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Everything posted by cooksdelight

  1. They have casting calls in various cities. I know they had one in Atlanta for this series.
  2. Oh lord, this is going to be priceless reading https://www.facebook.com/MamaJoyceFans
  3. Ohhhh, Folie a Deux is coming on ION East! I love this episode. Piper Parabo is such a good crazy mom. And I love Lynn Redgrave in anything.
  4. They might bring back some of the kids he beat, maybe, but I agree with you. One Hunter was enough.
  5. OK... I get it now, too. That's a good explanation. Declan didn't really give me a whole lot of insight because I kept thinking about his dirty hands eating chocolate bars. :)
  6. I think Declan was the one with her, waiting in the car, at the flower shop. But I still don't get his addled-mind logic that killing Goren's brother and giving him Nicole's heart would "set him free."
  7. Me either, they throw them softballs and someone always cries.
  8. The prelim winners get nothing except to go to the finale. Then the four finalists play to win $25,000 and some type of scholarship to a culinary school. For once, FN ponied up some money and something nice as a prize.
  9. I was snarking on the crazy haired lady last night who was dancing around and talking to herself. What a fruit loop!
  10. Yeah, the heart in the box was the only redeeming thing he ever did.
  11. I thought some of you who are Kent's fans would enjoy reading his blog http://kentrollins.wordpress.com/2014/06/18/urban-cowboy/
  12. "Frame" is on ION East right now. It hurts to watch this episode. I hate Nicole.
  13. The new episode last night was kind of boring. In fact, I don't remember much except the first guy eliminated was loony and didn't clean his shrimp.
  14. To me personally, food trucks are the modern day equivalent of chuck wagons. There are still chuck wagons that cater to outdoor events or rodeos. But food trucks are the same thing... portable, quick food and it's usually nothing gourmet but still tastes good.
  15. Here's my opinion on the Kenya/Porsha knock-down, for what it's worth... Andy likes it when the women argue and go after one another. He could have told Kenya "OK, enough with the props, put them away, please." But he didn't. He encourages it. After seeing Kenya's interview with Andy, I gained an entirely different perspective on what happened. When Kenya waved her scepter, the person who really got the brunt of it was Cynthia. I thought she was going to get whacked in the eye, but she just reared back and got out of the way. Another thing is that Kenya said she never saw Porsha on her radar as someone she thought would come after her. But I think anyone watching what happened before and after can see that it was NeNe and Phaedra who put Porsha up to picking a fight. It was so obvious. Porsha didn't have a beef with Kenya beforehand, they'd pretty much made up with each other. In Savannah, NeNe got really pissed that the two of them had become closer. The looks on NeNe and Phaedra's faces during the argument leading up to the actual hair-pulling told me all I needed to know. They used Porsha, thinking "Oh, she's so dumb, she'll go along with it." Since arguing at the reunions is part of the script, up until the point that Porsha jumped up and went after Kenya physically, they were doing what they were supposed to do. If everyone sat there and had tea, no one would watch. In stark contrast, the reunion of Southern Charm, if you saw that, was heads and tails above any reunion show Andy's ever moderated. And I could tell he was incredulous that those people weren't going to fall for his tactics and start fighting. They had fun, I had fun watching it, and Andy was not sure what just happened. If anyone owes anyone an apology, Andy owes one to anyone and everyone involved with that reunion show. And to the viewers. But I fully believe Kenya is doing the right thing by pressing charges. It might make someone else think twice before throwing a punch. Just my opinion, mind you.
  16. Oh hell.... they are advertising a Chopped Teen Tournament coming in July. FIVE episodes! ACK!
  17. It's in the Salvation thread, I don't want to spoil it here.
  18. Someone's mom had cancer, cooking right now. This is the all chocolate episode.
  19. I'm beginning to think, based on things I've been told, that this is a mean, sadistic and pressure-cooker process. No thanks, for me!
  20. Maybe. Riley was telling her mom for them to "all be nice and have a nice dinner" with that look on her face that told me she's had plenty of meals like that with MJ around.
  21. Joyce doesn't worry about anyone but Joyce. She's proven that time and time again, especially in this episode. She doesn't want Kandi marrying someone who might actually care about her daughter, and help her to see the light where MJ is concerned.
  22. Those red pants didn't do Kandi any favors in my opinion ... just noticing one of her many fashion faux pas. Other times, she looks really good and put together. Did Rico say he ordered a hundred yards of feathers? All I could visualize was Kandi running down a football field, losing feathers as she goes.
  23. Yeah, the old stand-by "creative differences" is used for a variety of reasons. Mainly, bad behavior and/or them asking for a shitload of money.
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