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Everything posted by cooksdelight

  1. You took the words right out of my mouth, and made me laugh like a hyena. Good thing about this episode, they are getting hammered to hell on their FB page so maybe Medusa and Kermit will either wake up out of the comas they are in and do something, or have to start hitting the pavement looking for a job.
  2. I tried a PayDay not long ago. It doesn't taste like it used to. The peanuts used to be really crispy and salty. Not now, they taste stale. My mom loved Almond Joys and Mounds. I still love Reece's. Not one of them did anything to make me want to buy any of them.
  3. This was the stupidest show. Ever. I don't give a rat's ass for any of these people now, because it's a game show. Not a contest to find the best cook/TV show host. Orion went home, good, because she wasn't that great of a cook. But Christopher being in the basement with her? The guy may be a douche at times but he can cook. This entire challenge thing from beginning to end was stupid.
  4. I remember Columbo, where you always knew who the perp was and the fun was watching him figure it out. Only one episode kept people in the dark. My rule of thumb is... if they arrest a perp before the half hour, it's not the perp. If they arrest someone during the second half, they are guilty as hell.
  5. Kandi is the world's worst procrastinator, in my opinion. That's why her life is always in some type of mess. She is also one of the most delusional women I've ever come across on TV. She's on FB bragging about how we should all watch last week's episode again because it was such entertaining TV. Please.
  6. When this was taped I don't think Google was the owner yet.
  7. Unless she's a hopeless famewhore addict, she should not come back onto this show. It will be a minefield from which she may not escape.
  8. I am still laughing at the deathly tone of music that played when MJ and the Coven pulled up in the black car with their chicken. If that wasn't Bravo saying "Here comes the witches" nothing else is.
  9. Neil Patrick Harris was amazing. My boyfriend and I watched this and he said "Wow, a long way from Doogie or that guy on How I Met Your Mother..." I am up watching the continuation on ION.... hate when I can't sleep, but at least there's Goren and Eames to keep me entertained.
  10. Thank you for alerting me to the fact I can skip this and FF through most of it on my DVR later. And the snark here should be award-winning.
  11. You can probably find them at the amazing and stunning Walmart.
  12. Brandi's kids should team up with Tori's kids and go on a holy rampage across Beverly Hills. Because I predict every one of them will wind up in jail or rehab, or both.
  13. Oh hell, I am going to have to watch the upcoming season just because I KNOW someone is going to bring this up on camera. And Bravo will air every ugly minute of it. Kyle and Brandi are probably tag-teaming and plotting who will mention it first and who will come in afterward with well-placed comebacks.
  14. Just imagine the facial expressions she makes during sex. :)
  15. I'm going to have to buy Depends if you keep posting funny shit like that. :) I was also thinking, "Damn! That looks like one of those calendars you do yourself on Snapfish!" I like Scott also. Yeah, he's a bit of an over-helper, but I think that's his earnestness in wanting to win and wanting his team to win. Once we get to black jackets (Dear Lord, will that day ever come?) we may see a change in his attitude of helpfulness. I just love that he bought his wife something with his winning shopping spree. I don't remember anyone ever doing that.
  16. And she has her boobs pushed up to her collarbones.
  17. There's a marathon on today, if anyone's at home and bored. LOL I am getting to see the bacon episode for the first time, I missed it when it was on earlier this year. Dang, what was that first guy thinking by putting a huge slab of pork chop on the plate for an appetizer?
  18. Kandi confuses respect with kow-towing, or whatever you want to call it. Groveling? Bowing down? In my opinion, anyway. My momma used to say "Do as I say, not as I do" and I got that pretty quick. She's the adult, I am the child. But once I was grown up and away at college, I did as I pleased since I was paying my own way. We had a good relationship because she let me be and adult and didn't treat me like I was still 12.
  19. I was waiting for Ramsay to ask her if she planned to make him some sort of thing out of it to remember her by since she's leaving shortly. Amy might actually pass out if that happened. Samy would cuss until he lost his voice. But I'd pay-per-view to see that happen.
  20. That told me she won't make it to the finale. Neither will Melanie. Flour in mashed potatoes? Is she insane? Ramsay is either going to have to ditch this show or stop casting imbeciles, in my opinion.
  21. Maybe she got a hearing aid. *snark*
  22. Yeah, if wild game meat comes into play somewhere, we'll know he's in like Flint. LOL
  23. I call fake, fake, fake, fake (thank you, Elaine Benes) on all of it. Joy's dish will wind up being stunning, she'll get the jacket, and I hope like hell Jason goes home. I cannot stand that asshole. Was he actually in an earlier season with Paul and I somehow forgot all about him?
  24. I do know from an inside source that they have a different production company doing FNS this year. I have no idea if that has any bearing on what we're seeing or who will wind up winning, but keep that in the back of your mind while watching. :)
  25. That's the problem I have with these 4 round tournaments. The prelim winners get nothing. But the glory of being in the finale. They might surprise us and give the kids something, throw them a bone. Remains to be seen.
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