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Everything posted by cooksdelight

  1. Kandi seems to be forgetting that her daughter Riley is watching all this shit go down, and how will her perception of men/women's relationships be formed? Will Riley let Kandi walk all over her and criticize her to death when she's grown up? I saw Kandi mention that she's having issues with Riley now (imagine that!) on her FB page, she didn't go into detail, but woman... you reap what you sow. What must people who do business with Kandi be thinking of her now? Or are they all aware that a batshit crazy old woman comes with the package? There's reality TV made-up drama, then there's acting a fool.
  2. I told ya Luca would never make it! LOL!! To me, he is hard to understand, doesn't know what the hell he is doing. I think they brought him on for the eye candy factor (Giada, yes, I'm talking to you) then Bobby and Alton overruled her once they realized he's clueless. In my opinion, if this show is going to survive, they need to stop casting people who they think have eye appeal, and find people who really know how to cook who could teach those of us who want to learn.
  3. Geoffrey doesn't know a lot of things. Neither he nor Alex can pronounce macaron correctly. Donna scared me. She is whacked. Waving her arms like Phoebe running in the park on "Friends"... Marti is my pick to come back and play again, only because I've gotten to know her, and how FN works. She suggested that if I have a good idea for a show, don't tell them about it without getting an attorney involved because they will steal it. Chad I'm indifferent about. He cleaned himself up this time around, at least. And he's another one who doesn't know as much as he'd like people to think, in my opinion.
  4. Wouldn't admitting he has a drug and/or alcohol problem hurt him professionally? Especially a show like Chopped, where they don't want their hosts or judges to be showing up to work loaded. Suomi, I'm beginning to think you're probably right and his only addiction is to sex. Which, isn't the sexy type of addiction one wants to advertise.
  5. That crazy lady that had the hots for Richard in the beginning, I guess she saw something in him that I missed.
  6. Maybe all the Atlanta wedding planners saw NeNe's and thought better of getting involved with another Bravo wedding.
  7. A friend of mine who's a chef in the Atlanta area said Kim and the family came in for dinner last week. And that they were so nice and polite, even tweeted about the meal they had. I asked her "Are you SURE it was Kim or did aliens steal her trashy mouth?? LOL!
  8. I'm not so sure. MJ was bitching about her sour face in the wedding photos, saying "I didn't think they'd be made public." WTF? You're filming a reality show?
  9. It used to be that if you left off an ingredient, you were out. No matter how good your dish tasted. Then, Ted got slack and started saying "It's not an automatic elimination." The rules of the game change all the time.
  10. God and amen to that. :) I think all three or four or however many from S9 were fired due to shitty ratings. I know I stopped watching until Goren and Eames came back.
  11. After seeing a recent picture of Kandi and Riley, Riley is already taller than her mom. I think if Momma Joyce starts shit with Riley, she'd whoop her granny ass down the street. :)
  12. Or as I like to say, a couple of raccoons rasslin' in a burlap bag of corn. :)
  13. Most of the "winners" of this competition end up getting that job anyway, so Rochelle would be fine. Anton is getting on my nerves almost as much as Gabriel and Kaisha. I hope the previews are correct and Andi puts what little balls he has in a blender.
  14. Luca would need a LOT of voice coaching, or subtitles, for anyone to understand him, in my opinion.
  15. Big Boy Richard is gone. Big Boy Gabriel should follow. Or Kaisha. I really don't care at this point. I want Rochelle to hang in there and win this thing. She cooked her ass off.
  16. I wonder if part of Tori's denial is that her body is a wreck after popping out four kids like kittens, and she fears no other man would have her? Well, no man in his right mind would have anything to do with her, body issues aside. And it seems to me, the older she gets, the crazier she becomes.
  17. I am not sure where this goes, apologies if this is not the correct discussion.... but read the description.... stiff drink, smoked meat, sweet treat .... within the context of this show, and Chopped Canada, and the shit-eating grin on Dean's face.... priceless!! https://www.facebook.com/chopped/photos/a.474338782579042.113952.450966684916252/807974042548846/?type=1&theater
  18. That's cause she's wearing one of those cincher corset thingys. I don't remember the name of it, but it pulls in the waist and pushes up the boobs. How else do you think Momma Joyce lost weight? Stress? LMAO!!! Someone from TWOP, please refresh our memory on what that thing is called.
  19. Nah, I think you're reading exactly what's there. When he said he thought he better put his phone away so he could get ready... to me, meant a fight was coming and he needed both fists free.
  20. A Dwight wedding would have been over the top. Not only would she have worn that ostrich feather dress, but real life ostriches would follow her down the aisle.
  21. I love this show. With that said, there's a lot of stuff they've put out there that just isn't true. His wife is not a former beauty queen, at least, not that I could find online. I am looking forward to the next season, and as stated above, I hope they address the financial problems. And no, they've not yet opened the store. I have hunted all over Atlanta for anyone who knows anything about it, and so far, no luck.
  22. Why don't these two just admit the party's over? The only reason Apollo wants Phaedra to "stand by her man" is for the money she can provide him while he's in prison so he doesn't become somebody's bitch. If she's smart, she'll distance herself far, far away from him. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/21/apollo-nida-ti-phaedra-parks-incarceration_n_5366131.html
  23. As for who I didn't like... Pageant Girl can go any time. She is too over the top, but since Bobby is giving her a second chance, who knows. Donna deserved to go. Her food wasn't that great (according to those who tasted it) and she is like a talking windmill. A cartoon. And as soon as Giada told her healthy food would never fly, I knew she was dead in the water. Most of these people act like they didn't know they were going to be asked questions or have to describe themselves. Do they not watch this show? And who cooks in high heels? On a hard concrete studio floor?
  24. I smell a vow renewal special mini-series in the works.Maybe Tori and Dean paid the women he slept with to stay silent? Oh, come on... one of you out there...speak up! :)
  25. That was me, and I commented on this in the Food Network Star Alums discussion. :) I'm not sure who a contender is at this point, as some of them did well on the initial 30 second intro, then bombed in the Hollywood premiere segment, or vice versa. Nicole and her fish story reminds me of Michelle from Maine. I'm not sure you can carve a TV career out of fish. I like Loreal, but she needs to stop jiggling. I think she and Aryen, Christopher and possibly Chris will be contenders. Lenny, I'm on the fence about. His chuckwagon theme might play well on TV if he looses the sequins and they shoot his show outdoors. Then again, seeing him in sequins riding up on a horse at the start of each show might be just kitchy enough for FN. Suzy looked bored to tears.
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