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  1. The only thing I didn't agree with Felicity was her saying the team don't need her. No honey they're all going to die without you. Seriously, everyone will die. I guess she was trying to comfort herself/convince herself about her decision but...yeah no they're going to die.
  2. I think the one time SA was flat was at the end when Felicity was walking away. He plays off EBR better when he looks her in the eyes. Maybe that was the point but it was the only flat point for me. Other than that HUG FELICITY EVERYONE.
  3. Did people want her to not break up with him at all or wait until the next day when he isn't as raw?
  4. I don't know much about law but Felicity, Diggle and Thea testifying to seeing Darhk there whilst they were being gassed, and the numerous eye witnesses that saw Darhk kidnap the three of them should make that case a close and shut right?
  5. The writers still want the irrelevant child to be relevant so there we have it. Nevermind that Diggle, Thea and Felicity could testify to being gassed and nearly killed. Maybe that's Laurel's secret weapon?
  6. I know he wouldn't leave but I can dream. ETA: nevermind, Oliver has to learn to stick around, even if he asked Felicity if it would make her more comfortable to have him go.
  7. To be fair it would be her decision though. Being in a wheelchair, having a crappy father come back into her life to be crappy, Oliver lying to her and proposing a life she wanted then having the rug pulled from underneath her were all outside her power. This actually grants her a little control. Besides she's not losing the team, she's taking a break from them. It would be great if Oliver left but Felicity tends to put in action big gestures when she's had life upheavals.
  8. I assume when Oliver says he can save the city but not his own relationship is in episode 17? It would make sense if Felicity takes a break from the team that he would moan about it after a while.
  9. I just know I'll be waiting impatiently through Laurel's trial while Felicity and Oliver and Cupid hold my attention. This is why I want Laurel off the show. She takes time away from me that I want to spend with characters that interest me.
  10. This is a fantastic post. I'm so here for Felicity snark because frankly, she's ME this episode. I want to throw shade at Oliver so seeing her do it will fulfill my need. Also yes to Felicity taking time. She needs and deserves it. It would suck terribly for anyone to have to work with their were-going-to-be life partner everyday.
  11. I'm firmly on the Oliver is an idiot train but damn if these lyrics didn't hit me in the chest. Hoobastank - The Reason I'm not a perfect person There's many things I wish I didn't do But I continue learning I never meant to do those things to you ...I'm sorry that I hurt you It's something I must live with everyday And all the pain I put you through I wish that I could take it all away And be the one who catches all your tears If Oliver sad pandas all over the place tomorrow night I'll have this to console me even if the show won't acknowledge his stupid lies.
  12. I'll throw a spanner into the works and I say I didn't enjoy the episode. The red kryptonite worked in a way that brought out every negative, arrogant, thoughtless word Kara could've said or actioned. It seemed really unfair that people treated her differently because she had no control over thoughts she would normally control. A person's mind can be a dark place but it's up to the individual to handle their thoughts and not act on every whim. Otherwise many more people today would be murderers or thieves etc. So it irritates me that Kara had no power over this situation that took all her darkest thoughts and allowed them to manifested but she's still being blamed for it. I understand why people would be weary, but for any other individual they might well have done worse with no control. On a different note, Kara's more confident side actually really reminded me of Cat. I thought MB was channeling Cat with her attitude and dress sense (which I liked a lot). And I really thought Kara had her aunt's suit on until I saw the 'S'. Super weird that she'd go for that look.
  13. It pains me to see Felicity having to fake marry Oliver. None of his sad panda face will change how he hurt us. Idiot.
  14. I admit you're the first person I've come across to take the "get the chip" so literally. But it makes sense given that she's demanding it. I didn't watch The Flash when Felicity fought the bee woman. Is she a murderer?
  15. I'm holding out that episode 16 will be an unexpected gift. Episode 16 of season 3 was.
  16. I think the timeline picked up after Oliver pleaded with Samantha to not make him lie to Felicity. It happened but we just didn't see it.
  17. When I first saw timeline 1 wherein Oliver decided to first confirm if William was his, I respected it. But looking back now that was his first mistake. NOTHING in script tells me Oliver was embarrassed by his past and didn't want to talk about it. In fact I'm completely convinced he would've told Felicity if not for Samantha's ultimatum. The show is sticking firmly to this "baby mama made me do it" storyline and I'm holding him to that. It's just that flimsy.
  18. Nope there aren't any L/F moments at all. The only one I can think of is when Laurel asked Felicity what Thea meant about "not wearing it" in relation to the ring. Other than that Laurel has had scenes with Oliver about Felicity though.
  19. Considering Guggie is the brain child of this story, follow that feeling. I expect everything.
  20. That darn episode. As if I needed any more reason to hate Lauriver. Don't mess with my OGs.
  21. I do agree with you that the Olicity break up didn't cause the world to end but it did seem framed in that way. Oliver shut down and kept the circle closed to he, Barry and the Hawks because he clamped up like a shell (like he normally does) in the first timeline after the breakup. Then for whatever reason they had Speedy, Diggle and BC join him because he was being inclusive again in the second. I can't remember if Barry told him exactly who went along but I don't think he did. In actual fact it had nothing to do with Oliver's frame of mind and everything to do with the meteor whatsits but I don't think it's fair to say it's (simply) shipper fannon.
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