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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I was going to say the same thing. If she's not fond of BM, you'd never know by their onscreen interactions. Some of her co-stars should take note. I do agree with Ambrosefolly, though, if she does have an issue, I'm guessing it's that she knows she'll just be JaSam roadkill here.
  2. I'm confused as to how one "stalks" someone who seems to enjoy spending time with them and who seeks them out to spend time with them. If Liz is stalking Jason, I'm stalking a whole bunch of friends and family.
  3. Well that sucks. He was actually pretty good. I think he'd be perfect as Lucky (if JJ is out of the question). And we'd have the tiniest, most adorable police force in him and Dante.
  4. Or, since it was a December episode, the Target Lady with holiday shoppers. Anything is better than Garth and Kat. I honestly don't think I've ever laughed at those two. Ever. Target Lady I've laughed at, depending on the characters she interacts with.
  5. The way Lucky left things kind of smacks of "deadbeat" but who knows what the hell the rocks have been telling him to do all this time. Also, he didn't leave right after the Nik/Liz reveal. He was around for a while after, even married to that plot-point Harlequin Romance ripoff, Siobhan, for a while. His leaving was kind of a cumulative thing - Niz, Siobhan, his spending what seemed like days on end staring at old Vicodin pills under his couch, and, most importantly, Jake's death. I think it's not remotely fair to Liz to pretend that he left town because she screwed Nik. I'd place the lion's share of the blame on Luke for his departure, to be honest. But, yeah, I know, Liz is the worst, etc, etc, etc.
  6. I think it would be insane to have the two of them jump into "let's have kids!" already. They essentially just met. And since, for them, having kids would have to be something they sat and talked about and put in a big effort to make happen, it wouldn't be remotely plausible at this point. The only exception would be if Lucas somehow ends up with Ava's baby. And that would be kind of odd, given his lack of any relationship with Ava whatsoever. If that kid doesn't stay with Kiki and Morgan, I'd put money on Lulu/Dante as next in line (with Carly desperate to get her claws into her as a means of remaining in Sonny's life). If they're recasting Lucky, I want Mark Lawson.
  7. Honestly, other than Lulu and Maxie, Sam and Liz have been the best at attempting to put past shit behind them and at least try to be civil. Shit flares up every now and then with them, but, other than that, they try. I can't think of any other woman on this show who has managed to be friendly with a woman who she's had any conflict with (whether it be over a man or something else).
  8. I think the idea was that Rick would realize he still loves her, they'd be fully back together, sex and all. Then, after Caroline finds out about Maya and his plans to screw her, Ridge, and his father over, she find out she's pregnant with his baby.
  9. Are they still recounting the votes for mayor?
  10. You'd think that, after they've already been seen once (by Ivy), Rick and Maya would wait until he's through the door and it's closed before they start kissing. These two are clearly way too stupid to pull this "sneaking around" thing off for much longer.
  11. I swear, if Ron trots out the "redemption by rape" trope for Franco, I won't be held responsible for my actions. But, don't you remember? He very grudgingly, with much whining, refrained from killing her father so he'd be around to donate again if Danny relapsed. He wa a fucking prince! Merry Christmas, everyone!
  12. I liked that they went with her not taking one now. As someone mentioned, the various animal groups generally discourage giving pets as gifts (especially surprise gifts). So I like that the message there was that Pam wasn't ready and shouldn't get a new pet on any timetable but her own.
  13. I can't remember details right now, but, several years back (hell, it may have even been more than a decade ago), didn't one of the soaps essentially cut off access to one of the soap mags over something? I can't even remember what it was about, but I think it was SOD (or maybe SOW), and the cut off was extensive enough that the synopses section for that show each week was a week or two behind all the other shows, because the magazine just wasn't getting the info as timely as they were from the other shows. Given how petty Ron behaves, I can see the soap press fearing that they will lose all access to GH (cast, spoilers, everything) if they get on his bad side.
  14. Definitely not just you. That moment had me thinking there was going to be a lean in for a kiss or something. I do wonder if they're thinking of going that way. With Hope gone and Steffy coming back, it seems like they might want to go with Liam/Steffy and Wyatt/Ivy. I've seen the whole intentional incorrect name thing a lot, although typically in guys, when they're being dismissive of some other guy who the girl they like might be into. It's a kind of cocky, "you're no competition for me," thing, but I've never seen it as racist (or seen it used exclusively towards someone of a different race). I do think Caroline is a "class-ist" towards Maya, but I don't think it's about race. I think she knows that the whole being "good enough" for the Forresters issue is a hot button for Maya, and she wants to undermine her confidence. And, again, the "good enough" isn't about race, it's just about Maya coming into this situation from a "wrong side of the tracks" type background, including a stint in prison. If the Forresters weren't white, but still were this powerful, wealthy, "old money" kind of family, the issue would still be there, I think. At least, I'm assuming they're "old money." But, I'm a relative newbie here. I just get that impression.
  15. I want to smack myself for saying this, but I saw chemistry between Ivy and Wyatt today, especially in that scene where they were standing right up close to each other. I actually think that's more chemistry than I've seen from her and Liam (on her side, I think Liam is better with her than anyone else he's been involved with, although his best is still opposite Quinn or Katie). Even the dogs looked embarrassed to be a part of that corny mess today. But I'll take Diablo, just send him my way, show.
  16. That intro ended up playing like the video version of hunting trophies mounted on a wall for Guza.
  17. I'd be in, except that if they retcon, you just know it would be fucking Franco. And he and Nina would get to raise the baby after all. I'll just go bleach my keyboard now.
  18. Even if she doesn't know, specifically, about the whole CEO for life thing (or whatever the hell Rick's pulling), I'd still see it as a work concern for her. Rick is the CEO, Caroline is the designer, Maya is the "lead model." This stuff has already spilled over into the business. And there's zero chance, even without Rick's master plan, that the CEO cheating on the designer with the model isn't going to hurt the business eventually. But, once she does get wind of that document, she'd be stupid to not blab to anyone who will listen and rip that pen out of Eric's hand. But, yes, she should tell Caroline, if they're friends.
  19. If Ivy thinks Hope was mean to her in Amsterdam, wait until Steffy gets back and decides she wants Liam again. (Although I fear the show might not be able to resist going for a "Liam sleeps with one girl thinking she's the other" given the general physical resemblance.) If it didn't involve the business they all work for, I'd agree. But, since this affects the company, Ivy would be an idiot to just sit quietly. If she doesn't tell right away, I'd like to see a scene where she learns Eric is contemplating signing that paper, and she goes running to tell him what's going on.
  20. But they've all been to visit Johnny. I'll just keep telling myself that.
  21. I'd buy that. Doesn't want him tied to Ava at all or with a kid at this age. The only time Morgan could have been swapped would be right after birth. Which I'd assume they'd have to put the blame on either Alcazar or Ric. (Or maybe Courtney, since she did take the kids out of town right after Morgan was born). Or Ron could go ultra creepy and say that when Ric was trolling Carly back then with the possibility that he was the father, what he really did was impregnated her with someone else's embryo completely. Because Ron is apparently obsessed with embryo musical chairs stories.
  22. If this DNA test is the prelude to switching anything, it almost has to be that Morgan was switched at some point. If the test shows that Carly isn't related to the baby, but we're going to end up finding out that Morgan is, in fact, the baby's father, then it would mean that Carly isn't Morgan's mother. Since we saw Carly give birth to Morgan on screen, then the only thing I can get out of it is that, at some point, Morgan was switched. As a baby would make the most sense. I mean, I know Carly and Sonny aren't parents of the year, but I'd think that, once he grew out of newborn stage, even they would have been able to recognize "this isn't the same kid we had yesterday." It seems odd to me how Ron, who is never one to worry about little details like medical accuracy, went to great pains to hammer us over the head with the whole "Morgan isn't being tested against the baby, just Carly is, and if Carly isn't related to the baby, then the baby can't be Morgan's, because Morgan and Carly share DNA" thing. At some point, I assume we're going to get baby in peril and Sonny doesn't match. Then Sonny and Morgan will slut-shame Ava for a while, demanding to know how many guys she banged at that point in time, and eventually, Silas will convince Morgan to get tested. No, wait, Kiki will convince him, because Kiki is the greatest thing ever.
  23. This is so true. Especially about Nina - I keep feeling like I should have more sympathy for the character than I do. Her husband cheated on her, she was put into coma for years by her own mother, and she lost her baby. She should be someone you can at least feel for, someone whose anger and resentment seems perfectly understandable. But between MSt's acting choices and Ron's writing, I just can't.
  24. My thought was that he went back to Texas for Christmas.
  25. I question whether Ron knows that Aiden exists at all.
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