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Everything posted by cooksdelight

  1. Well... that was... interesting? I noticed when Gordon yelled out the first entree orders, Wellingtons was part of it and he said "6 minutes to service!" What happened to needing 14 minutes to cook the Wellingtons? What a fricken' train wreck.
  2. This is sweet. At some point, the man was there for his kids. MJ must have run him off. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152554021484380&set=a.289501084379.143045.235984194379&type=1&theater
  3. Everything in fives. I've known people like that, never knew they might have had Aspergers.
  4. Watching "Probability" on WGN, with "Monster" to follow. It took me a while to figure out who Mark Linn-Baker was because I knew I had seen him somewhere, but I had never watched Perfect Strangers, had only seen snippets here and there. What a kooky little geek murderer!
  5. I'll go you one better.... clear insulated tumblers with a screw-on lid that doesn't fall off, with a straw that doesn't fall out. Don't judge. LOL
  6. If I remember correctly, Jen's investors wanted her in one location, she didn't want to be there. Again, if they are the ones fronting the money, you do what they say. The industry is especially hard for a woman to open a restaurant on her own, let alone with investor money. I've seen people win Top Chef only to go belly up after trying to parlay the winnings into a restaurant. You really need to partner with a good business manager who can guide you and point out the pitfalls that lie ahead. Even if she does well in this competition, I don't see her winning the whole shebang. Is that how this works? They battle off in twos, then the next round begins? Speaking of which, I wanted to try Stefan's restaurant in Santa Monica last month with a friend of mine, but it was closed.
  7. No dead relatives ramble! I may save that one on my DVR for posterity. :)
  8. There's a part of me that thinks Jen would rather be a TV "star" chef than a restaurant owner. She's had the opportunities to open one, but I think she's either lazy or doesn't have the drive and direction to follow orders from her investors. It's their money, after all.
  9. I'd love to know who's played the most different characters on the various L&Os. Noelle is my pick as front-runner, but there must be others who come close.
  10. "Lady's Man" is on USA now and I love Raul Esparza in this episode. Was so glad to see him brought back as a DA on SVU. Watching Eames try to figure out who's gaslighting her is good TV. Too many good lines in this one.... M.E... "I love saving the best for last." when showing them the man's missing penis Interviewing the dead guy's wife, with the other guy "Does he have to be here? Does he have to be here?" "Do you have to be here?" Goren finding the broken bottle on the beach.... Eames "Where is his....?" Goran, "Killer could have taken it, a fetish.... seagulls are hungry"
  11. I forgot about Life After Top Chef. That show was forgettable, at least to me it was.
  12. Nyesha left The Wilshire last summer. She's mostly doing celebrity chef gigs now, special appearances, charity things, etc. Jen left TC All Stars on such bad terms I am surprised they asked her back. I think Nyesha can take her. :)
  13. I was thinking about Noelle Beck yesterday because I saw her in two different L&Os. On SVU in "Bang" as Dr. Audrey Shelton, "Entitled" as Stephanie Mulroney. She was also in an episode with Kyle MacLaughlin as his wife, he's running for office and their son is killed in a park where gay men meet. It was a recent episode but I couldn't find it on IMDB. I think she has been used on more L&O episodes than anyone else as a guest star, not a recurring character.
  14. Given the fact she didn't warn Todd or his mother what MJ said about her having been a prostitute -- and them getting pretty irate about it -- I bet Sunday night was an interesting one at the Tucker household.
  15. "Adlai! My Adlai!" I will never forget that episode with her either. She does good crazy.
  16. Oh man, reminiscing about Bobby at the end.... "All that time together, it's like we were married..."
  17. Oh boy, I am getting to see her crossover to SVU this morning, "Acceptable Loss".... "My partner moved on and I decided I needed a change..." was her response to why she now works for the anti-terrorism guys.
  18. http://www.people.com/article/caleb-bankston-survivor-dead-railway-accident-train-derailed
  19. Up to this shit of a season, there have been video challenges in teams or singles, but they involved cooking something. I don't blame Christopher for being embarrassed. I would be too, not knowing that I'd signed up for Clown College.
  20. Didn't she, though? The only thing I would have done differently with her dessert is try to have somehow turned it into a raspberry shortcake with that cookie crumbled up instead of just lying there. First round I was surprised no one did stuffed peppers. I'd have stuffed them with a mixture of cream cheese, chopped chicory and some spicy herbs. Wrapped them in bacon and rolled them in the falafel, then deep fried them. Made a dipping sauce by thinning down that date paste and adding in something like pepper jelly. Yum! I want to find that guy's place that's hidden behind the barber shop in Culver City next time I am out there.
  21. Abi-Maria is my favorite, because she's a friend and she's nothing at all like what was edited for us to see. She is sweet, intelligent, funny, and all the good and helpful stuff she did during her time there was never shown. But boy the minute she was stressed and having a bad moment, out came the footage. She got a really unfair edit.
  22. Very sad news.... his name hasn't been released by authorities yet, but according to Mike Skupin, the man killed in this accident was Caleb, Colton's boyfriend. I'll let you know more as I get more information: http://www.gadsdentimes.com/article/20140624/APN/306249619 Several other Survivors have confirmed it was Caleb. :(
  23. "Sweet Surprises" is re-airing. Where only the pastry chef pronounces macarons correctly. Everyone else, Ted, Alex, Scott, Marcus, and the other two entree contestants call them macaROONs.
  24. Top Chef related, yes. He was asked to be on All Stars but declined because he told me he was in the middle of trying to get his new restaurant opened. And I think there were some personal issues as well. But so glad to see him back.
  25. Please tell me Todd didn't wear a t-shirt to his daughter's graduation?? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152549763554380&set=a.289501084379.143045.235984194379&type=1&theater
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