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  1. I feel like S5 flashbacks will be HEAVY on the training montages and fights because at this point there's no way Oliver's the fine tuned weapon he was in the pilot. Probably an assassin of some sort for the Bratva.
  2. It'll probably happen during the hiatus.
  3. As much as I think Oliver and Felicity were really only allowed the ending they got because the world was ending blah blah blah, it felt incredibly unfinished for their arc. Yes, it laid the groundwork for S5, but frankly I don't think I'm going to see what I need to see from their relationship development because that's what the writers do. All of the development happens in between hiatus' and that's not good enough for me. I really need to see Oliver letting her in more and not keeping secrets (which HE WAS DOING UNTIL THE BABY MAMA IDIOCY). And I need to see her trusting him into her heart again. But I'm most bitter about Felicity's story line this year. Frankly, considering all the horrible things that happened to Felicity this year, her going away to have a break would've been completely understandable. She had no ties to Oliver (besides GA stuff), the big bad was defeated, Palmer Tech didn't care about her anymore, she got some answers about her dad "leaving". Havenrock, paralysis, BABY MAMA DRAMA! The list goes on and on but we weren't allowed to see her react to most of those things other than the short 1 episode arc of not thinking she can do Arrow work anymore. I love that Diggle got his arc this year, it was long awaited, but Felicity deserved a lot better than what the writers ended up giving her. It's ok to be unfinished in the wider concept of the show, but it needed to be finished for the season 4 arc. A story within a story but that just didn't happen. I've given up on Thea's story because Malcolm is still alive. When he's dead hit me up.
  4. Season 1 is still my favourite finale because it wasn't wrapped in a pretty bow and made me pumped for season 2. There was a shock value with the second earthquake machine that I've never felt in any of the other finales (except maybe the ILY which was unexpected). It was shocking that the hero(s) didn't really save the day. But I think season 2 had the best build up to the finale. Episode 21-23 were very exciting and they finally got back to basics with OTA which was a delight after a string of episodes that were unlike the Arrow I fell in love with. Slade is still the best villain IMO. I like the season 3 finale better than season 4 because it felt like a welcome surprise after slogging through the muddy waters of season 3. It was rushed and the story of Oliver accepting himself as not only Arrow or Oliver Queen was kind of botched when Al Salhim made a late appearance but it was satisfying. Season 4 had a better arc for Oliver IMO but the finale was like wanting a balloon to pop but instead it just slowly let the air out through the opening. It didn't excite me for season 5 but we as viewers were blessed with the knowledge that Oliver finally has a job after 2 years.
  5. I have to say I sort of look forward to reading your reactions to the episodes. They make me LOL so much.
  6. I feel like you've expressed everything I felt about this episode. Which is kind of weird. You in my head?!
  7. Something I'm a little confused about: did Felicity go with Oliver to the graveyard and just gave him a minute or? Did she follow him there? I'm still stewing because it was Laurel and not Moira.
  8. Yes. This part killed me in my heart.
  9. I think part of the reason why I've felt so disconnected with The Flash this season is because they didn't deal with the fallout of the season 1 finale very well. In fact, Barry was hailed a hero with a special Flash day and a hot beverage named after him. WHEN HE WAS THE CAUSE OF THE GIANT WORM HOLE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
  10. I had hoped that Felicity and Oliver were at Moira's grave but nope the writers WON'T LET ME FORGET ABOUT LAUREL.
  11. Perhaps this is indicative of how I felt of the episode and the season climax as a whole, but I'm kind of sick of dudes ditching their families to deal with their internal issues. Particularly on this show. I understand why he'd do it, but Sara and Lyla are being let down and I'm quite deflated by it. Overall, I don't share viewer optimism about the episode. It wasn't even just meh for me. Season 1 ended similarly, in fact in a worse state, but I was SUPER excited for season 2 then. Now I'm just hopeless. I think I'm over Arrow and it's endless gloom. The only thing I'm excited about is the fact that Oliver finally has a job. #SoBlessed
  12. Episode 14 prepares you for 15. By the time 15 came around I had no strength to rage.
  13. As much as I'd like to ask the same question @dtissagirl the problem I face is that I understand the baby mama drama was never meant to make sense. The only purpose was to break them up therefore applying any logic from my POV is pointless because it MAKES NO SENSE. And if I apply logic, my anger at Oliver boils over and I need calm right now.
  14. Noah is an interesting character because, the show might have been implying in episode 22 that people change, but the way they introduced Noah seems contrary to that. Even a couple of months ago he still blackmailed Roy into stealing something and then still connected with Felicity to steal from Palmer Tech. Dude is pretty self seeking and one day of camaraderie between a woman who seeks approval from the man who abandoned her doesn't take away from the fact that Noah's actions still imply a strong sense of selfishness. And this happened 20 years after he abandoned them (didn't try to contact them) so unless he has a very short learning curve, you could say Donna was very right in saying people don't change. Whereas Oliver had months of openness with Felicity and years where Felicity saw his growth personally. I can't help but defend Oliver (grudgingly) because we've seen so much more from him to contradict the "people don't change" stance. But I don't think Donna should've told Noah to leave. Just as I don't think he should've left if he really wanted a relationship with Felicity. They're both wrong IMO and it'll be interesting to see if Felicity's reaction is at all explored.
  15. I wish I knew what happened in the scene between Felicity and Curtis in episode 18. He seemed very in the loop about their relationship and I would've liked to hear what Felicity said.
  16. *snort* Am I the only one that thinks SA looks incredibly uncomfortable in the pictures.?
  17. I'm surprised so many on this thread didn't like the episode. At first I was skeptical of (for reasons I'll get into) but in the end I was really excited by the episode. Let me just say, MALCOLM NEEDS TO DIE. I'm done with that man, I've been done since I found out he drugged Thea in SEASON 3. To find out he did it again and Thea didn't even take a shot at him? This episode would've been A+ if Malcolm's head was lobbed off. The reason I was skeptical of this episode at first was because of the Smoaks and Curtis. The tone during the first 5 minutes was all wrong, and I might be the only person on this forum who can't stand Curtis. He's really irritating to me. But as the episode continued, boy, I loved Donna and Noah's interaction. I liked Felicity telling her mom that she works with the GA, I loved how Donna felt out of the loop when Felicity and Noah were being Father-Daughter-y and I loved that Felicity really felt like an unfortunate doll pulled between 2 parents who are divorced. It seemed very real, good job writers. It's my head cannon that Donna threatened Noah with leaving him several times before she had enough and took the plunge. I did not like Donna telling Noah to leave again. Felicity is old enough to make her own decisions now Donna. Naughty. I really didn't like the parallel the show tried to draw between Noah and Oliver's actions. The situations really are not the same because Oliver and Felicity were partners in everything and Donna and Noah were at each other's throats about their lifestyles. Oliver did change his secret keeping ways (until plot dictated otherwise) whereas it seems Noah didn't make an effort to change at all because when we first saw him he blackmailed Roy into stealing something for him, then tried to steal from his own daughter. They are trying to draw the wrong parallel here. Perhaps they could've done something with Donna leaving Noah for Felicity's own good and Oliver sending his son away for his own good but William is irrelevant right now. Felicity does NOT need to accept that Oliver will lie sometimes and not change. NO NO NO. THEA BEING DRUGGED AGAIN! I want to reach through my screen and hit Oliver and Thea for not offing that Merlyn. Did anyone see when Malcolm put his hand on Thea's shoulder after saying "we all know why you can't kill me" or some such nonsense. He makes me so mad. Both Oliver and Thea cause themselves heartache by not taking Malcolm down. Diggle took his brother out after his string of bad actions, why is Malcolm a special snowflake? I was so touched when Damien Dhark got emotional because his wife was dead. Guy has a heart. But I adored Anarky for killing Ruvé. That was fantastic and I want more of crazy pants Lonnie Machin and his "mommy" calling ways. I can't say I disagree with Machin for wanting to destroy the dome, but...yeah ok fine there were people in there. People that apparently weren't drugged? Does this mean Oliver's going to have an "I am Iron Man" moment? So he can be their symbol of hope and blah blah just move to a different city. Or country if you will. The action was fantastic this episode. Oliver flew and shot an arrow! Yay for #FlyingArrow! The flashbacks...Poppy is evil and for a moment I was glad she was dead but then...Poppy is evil. Tight story telling, 3 plots only and it was great. No more 15 plot episodes Arrow, I really liked it.
  18. It's funny. In the first half of season 2 I complained that they forgot about Barry and Iris' friendship. Now I complain about how they got them together. I probably just really don't care enough.
  19. Well at least the death was somewhat amusing (to me). The baby mama drama and break up made me want to throw things.
  20. It does make me curious about what the writers and cast members thought about her comments. They're trying to promote Oliver and Felicity and she's like Lauriver for life! Or maybe the cast didn't really pay attention to her Lauriver comments.
  21. It's funny that you say so because I've always thought Oliver and Tony have more in common than Tony and Ray. Tony Stark is like a mixture of the two men. I love Tony Stark!
  22. When Laurel said "anything could happen" I thought it was in reference to dying and getting things off your chest. Even though KC's facial expression made me raise my eyebrows. Now I really just don't know why you would tell your cheating, lying ex that they were the love of your life. Makes no sense. Why would that weigh heavy on your mind?
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