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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I assume that, whether it was you thinking you read it or someone actually writing it, a severe fever dream had to be involved. Or Ron wrote it. I think they were successful in the beginning (well, sans the whole way that relationship began). But it went south, like so much that starts out promising ends up doing on this show. It's really been degrading to the character of Tracy while simultaneously trashing Luke into someone it's impossible to root for any longer. I think Ron was actually really, really good at times on OLTL (more before he started buying his own press so much). Part of that may be because he knows that show much better than he knows GH (despite his professed love of GH). And there have been some moments on GH where he's been quite good, as well. The issues, aside from his own ego, are things like poor follow up once he gets to whatever "big moment" he has been building to. He has a tendency to get laser focused on one story line for a stretch of time, and then he gets distracted by his new shiny toy once he gets the moment he wanted, and he leaves the aftermath dangling while he goes wandering off to his next big moment. And then, of course, there is his determination that whatever interests him is what interests his audience, and any viewer who dares to feel differently is just a "hater." Of course, I can't forget the entirely too heavy emphasis he places on things being a surprise, to the point of not having a logical build up to that surprise.
  2. The only thing I could remotely guess there was that they were going for "Riley knows Lucas so well and how much of a good guy he is that she just 'knew' he would have gone to volunteer." I was offended on Cory's behalf at that line. All through season 1, we saw him do his best to be as much of a father as he could be for her. Two instances that stick out are when he bought her a smartphone and found a way to give it to her without it feeling overtly like "charity," and the father/daughter dance.Of course there were countless other examples, too, pretty much every episode. I get that Shawn is going to move into even more of a "father" role in her life, but Cory has filled it admirably in the past, and it's insulting that the show now wants to erase all of that. She comes across as so desperate. She's acting like her not being in this series as a regular is some sort of racial statement. The reality is, there's really no place for her on an ongoing basis, and it has zip to do with the color of her skin. The show is about the girls, for the most part, and the adults that are in there are there for the ties they have to the girls. Obviously, they wanted to find some way to keep Shawn around as much as possible for the Cory/Shawn nostalgia factor, but they've done so in a way that ties him in to the girls. Eric showed up to help resolve a problem between the girls. There's no ongoing story in Angela and the girls. And her not getting to play a role as long as she wants to is in no way, shape or form, similar to Caitlyn Jenner feeling able to be herself. I mean, seriously, what the hell, Trina?
  3. I didn't see Angela not being satisfied in her marriage. She said to Shawn that their relationship was basically a place for both of them to learn and grow from, so they were ready for more meaningful relationships. She didn't seem jealous or anything like that about him moving on with Katie. She essentially told him to do so. She came to Shawn because she knows that he is the one person in her life who truly gets the whole "abandoned" thing that left her feeling like she could never be a good mother. She and Shawn talked about that during their time together, and he shares the abandonment experience. It felt to me like this (having kids) is something she wants to do, but she needed that boost of talking to someone else who understands where she's been to get their take on it. He gave her the push she needed to move forward, and then she returned the favor by giving him a push towards Katie and Maya. I got lingering affection out of their scenes, but no pining for each other and no questions, in Angela's mind, about her relationship with her husband. I also think the concerns people had that Angela would be playing the "villain" to the Shawn/Maya/Katie thing weren't realized in the episode. She was lovely, caring, and honest. I mean, she had Cruella's hair, but that was the only thing remotely "villain" about her tonight.
  4. AB even looks beautiful crying. And she is definitely too good for Waffles. (But, girl, grab a spine!) The only reason I want Steffy to hook up with Wyatt is so that we can see yet another woman be way more into Wyatt, in the physical sense, than she is his waffling brother. And we all know what's coming here: Ivy will keep her citizenship status from Waffles. Wyatt and/or Quinn will find out and help her, so Wyatt can have the "prize" that is Madame. At least we'll get more Ivy/Quinn scenes out of it?
  5. Yep! I was thinking "if only we could have slapped you into a gondola for this conversation."
  6. And deny himself the extreme pleasure he gets from having more than one woman fall all over him? If he had firmly but gently informed her of his marriage first thing, he might have missed the chance to strengthen their bond a little bit more first, to assure himself that she'll still be pining for him while he's being all "noble" and staying married to Ivy.
  7. I don't think anyone was calling him stupid for not returning her feelings. The girls even acknowledged that the age difference is too big right now, at this stage in their lives. They just wanted him to hear her out. The threat to tell everyone he belonged to Maya was over the top, yes, but it also wasn't about browbeating him into a relationship with Maya, it was about just getting him to listen to her, so she wouldn't walk away from this encounter emotionally damaged. And I really didn't see them as planning out the next 5 years of his life with regard to Maya. Those girls likely know that the guy you have a crush on when you're in middle school is not the same guy you're going to want to be with when you're the age they are now. They've just lived those years. And they also likely know that you can't tell someone in Maya's shoes "you'll be over this guy before graduation," because she won't hear that now, and she'll likely just dig in deeper to prove them wrong. What those girls did was basically let Maya down gently. Yes, they forced Josh into taking part of that, but I think their hearts were in the right place, and I never got a vibe of "you have to return her feelings, and you WILL be with her as soon as it's age appropriate" off of the whole encounter.
  8. What the hell did I just watch? Was it two grown ass adults (well, chronologically, at least) playing with those cheap ass parachute toys and acting like this was the most fun they've ever had in their entire lives? We get it, Steffy is FUN! FUN!! FUN!!! When Steffy busted out the Aspen wedding rings, I was laughing my ass off. Are we now pretending that wedding was the height of romance and not manipulation to keep him from reuniting with Hope? Are we just going to pretend that the Hope side of their "love story" just never existed? Or will we get the romantic flashbacks of Waffles dumping her ass and choosing Hope? Ivy, honey, you deserve so much better. Move on and find a real man. Wyatt at least shows some semblance of growth in telling his mother he doesn't want to do Hope Round 2 in taking crumbs from yet another woman who is still in love with his brother. Sadly, I'm sure as soon as Steffy goes to rebound to him and lick her wounds over the Waffles/Ivy marriage, he'll forget all about that, though. If not, he's officially the smartest on in that age group on this show.
  9. Plus, I think they took into consideration that she didn't just sneak out to go party. She went because Maya was going to go whether she went with or not. Add in Riley's obvious huge dose of guilt, and they probably felt like this wasn't a time where they needed to bring down the hammer.
  10. Really, isn't that the point of the bulk of the plots on this show?
  11. I haven't watched today, but I assume Lucky is missing? Has anyone checked the rocks? He may still just be sitting there waiting for his next message from Jake.
  12. I believe the issue is that if you're here on a visa, you can't leave the country and just get back in. So if you need to leave the country for a brief period, you have to get a permit that allows you to leave and re-enter the U.S.
  13. Am I completely remembering wrong, or was Dillon actually a pro-Luke guy back before SC left? I could swear I remember him really liking Luke (maybe even more than he liked his mother). I'd buy his lines coming out of Ned's mouth, but Dillon hasn't been back long enough to see what kind of man Luke has become since he left town.
  14. And you have to wonder if she backed out because of him or she had a genuine conflict, and this guy is just enough of a self-important douche bag to think that everything is about him. I think the fact that BU has worked with both of them and didn't hesitate to call this guy out and defend KA probably tells the story. (I know she and KA are good friends, but she could have just stayed out of it entirely instead of publicly calling the guy out for his shit.)
  15. I'd like to think that, after she spends some time with him, she'd be as annoyed by Spencer as I am. Or at least that she'd talk to Nik about his crap parenting skills. Something. I think that 99.9 percent of what I like about this show lately is exactly that.
  16. With Riley sitting right there with Cory, how can Angela have no idea who she is? Also, just reading over her Twitter page, it's kind of off-putting. There's a fine line between being supportive/appreciative of your fans and seeming extra desperate. I think she crosses that line a little too much.
  17. If Quinn had any taste at all, she'd be pushing for a Steffy/Waffles reunion so her son can go after Ivy. I mean, come on.
  18. Really, Wyatt is the son far more like Bill. (He's no Bill, but he's a hell of a lot closer than Waffles.) Judging by some previous spoilers/spec, and the description for the show on my channel guide today, I'm developing a theory on this INS thing:
  19. "This kid has been known to hang out with that hitman for Sonny Corinthos. Of course I assumed he's a criminal!"
  20. Oh, Waffles. You're so very, very waffle-y. Why do I have a fear that they're going to go all in with Ivy plotting with Quinn, just to throw her under the bus so Waffles can be with Steffy?
  21. And, honestly, I don't think the little actress is bad at all. It's more in some of the writing. (Although I do think that some of her interactions with Topanga aren't that obnoxious). So it's not like if they realized that the character is annoying people that the only option is putting the actress out of work. I have a feeling that, if they wrote her better, the character would be better.
  22. Riley's outfit is almost as bad as Angela's hair. Almost.
  23. It's like Ron had ideas for more than one character, Frank told him they couldn't afford all of them, so Ron just threw them into the blender that spit out Sloane.
  24. Not until either Liz or Carly tells him to. Florencia Lozano if Ron had his way? Or any party in Port Charles. Why do these people still keep showing up to big parties? Although I guess, at least this time, nobody was in actual mortal danger at the party. So..success?
  25. I've been thinking Faison, but I'm not completely sold on him yet.
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