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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I'd like to think that, after she spends some time with him, she'd be as annoyed by Spencer as I am. Or at least that she'd talk to Nik about his crap parenting skills. Something. I think that 99.9 percent of what I like about this show lately is exactly that.
  2. With Riley sitting right there with Cory, how can Angela have no idea who she is? Also, just reading over her Twitter page, it's kind of off-putting. There's a fine line between being supportive/appreciative of your fans and seeming extra desperate. I think she crosses that line a little too much.
  3. If Quinn had any taste at all, she'd be pushing for a Steffy/Waffles reunion so her son can go after Ivy. I mean, come on.
  4. Really, Wyatt is the son far more like Bill. (He's no Bill, but he's a hell of a lot closer than Waffles.) Judging by some previous spoilers/spec, and the description for the show on my channel guide today, I'm developing a theory on this INS thing:
  5. "This kid has been known to hang out with that hitman for Sonny Corinthos. Of course I assumed he's a criminal!"
  6. Oh, Waffles. You're so very, very waffle-y. Why do I have a fear that they're going to go all in with Ivy plotting with Quinn, just to throw her under the bus so Waffles can be with Steffy?
  7. And, honestly, I don't think the little actress is bad at all. It's more in some of the writing. (Although I do think that some of her interactions with Topanga aren't that obnoxious). So it's not like if they realized that the character is annoying people that the only option is putting the actress out of work. I have a feeling that, if they wrote her better, the character would be better.
  8. Riley's outfit is almost as bad as Angela's hair. Almost.
  9. It's like Ron had ideas for more than one character, Frank told him they couldn't afford all of them, so Ron just threw them into the blender that spit out Sloane.
  10. Not until either Liz or Carly tells him to. Florencia Lozano if Ron had his way? Or any party in Port Charles. Why do these people still keep showing up to big parties? Although I guess, at least this time, nobody was in actual mortal danger at the party. So..success?
  11. I've been thinking Faison, but I'm not completely sold on him yet.
  12. And how long did Silas have AJ? Shouldn't she have showed some sign of having been the donor? Wouldn't Sabrina, a nurse, notice something when bathing and changing the kid?
  13. I agree, it's mostly Maya's story, and this is how Shawn relates to her. Basically, Shawn's important to the characters in the GMW universe, and Angela isn't. (Which makes sense - Shawn is Riley's "uncle" and he and Cory were the original Riley and Maya. Angela is Shawn's ex who we clearly saw left the BMW universe separately from the rest of them (her to Europe, Shawn, Cory, Topanga to NY). I do agree with everyone, though, if they make Angela out to somehow be in the wrong because she's had a life for the past 15 years, that's just ridiculous. I can see the kids who watch this though, who weren't invested in the original, but are invested in Maya getting what she wants, viewing Angela as an obstacle. Maybe those kids have heard from their parents how important she was to Shawn, and that makes them uneasy with her return.
  14. Didn't she have a thing for Liam when she first hit town? Wasn't that the whole reason for the makeover she let Quinn give her?
  15. I know. What I'm saying is, is the show going to necessarily portray her as a villain? I'd really only consider her villainous if she comes back, happily married, finds out Shawn is potentially interested in someone else, and, despite being married and not wanting him for herself, she tries to throw a wrench into his new potential relationship out of jealousy or some need for him to still be in love with her, so she knows he's always warming the bench if she ever wants him again. Growing apart from him because they were on different continents and they both grew in different directions (which Shawn sees as another example of someone leaving him), and coming back as an adult to talk to him about their past and maybe work through any lingering issues as she prepares for the next stage in her life isn't the show painting her in a bad light, in my opinion. And Cory and Topanga not jumping in and correcting him, especially in front of the girls, makes sense to me, on this show. This is the same show here we had an episode centered around Maya being hurt because Riley didn't defend her against being called "short" even though she is short and it came from someone she teases all the time. So the two of them letting him slide with "she left me" as a rather vaguely incomplete description of what happened to end their relationship fits into that same kind of attitude. In the end, I think this episode boils down to this: They've been working on bringing back pretty much every old cast member/character. They are intent on the Shawn/Katie thing. But, they know that some of the BMW viewers might want some resolution to Shawn/Angela before he moves on to someone else. So they bring her back to fulfill both the nostalgia and the need to move Shawn on to a new relationship. I don't think the intent is to make Angela good or bad, because it isn't about her. What they say they think people will be pissed off, I think it's more of an awareness that the shippers don't want to see her come back just so it can facilitate a move on to Shawn/Katie. Of course, I don't think this is even about Katie either. This is Shawn seeing a kid who has gotten a similar raw deal to the childhood he had, and he feels connected to this kid and wants to make it better for her.
  16. Has Shawn ever specifically mentioned Angela as a "leaver" on GMW? I know he's talked about how he's the one who gets left, but I always took that as more a reference to his family than anything else. Yes, he could consider Angela a "leaver" as well, but I think that it isn't even a reflection on her at that point, but just his overall feeling that, other than Cory (and Topanga), everyone in his life has really left him. Angela had a reason, at least, as opposed to, say, his father, but the end result is still the same - Shawn feels like he is always being left. I'm probably not wording this right, but, in a nutshell, I don't think it's about a statement on Angela's character, but about a statement on Shawn's perspective on his life, and why he hasn't settled down with someone yet, and why he feels a bond with Maya. I would think that Shawn seeing Angela is married and contemplating starting a family would be more of a way to bring some closure to Shawn to feel like he can move on from wondering "what if" about that relationship. She doesn't have to be a villain for that to happen. Of course, I would absolutely agree with any of her fans who feel she isn't going to get any real perspective here, because this is clearly not about her. It's about Shawn working out his issues.
  17. I almost choked at Wyatt's reassuring Ivy that "you're just as lovely as Steffy." Ummm...what? Steffy wishes she was anywhere in the same "lovely" zip code as Ivy.
  18. It's a downgrade, if you ask me. They're both criminal toolbags, but Shawn was much hotter. Given that this is Morgan, and he's not exactly Mensa material, I hope Ava covers tomorrow with some ridiculous lie that no one with two brain cells would believe, to explain her "I've missed you" comment in the previews, and he continues on and screws her. I so want to see Kiki deal with Morgan going from her to her mother AND from her to her aunt.
  19. At this point, I think that's all he really wants. He gets to get laid while being Steffy's rebound guy, and he's helping out Ivy/Liam by keeping Steffy occupied. (And, hey, if anyone wants to spread the word to Hope that he's screwing Steffy, so much the better, I'm sure. Because he can probably guess that she'd go crazy possessive/jealous, even after she willingly left him and filed for divorce).
  20. I do agree that I would love to see Topanga and Maya have that kind of story line. I don't really think, though, that Maya is really bugged by the stuff Farkle does. She clearly cares about Farkle, considers him one of her closest friends, and, to the two of them, their relationship - he flirts like crazy, she shoots him down - works for them. I get the impression she'd be disappointed if Farkle stopped paying attention to her (which may be, in part, where she got the idea to try showing disinterest to Josh). As for Josh, I feel like he discourages the overtly "romantic" stuff, but he kind of enjoys Maya's antics in general. He's pretty much always kind to her, and rather gentle in his reminders that they aren't right for each other, but he also laughs and smiles when she does silly things. I think the only thing that has really bugged him is that she showed up at the college, because that was an overt attempt to interfere in him establishing age-appropriate relationships. For example, when she was on his back, I don't think his protests were genuine, but more joking around with her (and, probably, some relief that this was the Maya he's used to dealing with, as contrasted with his previous statement about there being a new maturity to her).
  21. It's really and truly awful. I just can't believe that anyone is walking around willingly with that on their head. As for the Angela/Shawn thing - I also think it's unnecessary to bring her back (of course, I never really liked the character much, so, grain of salt and all). But, I guess I can kind of see why they did it. Apparently there are a lot of Angela/Shawn fans out there, so the show probably felt like they had to address it in some way. And her being married makes it a situation where Shawn isn't "choosing Katy over Angela." I don't see her being a "villain" because she's now married to someone else and contemplating kids. As others have mentioned, not everyone marries their high school sweetheart. And considering how "broken" both were and that they went their separate ways after college, it makes sense that they would both move on and develop other romantic relationships as they matured. My college boyfriend and I had a similarly "volatile" relationship (minus the messed up family lives), and while I still care about the guy and all, even if I wasn't married now, I can't imagine the two of us ever being romantically involved again. We're different people now. And, in the years since I met my husband, the ex and I have had conversations where we have both just touched base to see how the other is doing and where we talked over our past and the mistakes we both made, talked about how that impacts our current relationships, etc. I do think it's ridiculous if we don't get a single Angela/Topanga scene, though. I mean, she's in town, she sees Shawn and Cory and doesn't see Topanga?
  22. Wasn't he promptly kidnapped by the Serial Killer after that? I've blocked out a lot of Franco garbage, but I swear I remember that happening.
  23. I didn't feel like anyone put Josh in the wrong for not wanting to be in a relationship with a kid in 8th grade. I felt like the girls were just trying to get Maya to actually talk to him, get her real feelings out there, and have him hear her, because it would be healthy for her. Nobody ever gave me the impression that they expected him to start dating her or declare any reciprocal feelings, but just that they wanted to make sure he wasn't just dismissing her, because she had gone to a lot of effort to make this statement to him, and she's a kid. I got the feeling it was more of a "this girl is going through her first crush, and we want to help her get through this without it being a complete disaster" kind of thing. Once Josh sat and listened to her, no one was pressuring him to do or say anything. He was the one who then made the decision to get up and leave so he could walk the girls home. Yes, they dangled the "when you're here, you'll be 18, he'll be 21, and it won't be such a big deal" carrot in front of her, but there were two angles with that - reminding her that it is a big deal in the here and now, and they likely know from their own experience that it's not realistic to think this girl is still, at 18 in college, going to be hung up on the same guy she's hung up on as a 14 year old 8th grader, so it's not like they expect her to show up on campus her first day of college looking to marry Josh or anything. In their minds, it's probably relatively safe to remind her that life won't always be like this, and she won't always be an 8th grader who is too young for the relationship she says she wants. Riley with the college kids was cute. Both Maya and Josh saying "OK, bring her back," cracked me up. Oh, and the "you married Topanga, and you're like 20 years older than her." "We're the same age!!" "What?!?"
  24. I could get behind that. Alex is pretending to be Anna so none of the bad guys realize she's out of town hiding Robin. I'd take it.
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