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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I floated Anthony as a possibility way back on TWoP. If it ends up being right, I'm going to be disturbed at how in Ron's head I could get. Not only did he not know him as his father prior to the shooting, but the entire reason he was in town was to bring Sonny down. Sonny proves him right - that he is a remorseless criminal who would gladly shoot an unarmed cop point blank in the chest, and Dante feels loyalty to him and goes against the life he's devoted himself to as member of law enforcement because it turns out he fucked Dante's mom when she was a teenager? Because that was the extent of their connection at that point.
  2. Now that I watched the whole episode through... OK, the guy with the "I'm single and ready to mingle, if you know what I mean....sex" (I still don't even know his name). Ladies, stay away from that. For the love of all that is holy, THAT guy should not get laid. Please don't let me down this season. What they've shown so far of Knight makes me wonder what kind of footage they have of him overall. Because him grinning to the camera about the many, many, many times he cheated on Jemmye was icky. And I cracked up at "I don't mind the heights thing, but 5:30 AM??" Because while I am terribly afraid of heights (in that manner, put me in roller coaster that high or driving over a big suspension bridge, I'm fine, but that high just out there? No), that 5:30 in the morning thing would be a deal breaker for me. I wanted to smack Bananas with his entitlement when Wes talked to him. I really wish Wes would have thrown his ass in just for that. I think I really like Dustin and Jessica. So I was happy to see them put into Exile instead of just done for the season. I hope we get a decent amount of footage from the Exile crew as their numbers grow. And, finally, could the "Are You The One" girls have been any more desperate for attention? "Let's slap on our bikinis and go climb all over each other next to the pool full of guys!" I had a roommate one year in college who was like that, and I always liked the guys who rolled their eyes at her antics. It kind of became a litmus test for me.
  3. I know Caroline is mad, but how she didn't just bust out laughing at Maya's "this portrait means I'm the new leader of the family" stuff, I'll never know. That's really the only appropriate response to that shit. As for who's done bad, while I prefer Caroline and Ridge to Rick/Maya so much that they're not even in the same universe, I do acknowledge that everyone is in the wrong, to varying degrees. And while what Caroline did was probably the worst thing a woman could do to Rick, I feel like, at least, she kind of fell into it (not an excuse, by any means). Maya and Rick have both been intentionally shitty. Until Caroline sets up house with Ridge and calls Rick to come over "and talk" so she can blindside him with Ridge's prominence in her home, Rick's still being the bigger ass here. If he doesn't want anything to do with her anymore, file for divorce and move on with Maya.
  4. I imagine if you replace "ham" with "Sam" in the internal dialogue that my old dog had running in her head, you'd pretty much cover what's going on in his head.
  5. So he should totally be on board with Samtrick when he remembers who he is. Provided, of course, he hasn't killed Sam for Helena before that happens.
  6. Well, yes, technically they are only about each other, right now. But that's because all of Liam's other options are out of the country.
  7. The only reason one should ever go to Liam for relationship advice is to find out what he'd do and then go do the exact opposite.
  8. I have to agree. I'm not a big fan of the "we're fun! And cool! Look how cool and fun we are!!" Steffy/Liam crap.
  9. I don't think Ron gives a crap as to whether what he writes for a character today lines up with how that character was in the past. Their established history has nothing on his plot of the day.
  10. I thought from the beginning that their entire "relationship" was because one or both of them wanted to be a pair on an Exes season. (My money's on Jordan if only one of them was playing that angle.) I don't think many of the RW/RR universe relationships are "real" as much as hookups to kill time and, now, hookups to qualify for Exes. If they went with legitimate relationships, they'd run out of people to use on Exes seasons.
  11. She can teach him to always back up his important documents...by writing a list with crayon and stuffing it down your shirt for safekeeping.
  12. Yeah, I really don't get why they're all letting Rick walk all over them. It's Eric's house, he's welcomed Ally and Ivy to live there. Why would they listen to Maya or Rick and believe they need to head on out? Just ignore the baby having the tantrum and go about your lives, ladies.
  13. Haven't we also seen that they extort "protection" money from some local businesses?
  14. I spent way too much time pondering exactly this sort of stuff when Carly was in the panic room. "Where/how does she go to the bathroom? Where are the clothes coming from? Why isn't her hair all greasy and stringy?"
  15. There's some little part of me, watching this, and looking at it the same way you watch a scripted show, knowing a spoiler ahead of time, and just really wanting that spoiler to not be right. Seeing Diem talking about wanting to win to afford a surrogate was just heartbreaking.
  16. Sonny is probably believed to be responsible for the death of Patricia's friend/child/neighbor/dog/neighbor's dog/first grade teacher, but it will turn out that Julian did it all along. But her work come from someone else handing her a business to run, usually someone she's been sleeping with. (I can't remember exactly how she maneuvered her way into owning part of the MetroCourt, but I know it wasn't Carly working her way up on her own). And her last business (the night club) was funded with mob money from Sonny.
  17. Or Spencer scenes. We can't cut those. I'm surprised we haven't had a scene of Spencer berating Michael for being mean to Uncle Sonny yet.
  18. With the moobster in jail (and out of Michael's life), AJ dead, and no Jax in town, Dante is essentially the paternal figure for those two, I'd think. I'd like to see him actually be that, because God knows he's been far more invested in what's best for either of them than their moobster father and beast of a mother have ever been.
  19. Absolutely. They could have hired John Paul Lavoisier for the role.
  20. I spend too much time figuring out which direction the story line crossover is going between this show and the WWE story lines. Like Brie and Nikki - did they decide to write in this story of Nikki being pissed at Brie to back up the Nikki turns on Brie story line WWE was selling? Or did they decide to do "Nikki turns against Brie" in the ring to prop the Total Divas story line? And Nattie and TJ, I don't even know what to believe there. My gut tells me that, in reality, their marriage is just fine. But did they come up with this "TJ is a clueless tool who neglects his wife" thing on Total divas to give TJ his current persona in the ring, or did they come up with the in ring stuff to bolster the story line here? (And if their marriage is genuinely in trouble, it's really bizarre and crappy to play out story lines about their marriage crumbling here and in the ring. This show has given me a whole new appreciation of John Cena, though. I get the impression that he has his limits as to how far he'll go playing their games. I think he participates to some extent to help Nikki's career, but after the first season, he's not willing to look like an asshole for the sake of the show's stories. He didn't want to play the bad guy for Nikki's "I was married" reveal. And while the mid-season "cliffhanger" was "are John and Nikki over for good now?" after her family's interference, he subtly made it clear via social media during the fall that their relationship was just fine and dandy, via a few tweets and pictures about the two of them (and I don't think he normally does stuff about his personal life on social media).
  21. He needs to go hang out with Eva's brothers. They're birds of a feather. The only thing I liked about the whole John/Nikki/Bella family stuff was John, surprisingly. I liked that he said he wouldn't sell her family out to her, and then, even when she knew they'd talked to him, he was still not one hundred percent sure about telling her exactly what was said. I think he manages a healthy balance of putting her feelings first while not doing something he's totally against. He loves her, and he was willing to walk away if not having a husband and kids was going to make her miserable, he was willing to keep her family's talk with him secret so as not to trash her relationships with them, but he's not willing to go the married and family route with her just because it would make her happy, when he's not in a place where he's ready or comfortable with that. Nattie, good Lord. All her fretting over the test and anyone at WWE finding out she may have eaten a pot brownie, and I'm sitting here saying "you do realize you're being filmed right now, right? That ship has sailed." I laughed for a few minutes when, after pasting that fake "no, we're fine, but it's been a long day, and I'm just tired" face on to kick Paige out of her house, she then turned to her cat and cooed about what a "phony bitch" Paige is. Honey, you are the definition of phony bitch. * I feel like all of my posts on this show should come with the "pretending this is remotely real" caveat.
  22. I assume that the "fan campaign" is his mother, grandmother, and a handful of aunts. And how desperate is that whole "I don't know what I did to deserve this" spiel? When a woman dumps him, he must call all of her friends and family saying the same type of stuff.
  23. "It's the Q's fault! They only stock those old defective condoms in their crypt!"
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