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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I liked most of that interview, but I find it kind of disingenuous that, after she specifically mentions two different times that she went to Ron/Frank about wanting to play with JT and wanting them to hire BM so she could play with him, too, she tries to play the "I don't go to the higher ups, because they know what they're doing" card.
  2. I know MB is rumored to have asked for a stretch of time off. Is that still something that is coming up? Because here's my fear: Sonny somehow ends up presumed dead (probably by Fluke's hand, or one of Fluke's goons). Michael is devastated, feels awful about disowning him, and almost immediately reunites with Carly (who will, naturally, be playing the grieving widow). Sonny is found alive after Mo's vacation. Michael is so happy to see him alive and well that all is forgiven. I fully expect Ron to ruin two things that I very much wanted - Michael turning on Carly and Sonny and Sonny off screen for a while. This would ruin it all.
  3. I could see her not wanting CT to know while they were filming this season. Because she clearly wanted this to be her chance to go out there and kick some ass and have fun before going back into treatment. If CT knew, he wouldn't have been able to focus on their performance as a team, and she wouldn't have been able to have the lighthearted fun moments with him that she obviously enjoyed. If Johnny knew not only about her cancer being back, but also why she didn't want anyone else to know, I could see him respecting her wishes and just going out that night and acting like everything was normal, for her sake. On another note, and I feel bad for thinking this, but the edit we've gotten of Knight so far, I can't help thinking "if this is what they've chosen to show us, given the hindsight that he died before the season started airing, what kind of ass must he have been?" I mean, he's just so awful to Jemmye. I don't like her much, but I feel bad for her. She obviously loved the guy at some point and still cared about him, despite their issues. And this show is going to pretty much represent some of her last memories of him. It has to be rough to watch him being such a shit, both to her face and in his talking heads. Also, watching all of the performances from each team, I think that there's a certain advantage in an Exes season to being paired with someone you hooked up with (as opposed to having a real relationship that eventually blew up). Johnny/Nany, Wes/Theresa, and Jordan/Sarah are doing better in part because they're all good competitors, but also, in part, because they're not dealing with the kind of baggage that teams like Johnny/Averey and Knight/Jemmye are dealing with. Like that little exchange between Jonna and Zach, where he said he was confident they'd do well, and she immediately thought he was being sarcastic and dissing her. It has to be hard to perform as a team when you instinctively distrust your partner's motives or just plain old don't want to deal with them. CT and Diem were kind of an exception to that, but, they've also had the benefit of a lot of time having passed between their break up and being paired as exes, and they've clearly gotten to a point where they don't focus on the bad parts of their relationship and breakup and just trust and love each other. Most of these other former couples are clearly not there yet.
  4. I miss a lot, so this only applies if Michael does, in fact, know about Fluke's previous existence. He may look at this call as Sonny having found out about the Fluke thing and using that to try to get in Michael's good graces. "Oh, I'll call Michael and tell him to stay away from Luke, because he could be dangerous, and he'll see how much I care! Then he'll have to forgive me!" So he may be writing this off on that basis. As far as he knows, it's ridiculous to be afraid of the real Luke, and he believes that the real Luke is who is presently living at the Q mansion.
  5. She and Patrick would have a lot in common then. Because I love Michael treating Sonny like some dog crap he just stepped in, I'll just tell myself that he thinks Sonny is making shit up to try to get back into his good graces.
  6. I didn't like him much until he started sharing scenes with Kristina and Johnny. But I did appreciate that he didn't fit the soap stereotype of the adopted kid showing up hellbent on revenge against his biological parents.
  7. I think a lawyer could make a decent sexual harassment case out of this mess - Caroline, is essentially, being treated like shit by her boss because she's no longer sleeping with him and he doesn't like who he assumes she is or will be sleeping with. Obviously, whats's going on here is a lot more complex than that, but when you have the boss getting into relationships with employees, that makes harassment not so much of a leap when things go bad like this.
  8. Were those brand new gray sheets I saw on the hospital set? Is there some special "Just The Gray!" home store where they sell everything from paint to linens that Frank has a frequent buyer card at or something?
  9. I assume Shawn will dig up the wrong grave.
  10. Yeah, the Luke/Ethan scenes were really, really over the top. I'd never really seen TG as remotely skeevy before that point, but it had such an undertone of "the show went out and got Tony a new toy" to it.
  11. I just had a horrible thought - Johnny ends up dead and people think Dante did it. Ron would absolutely do that shit.
  12. So, TG's Fan February is coming early, then? (Or is that only if they bring Ethan back for Fluke to grope?)
  13. Well that sucks.
  14. There was also a moment when they were in the living room, with TJ, where Bananas leaned over the back of the couch to hug CT. I felt like those two moments were probably the most "real" moments Bananas has ever had on these challenges. This was just heartbreaking. Seeing CT planning for Diem's return to the house, him wanting to do something to make her smile, his focus on just wanting to be with her. And then they punched us in the gut with that last talking Diem talking head. I kind of wonder if the elimination game we saw was the one they intended for this episode, originally. It was awfully lighthearted for an elimination game. Maybe they felt like the cast needed something not so tense. They didn't even throw gross food in there or add some other element to make it gross. I think Sarah is almost definitely heading for a fall. How many times did we see her gush about her great partner and talk about beating the guys at their own game last night?
  15. Shh! Better not let Maya hear you saying that!
  16. It's very much an "I got mine, bitches, suck it!" kind of mentality. It's like the women in the GOP who say that women (especially young, single women who should be busy trying to find a husband before they get all uppity and thinking they're entitled to a political opinion not given to them by their husband) shouldn't be able to vote. So, you, as a woman, can run for office, but other women shouldn't be able to vote? Right. Don't depress me. I've lost 70+ pounds in the past two years, slowly but surely. It's going to suck if that weight revisits my ass and hips. Ding! Ding! Ding! Anything that comes out of an Obama's mouth is automatically wrong. "Healthy eating? Bah! She's trying to dictate what we eat! I'll show her, I'm going to eat three pieces of cake...for breakfast." It's kind of hilarious how bent out of shape people get over her promoting healthy eating and exercise. I don't remember Nancy Reagan being called "uppity" by the right for her anti-drug campaign. At this point, with 2 years left in his term, if I was the Obamas, I'd be trolling them. Just start promoting the exact opposite of what you want the right to do. Shit would finally get done. I can't believe I forgot to mention the Moment of Zen. Yeah, Tea Party, MLK says "pass." Do they really think this is how it works? Hey, people like that MLK fellow, let's proclaim him a Tea Party hero while not actually doing anything to support the ideas he stood for. Do they think that people will be stupid enough to jump on the Tea Party bandwagon because they decided to call the man a Tea Party hero? The complete disconnect from reality is both hilarious and terrifying.
  17. I never trust a politician who belittles higher education or downplays the value of education like this. It comes across as two things - wanting a voting public with as little education as possible and trying to set up an "us vs. them" mentality between those who do and do not pursue higher education. Huckabee was ridiculous last night. He exhibited another of my politician red flags - refusing to be pinned down as to an actual meaning to anything he says. As a Jennifer myself, I'm all for Jennifer week.
  18. I'd lay even odds on a Fan February episode where the kid who plays Spencer plays every single role on the canvas for a day.
  19. Ron's going to fake us all out - Fluke is really Jason.
  20. I get the same impression from him. I think he agreed to do the show to help Nikki out, because it's a way to help her boost her career without involving his personal life in his in-ring life. But he's very conscious of how the show portrays him (especially after the 1st season where they tried to paint him as this cold, controlling guy). I think he refuses to participate in anything that will make him look bad. I feel like the show really wants to get certain moments out of him, and they end up having to compromise because he won't go there for them. I've heard before that he refuses to become a "bad guy" in ring because his relationship with the young fans is too important to him to become the "bad guy" in their eyes, so it makes sense that, given how important his role in the company is to him, he wouldn't want this show to put any dents in it.
  21. Yep. He's one of the few sane people on this show, and I usually walk away liking him a little more each episode (save season 1). Eva is an idiot. My son and I spent at least half the episode urging her husband to just get out of that relationship now. He keeps reminding her that her health has to be more important than her job, and she refuses to listen to him or even acknowledge that he has a valid point. A couple drinks with the Bellas, though, and she's all ready to go have the surgery? She's shown him in many different ways that he will never be first for her. Whether it's her career, her insanely over-involved family, or her friends, there will always be something or someone else that rates first to her. And while I'd ordinarily not approve of a spouse contacting your employer, in this case, I feel like he was justified. As Brie pointed out, this wasn't just about the danger to her. Any time she's in the ring with someone else and she's not fully healthy (or close enough to it), she's endangering the other people in that ring. The company deserves to know that she's dealing with this, for her own health and safety and the health and safety of their other employees.
  22. Didn't Liam and Ivy sleep together when they were in Amsterdam? After the boat outing? I could swear I remember love scenes in their hotel room back then.
  23. That whole episode seems so out of character for aIll, compared to how they've been in other episodes. It makes me wonder what order they were taped in and originally intended to air in.
  24. I have to admit, I never liked Angela, both as a character and as a love interest for Shawn. So on that count, I'd have no issue with Shawn and Maya's mom. However, I don't see anything "there" between these two, so it would be much better to just have him become a father figure to Maya without the romantic involvement with her mother.
  25. The impression I got was that she let him believe she wanted them. She said she didn't tell him she didn't want them, because she was afraid he wouldn't want to be with her and marry her if he knew. That leads me to believe that they discussed it enough that she was well aware he wanted them. Maybe she figured she likely couldn't have kids, so she wouldn't have to admit that she didn't want them.
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