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Everything posted by cooksdelight

  1. NO PIE! There's a Pie Cry girl on Masterchef, that's all the pie I can take this summer.
  2. What I find sort of fascinating, in a drive-by kind of way, is that Kandi is such good friends with Phaedra, yet in all the photos she posts.... there's Apollo. No Phaedra. Weird she'd let that criminal hang out with her and her family/friends.
  3. They could have saved the airtime for some other show and just posted a screen shot of this. End of story. If Dean had jumped out the window, my only prayer is that he'd have taken Tori and that fake doctor with him. Do the world a favor. OK, loading up the bus to Hell, who's with me? :)
  4. "informative information".... adding that to phyicality, juvial, dookie, and all the other words in my ApolloSpeak dictionary....
  5. cooksdelight

    The Judges

    Chris, bless his heart, always seems to get the fish bones, chunk of garlic or ginger, hair, fingernail, pinkie toe, etc., in his food.
  6. Kent Rollins was in NYC yesterday, having dinner with Amanda. It's nice to know they have maintained a friendship as I know how much she liked him when he was on the first time. He was wearing a white hat this time. I do wish FN would give him a show so we could follow him, Shannon and the dogs as they make their way across the midwest in their chuckwagon. He sent me a video of his dogs eating a Push-Up ice cream treat. I love that man!
  7. Or circus monkeys. :) In my newest edition of TV Guide, there's a story about Tori's new show. I just can't look at the photos of her without thinking of this show, and there's no way I'll waste a minute watching it. I feel sorry for Jenni Garth, getting stuck with her. Watching that show would bring back memories of this one, and I'm still trying to mind cleanse.
  8. My favorite Barek episode was the one where the airport guy, Due Diligence Dwayne, was dumping dead prostitutes from airplanes. What a freaking wild storyline!! And she handled him brilliantly, in my opinion. So many interesting characters in that episode.
  9. I think they only have one ice cream maker for that very reason... two people vying for it. In other rounds, there's two fryers for 3 or 4 people. Again, people fighting to use something. If both people were able to make ice cream at the same time, we'd be bored... right? :)
  10. Not in my case. My ex cheated on me the entire time we were married. At no point did I want to hear details. Or know their names, or where they lived, etc. I wanted to put it behind me and move on with my life. Which is what I did. Tori can't do that, because she'd rather wallow in self-pity.
  11. She belongs in Disneyland, in Cinderella's castle, behind a glass case/window, so people can watch her twirl and live a wonderful life.
  12. To me personally, self awareness is not saying "fuck you" to the old lady in front of you at the grocery store who's taking an hour to write a check. It's being sure you don't come off as a raving lunatic to the general public. I think.
  13. I'm disappointed no one fried some potato chips and made a dip for both the fish and the chips with the sour cream. Gay Dad got bad reviews on his entree, yet Coach Dad was chopped. Go figure. Ted was in love with Gay Dad, wanted him to make it to the end. And I'm not being crass or funny, he really did look like he had the hots for the guy. I don't even listen to Maneet anymore. She says the same thing every single time, no matter what the dish, in my opinion.
  14. Nobody's ever going to be enough of a mate for Tori unless they have themselves attached to her, ala Siamese twins, so she knows where they are 24/7 and can control their every movement. I think the only reason Dean is still around is because he loves those four adorable kids. He realizes how much he fucked up with Mary Jo and leaving that family, and he's trying to stick around so his kids with Tori don't get the same treatment. At least, I hope that's why. Otherwise, he's as nutty as a fruitcake.
  15. Jet lag being what it is, I watched the Dads on my DVR. Show of hands... who didn't foresee Dead Wife Dad winning after his breakdown during the appetizer round??
  16. The mere fact that MJ brought up the missing gifts tells me, personally, that she either regifted them as hers, or she threw them out. The woman is vile. And Kandi is no better for letting her get away with it. If this was anyone else... say, Halle Berry or Sandra Bullock... and we were watching them in this same scenario.... would they let this shit fly? Hell, no!
  17. I am skipping the themed shows also. Can't stand them anymore. CO poisoning is a silent killer, as you don't know you're inhaling the fumes until you pass out from it. I think she said it was coming from another apartment in her building, venting into hers. Those little detectors, like smoke detectors, would have alerted her early on and we'd have been saved from the sob story.
  18. I'm convinced that the sex she never talks about is something simple like doing it doggie style. Something tells me that Tori has only ever had missionary position sex, and she thinks that's what everyone does and doing anything different is bizarre. OMG, I'm typing like she talks, I'm ready for Tori rehab. WHAT is her obsession with knowing the details of Dean's sexcapades? That is sick. Really. I am going to save this episode for those times when I am feeling queasy but can't quite get sick and throw up. This show will do it.
  19. I have to believe this is all for TV. I hope so. Otherwise, Kandi is as batshit crazy as her mother to put up with this.
  20. So am I. I know a guy who's good looking, a great cook, and he's got TV experience doing morning news segments where he shows viewers how to cook something. He's applied to this show multiple times, I cannot figure out any other reason for why they don't pick him. If Pageant Girl is going with a Date Night POV, I am going to start counting how many episodes she gets by with this before someone mentions "Uh, dear, that was Damaris' gig last season."
  21. A nice note from Martie on her FB page: 24 hours later and the sting has worn off a bit. See, this isn't just about a television show for me, I always considered this a job interview... and if I got the job, I'd have more of an opportunity to do things for others. Those of you who know me know that is my goal. Well, I'm still going to do it... I'll just have to find a different path. I see so many of your comments here... thank you for the support and for letting the Network know you would like to see me in their programming mix. Many have also written me or emailed me to share the letters you've written to Bob or Susie. Thank you for sharing; I will treasure them always. All my best, Martie
  22. Kandi has the body language that says it all. She grits her teeth and puts both hands up in a "stop!" motion and that's it. She doesn't put a stop to anything.
  23. The difference between Damaris and Luca, to me, is that I can understand what Damaris is saying. Anyone can be taught how to tone it down, but if you can't speak clear English, you ain't gonna make it on TV 'round here in these parts. :)
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