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Everything posted by cooksdelight

  1. I was just reminded tonight of another asshole... Ian, the chef from NYC who chose his job over his marriage. And got cut in the first round for not doing anything with the frozen french fries. And Amanda nicely tried to point out that mustard didn't belong in the dish and he had to argue with her. I really do believe if people disagree to the point of being an ass, they're cut.
  2. I'm telling ya, my mind is blown! The Magnificat lady was just as loony in this episode.
  3. Man, I feel like I'm in some sort of time warp. I am watching an SVU called "Educated Guess" and half the cast is from CI! The mother from "Magnificat" is a redhead, her husband is the guy who played the killer father in "Bright Boy" or whatever it was called... another mother is played by the woman who was the cyanide killer because she wanted a baby clothing store... and a shrink is played by the lady who played Denise Talbott in "Jones." Holy cow, I don't remember ever seeing so many former CI guest stars on one show.
  4. I wonder why Kandi thinks we want to know how much the gift bags her guests received are worth? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152549329584380&set=a.289501084379.143045.235984194379&type=1&theater "All of my female guests received @flatoutofheels to wear during the reception, as well as @scoutbybungalow providing the gift bags. I will be announcing the rest of the items that my bridal party and wedding guests received during the next episode. [Gift bag value: $2,000]"
  5. I was really hoping Lenny would show us how to skin and cook a rattlesnake. I mean, isn't that what a cowboy cook would demo on a cooking show? LOL
  6. Sarah reminds me of Danushka. Not real bright, crushing on Bobby, weird facial expressions.
  7. I remember Alton tweeting, hard and often, for Justin and Damaris during their seasons. I don't tweet, but has anyone noticed who Alton seems to be favoring this year?
  8. The party's over, folks... http://variety.com/2014/tv/news/gordon-ramsay-to-end-kitchen-nightmares-series-in-u-s-and-u-k-1201242302/
  9. Well, each season has it's "moments." Like the time they served food to a focus group inside a moving tour bus. But this episode was just off the charts in terms of the number of times I said "What the hell?" while watching.
  10. According to Alton's blog at FN, he wanted to send Aryen home, Giada was pushing for Christopher, and Bobby cast the deciding vote. I'm not sure what Giada's hatred of Christopher is based on. She jealous, maybe, that he's a real chef? Has worked with some of the heavy hitters? Of all these people, he's got the most experience. And since this didn't involve cooking at all, maybe that team was picked so Giada could campaign for Christopher's ouster. Because of the three, to me, the PayDay was the lesser of best of a bad bunch.
  11. "Acts of Contrition" was another favorite of mine also. I remember that same actress playing in early season one, I think, a junkie/stripper who got this girl killed (who was pregnant with the rich junkie's baby).
  12. "Shandeh" is airing on WGN right now.... I keep wanting to call Linda Lavin by Ruth Buzzi, because that's who she reminds me of, lookswise.
  13. It's just like when I have to have a serious discussion with someone in my home, I turn off the TV or music or whatever is going on. Kandi and her cellphone are almost as bad as Kim was/is with hers.
  14. i think the thing that bugged Todd the most was in the event of divorce, he had to leave home within 30 days, and take nothing but his clothes and personal items. THAT to me was cold. Didn't Todd help her with a lot of work on the home, restorations, using his own money?
  15. That dad was one of the creepiest, most despicable characters they've ever written into an episode.
  16. I guess I forgot Nicole because I can't think of a single thing she's made.
  17. The way some of the prenup was worded, or the parts we were told about, Kandi came off as greedy. There was nothing that gave Todd anything, even if they were married for a long time and she died. He'd wind up with nothing, all of it going to Riley. I hope that the final document at least provided something for him. Todd has been working out in L.A. for several months now, after the honeymoon, etc. Hope he's got his own savings account.
  18. I don't remember episode names, so bear with me... The very first episode sort of shocked me into loving this show. Lots of killin' goin' down in that one. I disliked anything Jeff Goldbloom did, but one episode wasn't bad. He played the piano a lot, and read the poem to suck that woman into a confession. Logan's girlfriend getting murdered was a favorite of mine that he was in.
  19. I, too, am more interested in being able to watch the host of their own show. Are they likeable? Can I understand what they are saying? Are the recipes reasonably easy to prepare? Martha Stewart made millions by being pleasant and showing nifty things you can make at home, and her recipes were different. I still make her version of lemon curd. I don't see anyone even coming close in this bunch to being someone I could watch for a half hour. Lenny, maybe, depends on if they let him outside to cook. Emma, no way, her voice puts me to sleep. Christopher, maybe, if he gets over his ego trip. Chris, nope, too much like Urkel Sarah, no way in hell. Loreal, again, no way in hell. I can't remember the others, so there's that. I wanted to like Loreal, and I did in the beginning, then she started driving the pity train and I got off.
  20. I keep thinking that this is some sort of bad dream. That this isn't really the REAL show, it's just a few thrown in to flip everyone out and they'll get to the more serious stuff soon.
  21. Even though it would be ripping off another FN show -- but they do that every day of the week -- they could have had the contestants use the candy bars in an inventive way in a mostly savory dish. At least they'd be cooking something. Anything.
  22. Todd should have figured out early on to get his own lawyer. He's not that stupid, is he?
  23. Have they liked anyone's food? Emma, the girl with the voice that never changes, had so much airtime that I thought she was a goner. And I am SO SICK of pageant girl. Please... go away!!
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