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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I wonder how much of the Hope/Liam/Steffy back story Ivy knows. That "Liam and I are sleeping together" moment seemed kind of awkward, but then I wondered if she knew that Steffy exploited the whole "Hope wants to wait for marriage" thing, so she wants to make it clear to Steffy that wagging her open for business crotch in Liam's face isn't going to be as effective here, because Liam's already getting laid on the regular? Seriously, though, Ivy, the worst thing you can do is let someone like Steffy see that you're threatened. That's an opening to her. I was beginning to think that Maya's sister was just some mass group hallucination we'd all experienced. At least she does exist. But I have zero interest in the back story of two characters who were not remotely a part of the show or connected to anyone on the show when said back story was a thing. And, I mean, come on, doesn't Rick already know that Maya did time? What the hell else is in her relatively young background that would be a bigger deal breaker than that?
  2. Because she's an idiot. Tomorrow is going to be an entire episode devoted to Spencer's lingering between life and death, isn't it? What's the Vegas line on whether he sings "My Way"? That preview is amazing, though. I'd like to think that whoever put that together knows what a shitshow this is. Because there is no way in the world that any sane human being put that together on any serious level.
  3. What he needs to say, if he genuinely wants her to stop, is "even if I wasn't with Ivy, things are over with us." Because protesting that he's with Ivy is not, in Steffy's mind, a rejection, it's a challenge. How long has he known her? He knows that "I'm involved with someone else" is basically an aphrodisiac for Steffy, not a stop sign. I liked, during the "everyone but Rick" meeting with Eric, as Eric was trying to find ways to rebuff everyone's complaints about Ric's behavior, when Caroline, clearly in disbelief that they even had to debate whether Ric had lost his mind, said "oh, and there was the time he fired a gun in here!"
  4. Yeah, I think there are a lot of people who just know what a sick fuck Ron is, so they are trying to imagine the most distasteful story lines possible and throwing them out there so that, if one of them pans out, they can say "see? I told you!"
  5. It will forever remain a special kind of "only on GH" stupid that a baby could be taken away from her mother, because Mommy is dating a cop, and given to her father, who worked for the motherfucking mob. There's a lot we are asked to hand wave in soaps, but this one? I just can't.
  6. Don't you remember? That was totally Julian's fault! How dare he not want to die?
  7. I find any adult male who gets all excited about the Swimsuit Issue coming out like that to just be creepy and sad. It reminds me of the creepy ass guys who used to come into the local drug store I worked at in high school and stand at the counter, pretending to count their change, check their receipt, or whatever to keep stealing glances at the Playboys and the like that were kept behind the counter. I haven't read the books, but I have read excerpts from various blogs, and, Lord, it's awful. Really, really, dreadfully, high school English class first draft, awful. (And I may have been too hard on high school English class first drafts there...) I will never understand the Twilight fascination in the first place, so the fact that some crappy fan fiction based on it has somehow become this big deal is just mind boggling. I'm always slightly disappointed in my gender when the general female population swoons over shit like this. We have to expect better, ladies. As for the movie, I heard someone describe it as "two hours of the stuff you fast forward when watching a porn movie." This does not surprise me. They were never going to make this movie truly "dirty." They didn't want to risk the rating and damage profits.
  8. They said that Krane had these kids stashed all over the globe, and the ones who were there early on, from the attack and all, were summoning the others, back when they were following Adam around and "hiding out" at the Davenport house. My guess is that the younger kids weren't part of the army in the attack because they still weren't fully trained and ready. I just still want to know where Douglas is. I miss him.
  9. Lord. Ron would probably try to secure the rights to the theme song from the SNL "It's Pat" skits.
  10. I'm waiting to see Eric have a scene with Ivy and Ally where they tell him how things have been. How is he going to justify Rick's shit to them the same way he was with Ridge and Caroline? Is he really going to be cool with Rick and Maya treating his granddaughter and niece like crap just because they could?
  11. And you'd think it would be the center point of the whole thing. I also want to see Michael point out the parallel between then and now. Sonny stole Michael from AJ by torturing him while holding him captive. Sonny held Ava captive, continually threatening to kill her as soon as Avery was born. If they want to Fan February me, then bring Lexi Ainsworth back for a surprise 2 day or so return where Kristina gets on the stand as one of Michael's star witnesses.
  12. I want them living over Kelly's. Just because that little shit, Spencer, deserves the reality check.
  13. Wasn't there some scene, before his "death", of Jason acknowledging that he'd done AJ wrong? I'm on day 6 of 103+ fevers, so I could be totally imagining that, but I could swear I remember him actually being somewhat remorseful about it at some point in the not too distant past.
  14. I just imagine TC and JT looking at each other right before the scene starts "ready for this crap?" "Do we have a choice?"
  15. The answer to this is one of the biggest reasons why Nik is an idiot thinking this somehow works - Helena has minions. Lots and lots of minions. All of her work can carry on while she kicks back on the island (where she, of course, has minions as well, who will enable her coming and going as she pleases, while Nik remains informed that she's being held). Seriously, this is Nik's solution? He is such an idiot.
  16. When they were in the same frame during the show yesterday, I was struck by how much those two look like they could be father and son.
  17. Maybe they'll both get married. And then we'll get a scene of clueless Carly showing up at the Q mansion to suggest to Michael that they have a double ceremony. Does Spinelli even know what kind of complete and total asswipe his story makes him sound like? "Well, my girlfriend, who was great, way better than I ever deserved, told me that she thinks I still have feelings for Maxie, and broke up with me. So I figured I might as well come out here and see if Maxie is up for it, even though I know she's in a relationship with a nice guy and she's given me no indication that she's interested in going there again." God he's a useless sack of shit.
  18. I still contend that the town should have loved and thanked AJ. He helped "birth" the town Messiah. Without his drunk driving, there would be no Jason Morgan. Hell, he's practically the Creator. 6' here, and if you put me in a room with Billy Warlock and Steve Burton, I'm going right for Billy. Every.Single.Time.
  19. I still want to know how Liz was at Nik's seemingly before Jake was even in recovery. I mean, was she not in the OR with him? Show it on every holiday. Sonny's shoe polish is hilarious. Can Spencer be useful for once and start their scene together "hi Uncle Son.....whoa! What happened? Did you paint your face?" If Michael doesn't have his attorney question Carly on the stand over her previous efforts to have Sonny terminate his rights to Morgan, I am going to be SO pissed off. I assume we'll be getting a Carly/Sonny wedding soon, to make them a "stable couple" to keep Avery?
  20. I missed that, but, at this point, nothing would surprise me. I swear, I remember liking Nik at one point. It's like each writing regime has ruined him in their own special way.
  21. I kind of want Ivy to just walk out. Not without Liam knowing she saw them and all, but I want her to walk out because this shit is Liam in a nutshell. He doesn't have enough respect for whatever relationship he is in at any given moment to not continue to put himself in this situation and to not stop things in their tracks when they get like this. It strokes his ego that Steffy is still sitting there professing her love for him. So even though he says "I'm in love with someone else," he still doesn't put an end to the situation. Steffy is still sitting there in his living room, still right in his personal space, and still, eventually, getting her surgically enhanced lips all over him. But, afterwards, he can tell himself "hey, I told her I was in love with someone else." And Steffy knows that, no matter what he says, he's going to let her kiss him, and flirt with him, and get close to him. Because this shit is what Waffles does. Eric...dude...I mean...
  22. I couldn't stand Britt, but still... I have zero doubt that Nik, if anyone even dared bring up the hypocrisy, would respond that Britt's "betraying lies!!!!" broke him and led him down this terrible path. Or some such shit. Nik is never, ever, responsible for his own shit. It's always some woman's fault somehow.
  23. I've had a 103 fever all freaking week, and they gave me FUN!!Steffy! I was pissed. And I sat there in sheer terror that we'd also get a "cha cha cha" before the episode ended. I have the Death Flu, show, don't do this shit to me.
  24. So..today happened.... Liam is feeling frisky and wants Ivy to hang out a little longer in the morning or play hooky with him. She can't, but, don't worry, Liam, FUN!!Steffy is still in town. Watch FUN!!Steffy put on a bikini! And it's only 50something degrees out!! Watch FUN!!Steffy double dog dare you to go swimming with her! It's FUN!!Steffy! Lord. Eric. Oh, Eric.
  25. I really think that Brooke just didn't want to be the bad girl who had stolen her sister's man. So she figured she'd make one last ditch grand gesture to give Katie a chance to get back with Bill, it wouldn't work, and when she came back to town and Bill was waiting with open arms, she'd look somewhat better in this whole mess, because, well, she tried. It's not her fault that, even given time and space without her around, Bill and Katie just could not get it together. I don't think she genuinely wanted Ridge when she came back, but when she found out that Bill was with Katie and Ridge was getting involved with Rick's wife, she decided she should swoop in and reclaim Ridge to get him out of Caroline's clutches.
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