik sits vigil at her bedside, she comes to and her first word is "Ric?"
  12. And if she ever has her own baby, I'd be fine with her keeping it...after it's been kidnapped and held from her for the first few months of his/her life.
  13. If he's warning us of his exit story line, that would make two in a row for Ron. If your stars feel the need to keep warning their fans off of their story lines, Ron, you might want to rethink your writing style.
  14. If there is a Liz thread, I'd like to put my request out there to not use the word "slut" in the title, as I know has been thrown out there. Personally, I find it offensive and misogynistic, with no place in good fun snark.
  15. Just looking at the #DWTS hashtag quickly, I saw a lot of Derek/Nene votes. Fingers crossed! And there seem to be a lot of votes for Maks and Val to swap partners.
  16. Personally, even if Ben was just Dante/Britt's and not Dante/Lulu's, I don't think it mitigates what she did. In that case, the story would be that she took a patient's sperm sample, that he only intended to have used to create a baby with his wife, and used it herself. If a male doctor was using his own sperm to impregnate his patients without their knowledge or consent, people would (rightfully) call it assault, and there would be a demand for him to lose his license. It should be the same in the other direction.
  17. I'll be going back and forth between here and TWoP until the end of May as well. As for separate threads, I think there could be some value in having some for some of the topics that tend to keep coming up so that they don't dominate over conversation of what's currently going on in the show. For example, the re-hashing of Liz's past comes up fairly regularly, so a thread devoted to that might make sense so as to keep it from derailing the ongoing show conversation. It might also be fun to have like a GH History thread where people can go to discuss old school GH stuff or ask questions about things that happened before they started watching the show? So disappointed that AJ woke up for Carly's shrill self. I so wish he would have woken up to Michael saying something like "I need you to come back to me, Dad." Ron never lets us have nice things.
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