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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. One of the few things I got out of today's show. Maybe her face is obscured by the snow globe she's staring into in all the pictures Carly has? If Carly wasn't so busy dealing with all the murdering men in her life, she might notice that her daughter is harboring a runaway. And, if Nik stops to think, he has to know this isn't a kidnapping. Not only would he have gotten a ransom demand by now, but Spencer likely would have been marked down a few times at this point. "OK, how about $100,000, then? If you do it in the next half hour, I'll knock another 10 percent off. Just, please, come get him." Britt's an idiot. Does it surprise her how upset Nik is that his son is missing? Did she think that once Spencer went missing, she and Nik would go on a lighthearted romantic journey through town with all sorts of laughs, kisses, and groping as they figure out where the little scamp went? She gets more useless by the day.
  2. So there's room in the budget for a bedroom set for Joss? (And, of course it's yellow, because Ron will beat that corn thing to death.)
  3. I really, really hope that Hope tells Liam to fuck right off tomorrow. Bonus points if she snarkily tells him, "well, I'll think about it. Give me a week or so, both of you can wait it out, and I'll summon you to a meeting where I announce my decision like I'm announcing the Power Ball numbers to the only two ticket holders."
  4. I was referring more to the delivery of the line than his specific use of the word "shit."
  5. It really depends on what kind of firm she works at and what kind of law she practices. My husband is an attorney at a firm in Chicago, and, yep, he works pretty much 9-5. Hell, some days, he's home early. I can see Topanga having the same attitude my husband has - yeah, I could work at a higher-paying "big" firm, but I like to actually see my family and be home before my kid's in bed every night."
  6. And that would have been a bad thing? I'd welcome the comedy gold of Shawn accidentally shooting himself in the ass.
  7. This. I can't just roll with "well, Liam did it in the past, and Hope is doing it now," as logic to not call Liam out on his hypocrisy. Not to mention, the main reason Liam isn't still pulling this shit is because he's an "out of sight, out of mind" kind of guy, and Steffy isn't even on the same continent. If she was in town, I'd bet anything he'd still be having flirty lunches with her, allowing her to think they still had a chance together, and smiling fondly whenever she oversteps. And he certainly didn't care whether it was "appropriate" or what kind of message it was sending to Steffy when he happily filled her request to make her a romantic video just like the one he made Hope. But, now that his "other option" is across an ocean and Hope has another interested player in town, he's all about what's appropriate and sends the proper message. I guess, if you're going to be a waffler who leads people on, it's better to be the first waffler who leads people on in your relationship, so that when your significant other starts doing it later, you can be all "hey, that was then, this is now, my hands are clean right this minute"? And I've just figured out the solution to this whole diamond mess. Hope can keep the diamond and just say it's her special diamond with Liam now. I mean, if Liam can give the engagement ring to Steffy when it's still warm from Hope's finger...
  8. Well, to be fair, I think anyone could play Jason Morgan. I mean, I fully expect that some day I'm going to receive notice that my disability is being revoked because I can still stare and blink, so the vocational expert has determined I'm physically able to play the role of Jason Morgan.
  9. You know, now I kind of don't want Diane to go until Sam goes, too. I want to see Sam and Diane killed off in some tragic bar explosion.
  10. "Is he sad? Or does he want me to steal second?"
  11. I never said he told Steffy that. I was saying that he's hypocritical to expect Hope to be such a hardass with Wyatt when he refused to do the same with Steffy.
  12. That was ridiculously stupid of her. Considering everyone who could be at that door, including Sam, she just calls for them to come in while she's standing up just fine in the middle of the living room? Everything about this story requires everyone involved to be stupid at some point or another.
  13. Maybe they can have her volunteering at a local rec center where the kids hang out or something?
  14. That's what I thought of the first time I typed it out, dubbel zout.
  15. And Aly almost literally worshiped Hope when she first came on the scene. I'm cracking up watching Liam tell Hope that accepting the diamond will give Wyatt encouragement to hang in there. Yes, Liam, she should totally back off and make it clear to Wyatt that you are the only one for her. You know, the way you always did with Steffy. The tough stance you always took in shutting down her hopes of getting you back was really a model for all who find themselves in that situation. I swear, I love SC, but Liam finds a way to piss me off at least once a week.
  16. While it seems inevitable that Jason is coming back some time soon, there's been zero confirmation that it's BM playing him. I think the origin of the rumor was speculation that it's something FrankenRon would do, and it kind of took on a life of its own from there.
  17. Lord, please let Knight/Jemmye go home first. Please.
  18. I laughed through the whole scene of him clearly barley able to focus his eyes or form words, and her not remotely getting "um, yeah, something seems to be wrong with Silas here." I get that seeing him on the couch with Nina was upsetting and all, but, seriously, he was so clearly on something.
  19. Same here. His "oh shit!" reaction was delivered perfectly. I liked the rest of the episode, too. I thought he spent the right amount of time on the nuclear weapon issue (he made the point, if he'd gone much longer, it would have been overkill). And moving on the gecko thing was two-fold. First, he needed something to lighten things up. Like he said, it's been a depressing few weeks. Second, as mentioned above, he got to drop the contact info for Putin into that segment. You know he was pretty giddy when he had the chance to put the Putin link out there tied to something like geckos having sex in space. (And, really, who hasn't wondered what kind of sex lives geckos would have in zero-gravity?) Going the extra mile and getting a handful of celebs on tape urging "go get those geckos" was the perfect little extra touch. My 11 year old loves John. I said to my husband the other day "I don't even care how many f-bombs he's hearing during an episode." This is a kid who lists social studies as his least favorite subject in school. So the fact that he's engaged in the topics John covers makes me happy.
  20. The Vickerman premiere is pretty much the story of everything that is wrong and right with Ron. That premiere kicked ass on so many levels, not just the Todd reveal (which was the best part), but the OldManNate porn reveal, the movie itself, etc. But, then things went nowhere. Ron writes a great big splashy moment, but he then loses interest once he gets to the big flashy moment he's been planning, and the stories involved just kind of fizzle out, because he's looking forward to his next big splashy moment in another story. Or he just gets distracted by something shiny. It's like he knows the main big story line points he wants to happen, but he never gets into how you get from big moment to big moment, so the stuff in between falls flat. What he doesn't seem to understand is that you then run the risk of people only tuning in for those big moments and then tuning right back out until the next one. For example, when/if we get a big major reveal to the whole canvas that Sonny killed AJ (and Ava killed Connie), a lot of people who aren't watching on a daily basis might tune in to see the immediate fall out. But, once that big reveal happens, and we get to see the immediate reactions, and then Ron completely tanks that momentum, they'll tune right back out. And, pretty soon, more and more viewers are going to join that group, because it's really easy to watch that way in this day and age. You follow along on message boards, Facebook pages, or Twitter feeds, and you know exactly when those big moments are happening, and you know whether anything that might interest you is going on in between those big moments. And you can watch clips of the few things that interest you instead of watching a whole hour live or on your DVR. I don't doubt that Ron knows that there are people out there who tune in when they see that a big moment is happening, but I don't think he gets that those same people aren't sticking around much once it's over, and that it's probably mostly the same "new" viewers who are tuning in for each of those moments, and not whole new groups of viewers each time.
  21. Sam Diane It's getting harder, I don't think there's anyone left on there that I actively loathe, so now I'm going with characters or actors who annoy me.
  22. As I started reading this, I was thinking "it would have been cool if, instead of this 'did Patrick kill Rafe' thing, Silas and Patrick had become friends while working together at the hospital." Then, I got to the rest of it, and, let's face it, Patrick would have never caught on to Nina. Obviously whack job women are his Kryptonite. They can be wearing a fucking sign, and he'd have still taken that Scotch drink even quicker than Silas did. Of course, after the drugging, Silas and Patrick could have sat at the bar at the Floating Rib going "damn, who could have seen that coming?" I so badly wanted him to go to work with Sam as a PI back before he became the mob flunky. Imagine how much better this would be if Shawn was also undercover (which is another thing I wanted for him back when he wasn't awful). His not wanting her involved with Julian would make sense (and not make him a flaming hypocrite), and we'd have an eventual moment where they find out that they're both working undercover (say for different agencies). Shawn could have been so much more interesting, and, instead, they wiped his personality clean and he imprinted on Sonny. Major character fail. While I'm glad we finally have someone, at least, undercover, there have been multiple characters who just scream for an undercover role, and we never get them. And I hate that Ron decided that the answer to fans wanting to see someone like Julian be revealed to be undercover was to bring on a new female character we're not invested in to play the part instead, so he can have skeevy scenes like her potentially having sex with creepy guys to get information. (Side note: Honey, please, if you're thinking of getting THAT up close and personal to the guy you're trying to bust, invest in better tech. Yeah, he totally won't notice that recorder the size of a small brick on you when he starts groping. Idiot.)
  23. I've been watching so sporadically during the summer, since my son is home, that I just realized, I don't think I've seen Ivy yet. I see her mentioned here sometimes, but I don't think I've actually seen her yet. So, she's basically the Steffy stand-in? Way to be creative, show.
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