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Everything posted by cooksdelight

  1. I think Bobby sees himself in Christopher when he was first starting out. He was nervous and stiff the first few times I saw him on TV. Maybe he'll take Christopher under his wing the way he did with Kelsey and put him on the Cooking channel. Or as someone mentioned above, Top Chef would be a much better fit for Christopher. If he's been a chef for as long, and under the people he's worked for, he could shine on that show.
  2. When I was little (10) we went to Knott's Berry Farm and there weren't a lot of rides. I think I remember a log ride. They had a petting zoo, I think, and the emphasis was on eating their fried chicken. I think the place started out as a shack/food stand that sold the chicken and pies. It's now the commercialized place we saw last night. This season may, in my opinion, kill off this show once and for all. The outrage from people on various boards that a chef who could cook was let go in favor of characters is pretty fierce.
  3. Yes, Emma was absolutely over the moon thinking she was going to do a challenge at a farm. She was so sure she had it in the bag since they were going to a farm. LOL
  4. I was watching an old 20/20 episode about a young boy who was terminally ill, and a book was written about him, but no one had ever met him. Just talked to him on the phone. It reminded me of "Faith" with Polly Draper. Sure enough, this episode was based on the case profiled. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Godby_Johnson
  5. After seeing his talking heads on this episode, I think it's more a problem of shyness for him. He said several times he needed to come out of his shell a lot more. So, in my opinion, what we've been seeing as him thinking he's better than the rest might be him being terribly shy and insecure when having to speak to a crowd. I still think that Giada hit on him and he didn't bite, therefore he's a goner. Might be the same with Luca since the camera didn't shy away from showing Giada looking at Luca with that goo-goo face of hers. Then again, Bobby and Alton may have voted for Luca and she got outnumbered....and is therefore going to be a bitch the rest of the season. The camera did no favors for Sarah this episode, so I was sure she was a goner. The angles they kept showing her face showed her mouth looking really strange. I never realized she had such a bigger lower lip until this episode. And I'm not one to ever criticize someone's looks when they can't help how they look, but they kept focusing on her with her head down.
  6. Giada can go with her. She's just downright rude to people this season. If she's not happy in this job, then go already!
  7. I'm sorry that Giada is single-handedly ruining this show for me.
  8. Kandi's never been married. No idea who Riley's dad is, he's never mentioned. Even by MJ, which is surprising.
  9. Probably because they were picking people that the 3 amigos didn't want to win. I am seeing Alton helping Lenny with tips and stuff, so my guess is that's his boy this season.
  10. Now we know where Giada's been the past two episodes. Tutoring. :)
  11. Lord have mercy at these people thinking they were going to a berry farm. A farm. Seriously? And based on the comments, no one must have tasted their food while they were cooking. How many times did Loreal say "What up???" My god, you are not a teenager. Sarah stands by her bad burger because she loves Bobby but this time he must be wrong. Emma's voice .... I know what it is now that bugs me. It's not the lowness of it, it's that she sounds like she has a constant cold. Maybe that's why she can't cook, she can't taste her food. Lenny did the best, in my opinion, just because he fit in with the surroundings. Nicole did well food-wise, but didn't connect why she cooked what she did with her coastal background. I'm not sure why they picked Loreal in the top two when they didn't like her steak nor her method of cooking it. I wish it was like Miss America, and we knew which percentage of presentation versus food taste they were scoring them on. In other words, which one carried more weight. WHY didn't they ask the audience to fill out comment cards about the presentations? What a lost opportunity. Except that they probably already had their minds made up about who was leaving. Christopher can cook, even Giada had to admit that. Can't he be taught how to present to the camera? Damaris needed work, and she got it, apparently, since she's a different person on her show than she was shimmying around during her season. Giada is so transparent in her hatred of Christopher. Did he knock out Luca when he was sent out? I can't remember who had the best gig that show. I'm starting to feel like I'm watching a half baked show that never had a recipe to start with. And I hate the screeching moaning doors. Enough already! :)
  12. OK, guess I'll have to put mine away when I eat peach cobbler later.... :)
  13. Nope, Jeffy didn't say a word. He just glowered and if I remember correctly, he might have asked a few questions about things to perhaps mind-fuck with Johnny.
  14. There was one brief moment that Eames almost made a connection with a guy. The time when they had a police officer who was also a deaf interpreter. They were having coffee, then along comes Ross and the guy gets up and leaves.
  15. This doesn't show TC, but it gives you an idea...
  16. I don't know which high school in Atlanta she attends, but every graduation I've been to there, people dress nicely. He didn't have to wear a suit, but a nice men's shirt and slacks would have beat what he had on, in my opinion.
  17. That's up next, glad I am still awake, LOL! The Unblinking Eye is just starting. I cannot stand the guy who orchestrated the whole thing. And his little friend, who's in the scene with Matt Damon, ends up being one of the most diabolical characters ever (in my opinion) in the L&O franchise when he plays Bensen's nemesis on SVU.
  18. He's wearing a gaudy t-shirt to his daughter's graduation, was what I meant. And those skin tight jeans.
  19. henripootel, Johnny's friend came for the challenge when they have a loved one visit. He whispered to the guy to go along with the story that his grandmother died. Everyone felt so sorry for him that they let him win so he could be with his friend and find out more about Granny. It was awful, and I cannot remember what Granny thought about the whole thing. But Jeff was as pissed off as I've ever seen him.
  20. Exactly! I love those rare courtroom appearances. My favorite is the surgeon who Goren got agitated, then he got on the stand and Carver finished the job.
  21. I'm on "Shibboleth" :) I haven't watched SNL in a while, didn't know that guy did Clinton. But I can see the resemblance.
  22. Lura, I can't even remember what network the show was on, but you might be able to google or find it on YouTube. It was a major train wreck. http://hollywoodlife.com/2014/01/16/taylor-armstrong-couples-therapy-diva-tantrum-farrah-abraham/
  23. I'm in the east, but have both east and west IONs on Dish. That way, if I miss one, I can catch it three hours later! :)
  24. It's one of those episodes that sticks with me. You know how it is, you see the first few seconds of the opening scene and you go "Oh no....this is a good one....I think." I'm on ION West tonight, they are running until 3 am eastern time. Good ones, in order.
  25. I'm watching "Death Roe" with Chris Penn (Sean's brother) and reminded of the time I met him and a couple of his friends on the 3rd street promenade area in Santa Monica. The couple I was having dinner with, the girl knows everyone in Hollywood and she introduced us. Such a nice man. And he died three months later. You can almost see that he's a heart attack waiting to happen in this episode.
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