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Everything posted by cooksdelight

  1. I know!! He was gunning for Johnny that night.
  2. OMG, Todd... look at Todd.... http://kandionline.com/todd-tuckers-daughter-graduates-from-high-school/ Then, she posted this... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152557480159380&set=a.289501084379.143045.235984194379&type=1&theater Well, I guess we know who's boss in that house.
  3. I think Rochelle is the most teachable out of the remaining chefs. That's what Ramsay likes, someone he can mold into his type of chef. I also think he knows she's been given a bad time by Joy and Kashia and she's working under two different pressure cookers: his and theirs.
  4. I have watched since day one of season one. I used to believe that Jeff didn't know what went on when he wasn't there. Until Johnny Fairplay told the lie about his dead grandmother. You could see the venom on Jeff's face when they all came to tribal council that night. He was itching for a fight.
  5. According to IMDB, she was in several episodes. Her name is Traci Godfrey: - Trophy Wine (2011) ... Det. Agnes Farley - True Legacy (2010) ... Det. Agnes Farley - Playing Dead (2009) ... Det. Agnes Farley - Vanishing Act (2008) ... Det. Agnes Farley - Renewal (2007) ... Det. Agnes Farley - Privilege (2007) ... Det. Agnes Farley - Blasters (2006) ... Det. Agnes Farley - Siren Call (2006) ... Det. Agnes Farley
  6. They should make them cook something while on the roller coaster. >:)
  7. My personal take on John is that he's an alcoholic and he is attracted to Taylor for that reason. Watching them on that couples therapy show, they stayed sloshed the entire time they were there. And he's just as crazy as Taylor when it comes to getting drunk and yelling at people. I think his ex-wife is probably better off without him.
  8. She and Yolanda would probably hit it off, talking about cleanses and shit like that. She'd give Brandi a hard time for all the drinking and debauchery. LOL
  9. Andy and Bravo must be drooling buckets over this.
  10. That's probably why Suzanne wouldn't be a good fit. Every scene with her would be an infomercial.
  11. I think you've hit the nail on the head. That dress...the crown....all the hoopla. Perfect example of the little girl who dreamed of a big wedding, but instead had a child with no husband to marry her. Geez, I should have figured that one out for myself. :)
  12. Right!! Fried chicken there is their staple meal.
  13. Amen!! They expect southern black men to automatically cook fried chicken. It's offensive, to me personally.
  14. I agree, I hope Marcel beats Richard also. Richard has gotten to the point he believes his own hype.
  15. Yeah, those big jackets are probably expensive to make. They can pull the stitching out of his name and fix it up for the next "big boy" to come on board. I hate when Gordon calls large guys that name.
  16. I can't forgive Joy for trying to get rid of Rochelle because the woman wants to have a family. And for keeping Kashia around so she can beat her.
  17. It told me he cares about doing his best. I'd pick him as a winner over the others any day.
  18. I like the hour format. I get to see snippets of programs I've never heard of, and it's drawn me in to want to watch some of them.
  19. He headed to the rest room to throw up. I think what happened is that the food got stuck in his esophagus and that's the only thing you can do at that point. It's happened to me many times as I have a hiatal hernia and if I don't chew my food to the point it can pass easily, it will get hung up. And I think it was a glass of water he took with him. Small sips of water can sometimes help the food go on down. Dana asking "Is he going to die?" is par or the course for her. LOL
  20. Well..... he is friends with Apollo, you know. Maybe Todd should tell Kandi he's not all that juvial about a prenup.
  21. Gabriel thought it was a souvenir, since he exited through the front door. LOL
  22. But when Scott said he had an extra fish going in for a future thing, or whatever it was, Gordon chewed his ass. They can't cook Wellingtons ahead of time, can they, or risk having Gordon telling them to piss off for wasting food? This entire show is fake in it's entirety, to me anyway.
  23. When Minnie told Gordon her scallops were gritty, I thought he was going to have a stroke. Those usually come to the kitchen pre-cleaned, don't they?
  24. Hopefully the mod who usually starts these will fix it for you. Thanks so much for looking out for us. :)
  25. I'll transfer my post from there to here.... Well... that was... interesting? I noticed when Gordon yelled out the first entree orders, Wellingtons was part of it and he said "6 minutes to service!" What happened to needing 14 minutes to cook the Wellingtons? What a fricken' train wreck.
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