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  1. Seriously who do I need to speak to for a pilot of "Felicity and friends"?
  2. Not that I'm trying to defend Ray, but Felicity slept with Oliver like 3 minutes after she and Ray broke up. Ray also has a history of moving on quickly. Who's Anna again?
  3. Oliver wanted her out of the lair. Why are we attacking him? *snicker*
  4. Most one sided triangle EVER. More like a straight line connecting two points.
  5. This so much. I legit paused the episode and went to get coffee in a fit of rage. Agh.
  6. It amazes me that Laurel can remember anything positive about her relationship with Oliver. Sounds like she believed her lie.
  7. It's not a secret it's a promise.
  8. So...he had that picture in his pocket whilst he and Sara kissed on the ship. Mmmmm.
  9. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww. Diggle is really going to feel it next episode. And Malcolm Merlyn isn't the him. *sigh*
  10. I'm so glad I came here after the episode. I felt bad that I laughed a fair bit throughout the episode, but now I don't. Like what was that? I had to pause the show to make myself coffee because I couldn't BELIEVE Laurel called Oliver the love of her life AFTER HE'S BEEN SO HORRIBLE TO HER. I. Swear. I. Don't. Know. Oliver and Laurel had a HORRIBLE relationship show. Stop trying to paint it any other way when you've gone out of your way to show they do not work well romantically. And why is Laurel shipping Olicity on her death bed? It's unnecessary show. But other than that, completely hilarious.
  11. The line from Laurel made me think "what's wrong with YOU Laurel", but I agree with @nksarmi that it is AWFULLY convenient that Oliver only remembers this stuff now. And as much as Thea was a coconspirator in the "keep William a secret" storyline I totally agree with her shocker. Oh my gosh Felicity just needed to say that line. Even though it would sound bitter SHE DESERVES TO BE BITTER. #ImissFelicitySoMuch
  12. It's that time of year I get away from this thread. Y'all uncover pretty much everything.
  13. This is probably mean but I can't wait until we see people's shock and horror at Laurel dying. *snickers* Oh man so mean.
  14. The show has only actually devoted 3 episodes out of 17 to Oliver and Felicity. 4.06, 4.08 and 4.16. I don't count episode 15 because the ending was pathetic. Otherwise they've been a happy, angst free, soap opera free couple. My issue with Oliver and Laurel isn't their past (although it gets worse every season). It's their interaction NOW. Oliver acts like Laurel is an annoyance and Laurel never listens to Oliver. Where is the OTP foundation there? Laurel spoke to Oliver last episode and beautifully pointed out that he's the idiot who broke his relationship up with his lies. They seem to forever be talking about FELICITY, not themselves. It's beyond me.
  15. It still blows my mind that people want Oliver and Laurel to get together. BLOWS.
  16. Now that you mention it, considering how amazing Oliver was at fighting in season 1 he'll have to be intensely trained in the season 5 flashbacks. ALOT (hehe) by hopefully some Bratva assassin type person.
  17. Oh right yeah I skipped Laurel's Black Canary arc. But thank you for the video.
  18. She had a voice modulator? When did that happen? And what did she sound like?
  19. I think Oliver did actually say it was in self defense or Vlad attacked him. ...in one of the episodes.
  20. Well if they handle it the way they did in episode 17 then I'm encouraged they will be able to integrate Felicity. It made me ridiculously happy that Felicity took the wheel at Palmer Tech to try and save everyone. I've thought for a long time she'd make a good leader and I feel vindicated. Although I'm not particularly happy Curtis is a regular now. I want more story time for Felicity and Diggle and I hoped cutting someone from the cast would grant that but making Curtis a regular has confirmed my fears.
  21. Yep just go dark for a day or two and you're golden.
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