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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. She should also loathe the asshole who couldn't figure out how to call 911 if you spotted him two numbers.
  2. If there's one thing we're never in danger of, it's BryDog becoming humble.
  3. There is no chance at all that Helena is actually dead. No chance. TC could not have had any fewer fucks to give during that bedside scene with "dead" Helena at the end. A sleepy toddler would have given a more energetic, emotional line reading. I had a really crappy night of sleep last night, and I have dark circles under my eyes on a good day (thanks, genetics!), so they were really noticeable this morning. I'd like to thank KeMo and the makeup department for those ginormous circles/bags under Sam's eyes today. They made mine look like no big deal. Seriously, is that intentional, to make it look like Sam is losing sleep over this whole mess, or had Kelly just not slept for a week and a half before filming those scenes? As for the cabin scenes, I'm pissed I didn't get my murder/suicide. Morgan's just useless. He couldn't take out Kiki or his beast of a mother? Useless.
  4. I think Patrick is responsible for his own shit. Honestly, the thing I think would have made this story better is him being the one (as opposed to Liz) who found out. Patrick deciding to place the blame for his split with Robin on Jason's shoulders (and conveniently ignoring is own role in it), and deciding that it's "justice" for him to have Jason's wife and child would have been a more interesting story, I think. And when Jake was revealed alive, Patrick could have continued to reassure himself everything was as it's meant to be, because Jason is with Liz and their son (ignoring, again, what he's doing to keep him from Sam and his other son). It would be nice to see the guy have the "I broke down over the messed up state of my love life" break versus it always going to the woman.
  5. God, I've been good. I don't ask for a lot. But, if you could grant me this one scripted murder/suicide, I'd be ever so grateful.
  6. This is more what I meant. What Sam did doesn't justify what Liz is doing, but, as far as I'm concerned, Liz get to throw Jake's kidnapping and Sam's subsequent behavior in her face as much as she wants if Sam gets overly bitchy with her, from now to eternity. At minimum, she's entitled to at least one "well you should know what would drive a woman to let someone think their loved one is dead." I mean, at least Liz doesn't taunt Sam about Jason's death, and Liz certainly didn't enable Jason's death. What Liz is doing is shitty, no argument, but Sam still has her beat, IMO. And, yes, when no one else in town ever truly pays for their shit, then I'll be pissed if it's Liz who loses everything, and over fucking Jason. (I'm using "fucking" as an adjective, there, although I guess it fits either way.) If Sonny gets off essentially free and clear, with the added bonus of the mayor (or was it governor?) fawning over his "heroism" and Michael taking him back, then fuck Liz losing her job, friends, or kids. And, as I've said before, I'll be so pissed if Nik gets less blowback than Liz. Here Nik is going to likely end up "rewarded" with a romance with the woman he tried to kill. So, yeah, screw Liz getting publicly drawn and quartered as the holy hitman and his mob moll take her son.
  7. I wish they would have broken the mold and made her the "good girl" character who is still actually interesting and not a sanctimonious bore. It is actually possible, show. There's a happy medium between Hope and Steffy, and Ivy was poised to be that, until they decided they needed to take her down several pegs (to prop up the Bratz doll). Agreed. And it definitely wasn't under Steffy's nose. Liam was Ivy's boyfriend. Steffy is the one who came back and tried to make a play for him under Ivy's nose. Twice. The fault in the Liam/Ivy marriage was entirely Liam's. Which brings me back to the first part of my post - Ivy was poised to be the interesting good girl back then, when she had the dignity to tell Liam the truth about her citizenship status so he could make his own decision. Why they needed to ruin that awesome character to leave her unable to resist the skeeviest man in L.A. is beyond me.
  8. I still think Jason should be the one who handles Liz (not in his hit man "handling" method). He's the one who has a relationship with her (both his friendship with her as Jason Morgan and his current romantic relationship with her). He's the one whose trust she's betraying. And, as someone who remembers all of the Liz/Sam history, I have zero interest in seeing poor widdle Sam getting to vent her spleen at Liz. And Carly? Bitch, no. Back off, Cujo. If you had been involved with Jake and found out he was Jason, your ass absolutely would have kept it quiet because you were finally getting your dream. So you have zero room to talk, honey. Take all the seats.
  9. Actually, my guess is that Thomas would be OK with it if Wyatt was still in the dark. He seems to get off on the idea of seducing another man's woman behind his back. So carrying on with her while Wyatt was none the wiser would probably appeal to his skeevy ass. (And he'd likely get bored and be over it if Ivy dumped Wyatt to be in a relationship with him). Of course, that goes against the "clear consent of all parties" part of it, I know.
  10. I assume that's a rhetorical question?
  11. Now imagine how bad Liam must be in the sack, since it's clear Wyatt's WAY better than him.
  12. Did I just imagine those scenes of Ivy, before sleeping with Liam and Wyatt, talking about what a big step sex is for her and how she doesn't indulge in it without being in a real relationship with real feelings? I guess cousins count as a real relationship?
  13. Seriously, I don't think I've been this skeeved out by a character since Michael Cambias on AMC.
  14. After the peanut and Chipotle meat clips, I said "is Huckabee hungry?" So I loved that Trevor followed that up with a montage of him talking about food. I think he's just constantly hungry.
  15. I think he's perfectly suited to the Bratz doll he just proposed to.
  16. If that's what's happening (and it's not what I'm seeing on my TV), then it's only fair. Liz has been shit on enough to make this whole fucking plot point story drag on, so if someone else gets a turn getting the writers' feces dumped on them, then I say go for it. Why should she be the only one shit on here? Regardless, it's still not going to "clean" her. If anything, the longer this goes on, the dirtier it gets. So I don't see how this remotely does her character service.
  17. Dear Editors: You forgot to include the multiple times Liam chose other women over Steffy, all the manipulation Steffy engaged in to keep Liam away from the women he really wanted, and Steffy's "thing" with Liam's father in your romantic engagement montage there. Ivy. Thomas. Vomit. Yes, who hasn't hoped for a moment out of time to bone their cousin?
  18. She doesn't need Roger any more, she got Mo back. She knows what side her bread is buttered on.
  19. All I keep picturing is "Hey, we've got a great opportunity for you to get in on the ground floor of an exciting business opportunity and earn enough money to get yourself off the streets and into a real home. You can join us in the thriving multi-billion dollar skin care industry." "Um, I just wanted some gravy on my potatoes..."
  20. "Oh, yes, thank God. Otherwise, I was going to have to go into work. Do you think I should call in or just let them figure out I won't be showing up on their own?"
  21. Why? Why did I click on that? I think that just ruined Thanksgiving AND Christmas. New Years isn't looking too good, either.
  22. All part of their sinister plan to make us beg for more "Rick and Maya's Immaculate Conception Baby" air time.
  23. I'm not going to lie, at this point, I hope he's giving her the same damn one. Unless he's going to sneak into Katie's poetry book and steal that raggedy red ribbon to give Steffy instead. I'm just in this story to point and laugh.
  24. Shh!!! They'll hear you!! Don't give them any ideas. Sad...jealous...
  25. Female what, now? Oh, wait, is that where the wimmens slap each other and call each other bitches? Sonny can't help look for Morgan because he's a selfish douchebag too busy wallowing in his own feelings to be there for his son. And Morgan's dangerously in love with Kiki? Since when?? Does any of the story actually happen on screen any more? We can just find out the why of it all by reading interviews, Twitter, and Instagram?
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