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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Carly was just a fuckbuddy to Jason. Then she was Michael's mother. He's never, truly, been romantically into her. I think there was a point where he might have considered it, when Robin was gone and he knew how much Carly was into him, but then he saw her screwing Sonny, and that option shut down for good in his mind.
  2. I have very little doubt that he pulled a "do you know who I am??" at the ticket counter, trying to get them to put him first in line to get on a flight when they resumed.
  3. When is LiLo getting back from maternity leave? Because I need a scene where she goes off on Dante for cheating on Lulu with her cousin.
  4. Or the kids think Jake is immortal, and keep doing more and more dangerous things to him, and Helena keeps having to ride in and save him. "Nikolas, tell your son and his urchin friends to stop killing Jake."
  5. I can't speak for all kids, but my 12 year old loves the Eric episodes. Those are the ones he watches more than once, completely into it each time. Tommy and those flashbacks made me tear up. I remember crying when those episodes originally aired. And Cory and Topanga running at the end was perfect.
  6. The vibe I get off the actress thing, beyond the first time it was mentioned, is that it's something she now knows she isn't really going to get to do. It's still that dream of what she always hoped she'd do, but she gets that she has to work in other areas because it's not just her dream anymore - she has a kid she has to be responsible for now. When she first started working with Topanga, I think there was a scene of her doing some voice, and she basically said that it was how she was going to "act like a waitress," or something along those lines. And, even in that episode where she came into the class "acting" for career day, I got the impression that it was more embarrassment over the fact that she is still waiting tables instead of being in a career she wants. (Of course, it could also be that they just felt free to be more over the top with her when they weren't planning on her being a major part of story down the road, and now they've pulled back on it.)
  7. That one I can at least make sense of in my own head - Jason Morgan has been portrayed as the be all and end all of heroes for years. So, Helena's thinking was probably that allowing him to be himself and holding Jake over his head to keep him doing her bidding wouldn't last long, before he rounded up the troops and rescued Jake. Much easier to just implant mind control chips in his brain and not worry about him going rogue on her or anyone else finding out that Jake was alive and living with her.
  8. Lucky to Luke: I wish you had a father like mine. Me: So, which of you do you wish his father had mowed down in the street, you or Lulu?
  9. With a list of PC residents who would be affected if she were to have Robin reanimate that corpse.
  10. I had forgotten how much Guza looked like he could be Elton John's demented brother.
  11. How many dead bodies does Helena have on ice, anyway? Does she have some contact at the morgue who gives her all the bodies scheduled for cremation or something?
  12. Clearly, they all hit different little kids. And Helena swapped one of them in for Jake.
  13. "It really was not something we were planning to do" seems to be the official motto of GH these days.
  14. Has anyone seen Pillowena lately? I love that his definition of "made it work" is "Helena explains it all during a commercial break." Now I kind of want to see how many off screen conversations about it we get. Lucky brings him home to Liz, she is shocked and asks "how?" We come back from commercial to Liz saying "Wow, that's an unbelievable story!" Then Liz explains it to Jakeson, Patrick, Sam, Epiphany, Sabrina, etc, all during commercial breaks. Speaking of off screen, is Monica going to actually get some screen time with her resurrected grandson? Or will Tracy just get those scenes by proxy? Oh, and if Liz doesn't at least float to Nik some curiosity if he knew his grandmother had her son all this time, I'll be annoyed. She knows he's willing to go to any lengths at this point, so she has to at least wonder if one of the secrets he's been keeping for Granny is her faking Jake's death.
  15. While Sonny struggles to remember the number for 911. And then Shawn would thank him for being with TJ in his last moments since Shawn couldn't be. And Jordan will sleep with Sonny, because he shares her pain or some such shit.
  16. Those spoilers - do they really expect me to believe that Carly is going to have more than a moment's upset that Sonny is still in the business? She has never cared.
  17. I haven't seen today yet, did they really explain Jake's resurrection during a commercial break? Do we need to seek out Helena's Twitter account to find out the details?
  18. I agree - I can see Sam thinking Patrick is the kind of guy she should want to be with and giving it a go since he's willing, they're both single, and they both have young kids they can raise together. But even if Jason was really, most sincerely, dead, I can't see her actually sticking with him long term. Someone more exciting would come along.
  19. I didn't even think of that (probably because Carly only spends time with Joss about once every 3-4 months). That shit will piss me off. I refuse to tolerate Jax's daughter living in the Moobster's house. Fuck that.
  20. My UO is that I still don't see any real chemistry between Jakeson and Sam. I think part of it is that BM is playing Jake very joke-y and not at all "into" Sam at this point. And part of it is that he's still not remotely "Jason" to me, so he doesn't seem like Sam's type at all. (Of course, neither does Patrick. With both men, I just can't see Sam being into them.) I think she had better chemistry with Silas (although oddly I didn't see it with McBain). And I think he has better chemistry with Liz and, unfortunately, Carly. Add in that I'm always a bit squicked out by real life couples, and, given the new relationship btw KM and BM, I'd much prefer we just get a retcon that he's not Jason after all, so we can avoid the pairing completely.
  21. Maybe it was Jerry. And, in that case, I kind of want to see the footage.
  22. Carly, Sonny, and the next kid who's going to be shot/blown up due to Sonny. Gotta throw the baby who will no doubt be in a coma at some point before she hits driving age to up the cute factor.
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