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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I think that, given the Tonya thing, they are going with any unwelcome touching of someone else's genitals as their line in the sand. I totally forgot to record last night, so I'm going to have to catch the repeat next week. But Johnny losing and then posting a stock X-ray image to claim his ribs were broken, after ripping Wes for "faking" an injury is just too delicious. Does he have a setting other than "raging douchey hypocrite"?
  2. And she had this air about the way she interacted with him like she was the one he has this decades long relationship with and not just the short term revenge thing they actually had.
  3. I'm hoping they ask Shawn to help, and it somehow leads to Morgan looking like the drunk.
  4. I feel bad for Keo, because I like him, but he is almost definitely going first again this time. She was so off-putting. And I'm never of the mind that people are just free to comment about a woman's body because of how she dresses, etc, but for her to have an entire intro package about her boobs, for her to essentially make her living off of being "the girl with the big boobs," and then to act like she was going to get the vapors because Bruno commented on her having a formidable chest? Come on. That was actually fairly tame for Bruno. Also, she can't dance. I think the judges knew she was going to be week one fodder, so they didn't even really try to be fully critical. They just threw some generic stuff her way, Julianne threw her a bone with how hard it is for a long limbed girl to do that in week 1, and they patted her on the head and sent her on her way. It's ridiculous. She's judging her brother, a guy who is like her brother (Mark), and now her cousin. And Julianne seems intent on establishing herself as the other "serious" judge with Len sandwiched in between the two clowns. At least her hair looked better last night than it did at any point last season. Someone clearly got the message that her hair, makeup, and wardrobe last season were as unflattering as humanly possible. I love that Val, when Len said it could be his season, said "I want it to be her season." I think he is one of the best pros in the cast at focusing on his partner and working with them instead of trying to mold them into what he wants to do for the season. "The Olympic all around champ paired with our all around champ." Stop show. Just... stop. And, really, Derek? Busting out your usual mid-season rule breaking in week 1? And repeating a completely lame "joke" is pretty typical Derek at this point. Dude, we caught it the first time, we just didn't think it was funny. Repeating it like a toddler trying to get Mommy to laugh isn't going to make it funnier. Peta is one of those pros who my opinion of her is based almost entirely on who she has each season. I liked her last night. And, as has already been mentioned, it's a relief that we won't have to watch her spend the season trying to work some showmance angle. And Michael is adorable and fun. I hope they last for a while. And, God, Riker's hair. Someone fix it. Please.
  5. And in hair and voice, she kind of reminds me of LW/Carly. Reminding me of two Carly incarnations is going to make for an extra icky viewing experience when she and Morgan eventually start boinking.
  6. He also needs to admit that going in against Leroy isn't pissing him off because Leroy is his "only friend" so much as because Leroy is the most likely to own his ass in an elimination. Leroy and Nia already eliminated him and Nany once.
  7. Well hell. Now I'm going to be disappointed by anything other than mime.
  8. I don't know what's more obnoxious - his claims that he "put Sarah and Jordan on top" when Sarah and Jordan have been kicking ass just fine on their own all season, or his whining about being thrown in against his only friend there, Leroy. You mean the same friend you all but asked Sarah to throw in to the last elimination to do your dirty work and take out Wes? That "only friend"? He's such a loathsome hypocrite.
  9. I've been conditioned by years of watching Ron Carlivati (current GH head writer, former OLTL headwriter) to not expect eventual reveals to match up to what we've seen on screen. So, yeah, this is the kind of shit they would do. It also doesn't leave the porn thing out of the question either, just because Maya's reaction to potentially doing porn a year or so ago doesn't match up to that being her history. Like I said, whatever it is, it will end up being lame. I should have added "and, likely, insulting to the viewers' intelligence."
  10. It would also make Maya look really shitty if her response to that isn't to want some kind of conversation with her and, instead, to see the child she gave birth to and called a sister her whole life as the enemy who needs to be shuffled out of the picture ASAP. I think the secret is going to be lame. There's just no way it's not lame. The only way I buy it making anything other than a momentary ripple in her relationship with Rick is if it is that she did know who Rick was before hitting town and was set on landing him for his money and power. Even then, I think Rick is enough of an idiot to buy a placating "but I genuinely fell for you and I'd love you even if you didn't have a pot to piss in."
  11. The only way that conversation could make sense is if Maya believed that Nicole never knew she was her mother (so their parents raised her as theirs and never told anyone), and Nicole came across the information somehow herself (or Mom or Dad got drunk and spilled one night or something). But, still, you'd think that Nicole revealing that she knows would lead to some kind of conversation about it, not just Maya acting like a scared bunny and Nicole smugly posturing. I didn't before, but now I kind of want Brooke to end up back with Bill. It would serve Katie right at this point. God she annoys me. What would she do then? Go after Deacon?
  12. This, to me, is the worst part of all of it. Like I said before, if these kids get hurt, their education should still be covered and their medical bills should be covered. They're getting hurt in the process of making a lot of money for the school. Make it so that their scholarship moves out of the sports department (since I know there are typically limits to how many scholarships each team can give), so it frees up a scholarship for another player, but this should be, basically, an insurance situation, where the school has a policy that kicks in and covers the scholarship and medical costs.
  13. "This is Shawn's job, have him kill Julian." Pause. They both start cracking up. I was going to say the same thing. He probably does the catwalk strut to the bathroom, too.
  14. Oh, Jake, I know you don't have your Jason memories, but, if you did, you'd remember that, to Sonny, everything is personal. You working for Julian. Michael bonding with AJ. The local CVS running out of his favorite hair grease. The maid (or Duke?) not cleaing up the slivers of broken bar ware quickly enough. All personal.
  15. I had to laugh during Sam's conversation with Julian about Jason. "We were so good together, even through our worst times...like when he threatened to kill me after I watched an unbalanced woman kidnap his baby and sent some thugs to menace Liz, their baby and her other son."
  16. Did I hear Sonny say that Sam was "the widow of one of my closest friends"? Has Jason been posthumously demoted from BFF? Duke's taken that slot now?
  17. And in return, the leagues scratch the schools' backs, with things like the NBA requiring players to be out of high school for one full year before they can be eligible for the draft. So, essentially, even if someone is ready and able to play in the league, they are required to play at college for one season - risking potential career-ending (or altering) injuries, their draft stock dropping, etc, along with putting off earning a living at their job for a year. Add in that, like Jalen Rose's story last night, some of these kids come from very poor families, where it is a legit concern that their family might not financially survive, or they really want to get their family out of crime-ridden neighborhoods, and it's absurd that these kids can't make a single dollar off their talent while their coach is paid a king's ransom and their schools (and the NCAA in general) are making money hand over fist off of their talent. And then, if they do, God forbid, get that career-ending injury in that required one year of college play? Well, sucks to be them. Thanks for all that money you made us, now get out. There should absolutely be some sort of disability fund built into all schools' athletic departments. And if a student athlete suffers an injury that makes them unable to play, they aren't just shunted off and forgotten. They should be able to get the education their initial scholarship promised. And their medical bills should be covered. They suffered that injury in the act of earning a mega crap-ton of money for the school, so the school should be responsible for covering that injury. On a side note, when this issue first started heating up, Kyle Long (Bears player, and son of Howie Long) was tweeting his support for the students to get paid. People ripped into him for it, saying he had no say in the matter, because he wasn't a stereotypical "poor college student," having grown up the son of an NFL player. Because he didn't go to school and play on the field with plenty of kids who weren't as fortunate as he was and see what life was like for them? Or he didn't deserve to be compensated for the work he did for the school on the field because he happened to be born into a well off family? I really don't understand the general public/fans being against these kids getting paid (and covered for injuries). I mean, I understand why the schools don't want to do it - they're greedy bastards who have higher financial gain if they aren't sharing that pie with the kids. Fans should be pressuring the shit out of schools to change this. Seriously, I'm just astounded that schools get away with this shit. "Oh, we can't possibly afford to pay those kids. Where would we get the money?" and "We'd like to announce the signing of our new head coach to a $40 million dollar contract." It reminds me of an old Dilbert strip that my husband and I still quote every now and then - in a meeting, they first talk about how there won't be raises because the company hasn't made enough of a profit, then the next item is announcing new executive bonuses. The exec turns to his secretary and says "you were supposed to put the United Way update in between those two items."
  18. Oh, agreed. Old actor sucked but had chemistry. GMc sucks with no chemistry. And the character just sucks period. Ideally, one of Shawn's errant shots would manage to go through both him and Duke.
  19. I know the show thinks that GMc is the better choice for the role because he's a "name" soap actor and all, but the original actor had way more chemistry with Finola. (Not that I wanted to see them as a pairing anyway, but there is just nothing there with GMc and FH). Don't feel too bad for wishing him dead. I mean, by my calculations, if he bites it now, he'd still have 6 more lives left.
  20. It might take him a while. Duke's got, what, 7 lives left?
  21. It would be hilarious to find out that the real reason KA left the show was because she found out Kiki was going to sleep with Sonny and that was just a bridge too far for her.
  22. They could all totally hang out (and be patronizing douchenozzles to their sisters).
  23. Well, we can only take his word for it. And since Sonny said numerous times that the only reason he wasn't killing her while she was pregnant was because it was possibly his kid (never mind that the other option was that it was his grandchild), I'm going to have to take him at his word that, yes, he would have killed her ass if that wasn't his spawn she was incubating.
  24. I'd be genuinely surprised to find out that they really, truly did not hook up in the exile house. When there was that little mid-commercial break clip of her talking about how their "strategy" was to tell everyone how miserable the exile house was, all I could think through the whole thing was "and we did it on every single surface of that sucker." She is so pathetic over him. If I wasn't so disgusted with her, I'd have major second hand embarrassment for her.
  25. This. I kind of wish BM had been cast as Lucky, because he and Becky do have a nice little chemistry. But I know that, as per usual, they're just going to use Liz as a speed bump to Jason getting with someone else. And her character will probably be trashed some along the way to make it clear that she's the "loser."
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