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Everything posted by suomi

  1. That still photo Newsbusters used ~~> wowzer.
  2. Better to remain silent and be thought a cunt than to speak and remove all doubt. “There was nothing more I could buy,” she wrote in her memoir. She feared being “relegated to a life of shopping, sitting on a few charity boards of no consequence, and standing silently by my husband’s side full of unrealized potential.” _ _ _ The judge referred Girardi to the U.S. attorney’s office for criminal investigation. He also froze Girardi’s personal assets and those of Girardi Keese, a step that appeared to have come too late. As one lawyer told the judge, the firm’s operating account contained just $15,000. Hours later, Jayne posted a picture in silver stilettos, elbow-length mesh gloves and lilac lingerie. She captioned the image, “Put me on your wish list.”
  3. I watched a little more of the video a couple posts above, May 2013, the book tour for Obsessed. Gallivanting in DC while she was still married, his divorce finalized a few months back. Puppy dog eyes and giggles. Joe is still parting his hair on the other side, it doesn't stand up yet. The event host compares Mika to Michelle Obama in prominence. She spots a baby in the audience and runs for it. Joe tells the audience she wants to hide behind the baby because she always looks for ways to hide her body. Uh huh. Everyone knows babies are big and you can hide a lot behind a baby. Joe says on the way to the event (about dieting and food obsessions) she kept saying "Do I look fat in this (tight little dress)? I look fat, don't I?" When wearing an outfit like that perhaps those questions are better asked of spouses and significant others. Oops. And she has already been wearing "this" every day at work for 6 years. Joe did his best to reassure her that she looks lovely. The baby isn't interested, she has to give it back, Joe hands her a tiny cardigan sweater, wearing it won't hide her so she drapes it in her lap as if she is hiding behind it. Uh huh. Joe was under a spell and couldn't see that hiding was the very last thing she wanted to do. But it played into his fantasy that he would be the one to bring the shy and insecure little thing out of her shell. Her short and tight little shell propped up on stilettos. Currently, after he put a big ring on it she really does hide her body. There is a weird psychology playing out with these two.
  4. Joe egged him on and then acted contrite. Halperin was suspended by MSNBC, which he richly deserved. The incident took place during the “Morning Joe” show, when host Joe Scarborough asked Halperin what he thought of Obama’s press conference and Halperin questioned whether the seven-second delay was in effect so he could give his real opinion — apparently thinking it would be bleeped out before hitting the air. Scarborough told Halperin to go for it because they would use the delay to prevent whatever he said from being broadcast. “You fall down, I’m going to catch you,” Scarborough told Halperin. At that point, Halperin said he thought Obama had been “kind of a dick.” Scarborough then expressed amazement that Halperin had actually said that and told him he had only been joking about using the seven-second delay. “Delay that. Delay that. What are you doing? I can’t believe … don’t do that. Did we delay that?” Scarborough said. “I was just joking,” Scarborough said to Halperin. “Catch me now, I’m falling,” Halperin responded. Just minutes later, Halperin quickly apologized on the air to the president and viewers for his choice of words. “Joking aside, this is an absolute apology. I shouldn’t have said it. I apologize to the president and the viewers who heard me say that,” Halperin said. “We’re going to have a meeting after the show,” Scarborough said. According to Scarborough, there had been a mishap with the seven-second delay button — a new executive producer apparently didn’t know how it worked. “You are supposed to know how to do the job,” Scarborough said of his producer. “I would tell you what I think of him, but he doesn’t know what button to push.” https://www.politico.com/story/2011/06/mark-halperin-suspended-by-msnbc-058098
  5. I wanna hear her pronounce existential and ontological on the show without reading them from a card - AND use them in a sentence. Properly. Hmmph.
  6. Is she racking up business expenses for a tax break of some kind? Then again, it dimly rings a bell that the IRS (and the state) caps business losses at 3 years or something like that, after however many years there's no benefit to continued losses. I'm sure someone here can chime in with knowledge about that. Her LLR biz has to be a goldmine, the inn not so much.
  7. https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/why-does-morning-joe-throw-mika-toilet/
  8. They better at least show conversations where the others talk about her not owning it. There were lots of convos and barbs about Denise's lifestyle when she had legal issues going on. They weren't current headlines but they were ongoing and were affecting her daily life. She also carries the stress of a parent with a special needs child. Karma. I LMAO when I read Erika's mealy-mouth statement in every article about expecting to receive the privacy she deserves. Nuh. Uh. Anxious to see how this affects her glam. Not right away, but eventually. I hope to see some evidence of alterations to her lifestyle. Maybe Denise and Aaron put a hex on her and Kyle. They both got hit with their biggest fears. $$ and health. Boo hoo.
  9. From this week's Metropolitan Diary. I included one comment at the end because it was a good one. Dear Diary: It was my first day going to work after moving into a house in Midwood. As I walked toward the bus stop, there was only one other person on the street: an older woman who was bent over slightly and walking gingerly in my direction. As we passed, she addressed me in a raspy voice. “Careful, young man,” she said. “The leaves are falling out of the trees.” “Thank you,” I said somewhat patronizingly, thinking to myself, “That is what leaves do, isn’t it?” A few steps later, my feet went out from under me and I was flat on my back on a thin layer of innocent-looking, but moist, leaves. ~ Ernest Brod Dear Diary: From 1951 to 1954, from the time I was 14 until I was 17, I lived in a large yellow house on Governors Island in what is now called Nolan Park. I returned for a visit during a recent summer and found that my former home was being used by artists. The paint was peeling and everything about the place that had once seemed so elegant now looked shabby. But the people who were working inside welcomed me. When I explained my history with the house, they allowed me to go up to the third floor. Now roped off, it had once been my teenage domain. One section of the house had just two stories, and from my bedroom window I used to climb, wearing a bathing suit, onto the flat roof of the adjoining wing, where I would spread out a towel and sunbathe. I actually only did it until my father found out and issued the kind of order that a military man is accustomed to issuing. Now over 80, I stood at that window and remembered the feel of the hot metal roof on my bare feet as I carefully arranged my beach towel and my tanning lotion. Then, as if from out of the past, I heard the voice of the Colonel: “Do not even think about climbing out on that roof ever again.” I chuckled and murmured, “Yes, sir.” I backed away from the window, descended the stairs and said goodbye to my adolescence. — Lois Lowry Dear Diary: When I moved out of my parents’ house in Queens and into my own apartment in Manhattan, I was living my dream. One day about a month after I made the move, my boyfriend handed me a helmet and asked me to join him for a ride on his new motorcycle. This was a new kind of freedom, and I was an eager passenger. We went east on 16th Street before turning and heading north on Third Avenue. As we sped up uptown, we stopped at lights in Gramercy Park, Kips Bay and Murray Hill. At each stop, I would sit up very straight and scan the sidewalks. I was hoping a friend would see me. When we stopped at a light at 59th Street, I looked to my right and noticed a familiar car idling next to us. Suddenly I was gazing into the eyes of my father, and I wished I could disappear. — Susan Schatz (comment) How do parents instinctively show up when least expected? Or if not parents, then parents’ friends? Skipping school with friends one day, HS, and was spotted by parent’s friend. She pulled her car over, didn’t say a word, we got in, and were driven back to school. Many stories like this. :):):) ~ Amy Shilo https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/13/nyregion/metropolitan-diary.html?action=click&module=Editors Picks&pgtype=Homepage
  10. Yes'm, it is. It's a nice place to relax.
  11. Smells like a ploy. He had all of his marbles when he had all of his money.
  12. A chain of 900 strangers paid for one another's meals over several days at a Dairy Queen drive-through. It started with an older gentleman who pulled up to the Dairy Queen Grill & Chill drive-through window in Brainerd, Minn., at the height of the lunch hour on a Thursday. “I’d also like to pay for the car behind me,” cashier Darla Anderson said the customer told her on Dec. 3. “Whatever they’ve ordered, I’ll cover it.” Anderson rang up the two orders and thought that would be the end of it. But two days and hundreds of cars later, she and the rest of the crew were still ringing up “pay it forward” orders as each person who came to the drive-through offered to pay for the car behind them. Some people who had only ordered an ice cream cone for themselves ended up paying more than $50 to cover a carload of children behind them, said Jensen. “And if they couldn’t pay for the whole thing, they’d just pay what they could,” she said. “A lot of people asked us to keep the change, so we used that to help cover some of the larger orders.” Jensen said she feels fortunate that she’s been able to keep up with the bills and pay her staff during a time when many restaurants have taken a financial hit during the pandemic. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2020/12/14/dairy-queen-drive-thru-chain/
  13. Don't be thrown by the title. Maybe check out more of the interview, to be sure? It's a couple three hours altogether. Chaos - Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O'Neill - 528 pages
  14. In 1999 this journalist was writing for a magazine that assigned him to do a 30th anniversary story about the Tate-LaBianca murders in 1969. He never had an interest in the case and figured reading Helter Skelter and possibly interviewing Vince Bugliosi would be good background for his assignment. I forget now how his doubts set in but the more he got into the details the more he ran across shenanigans. Bugliosi allowed three of his witnesses to lie on the stand, including music producer Terry Melcher who lived in the Cielo Dr house with Candice Bergen for 2 years before Sharon and Roman rented it. Bugliosi also didn't follow rules of discovery and turn over evidence that he should have and he fabricated the race war motive, which he cheerfully admitted later. OK so that's part of that aspect, plus testimony agreements that weren't signed and were therefore invalid. (There is much more but we gotta move on). His first interview with Bugliosi went OK until they began sparring about the shenanigans, which made him decide to do more research. Manson always did federal time during his adulthood incarcerations and the federal system is notoriously diligent. When he was paroled in '67 (after a 6 year term) he was restricted to Los Angeles. He not only didn't report to his agent as required he moved to San Francisco without permission. And his federal parole was not violated. He just showed up and they said OK, thanks for the update and assigned him a new agent. This is a guy who had been locked up for half of his life including juvenile incarcerations, not a first-timer who maybe deserved some slack. His new agent said "I think you should hang around in Haight-Ashbury, the vibe would benefit you." Great advice since abstaining from alcohol, drugs and crime were conditions of parole, right? Less than a year later he and some of his harem were arrested (again, his parole was not violated) and his agent and his wife applied for and received permission to foster Manson's new infant while they went through the court process and again his parole was not violated. Next, his parole wasn't violated when he moved back to SoCal without permission or notice, again it was "Thanks for the update." He was arrested 4 or 5 times before the murders and his parole was never violated. The charges always were dropped even though he clearly committed the offenses. He never violated for lack of a permanent address or means of support (employment) or associating with law breakers. There is so much more but long story short, obviously he was someone's useful idiot. The journalist missed his deadline and kept getting extensions until time finally ran out for good. Then he did 20 years of interviews and research and published a book in 2019 for the 50th anniversary. So we all thought Bugliosi was an upstanding law and order respectable type, right? He was NUTS. Check out this part of the interview the journalist did with Joe Rogan. I'm about 7 hours into the book and loving it.
  15. They were a combination of looped and speedy in the studio one morning as well. Mika looked normal from the front but you could see bed head in the back when she turned to look at someone on set. And her hair in front wouldn't stay in place. They were still under the influence from the night before and manic from caffeine. It was a shit show. I got tipsy on wine during lunch in high school and was suspended for a week. That show reminded me of how well I thought I was maintaining, while climbing a book case in the library.
  16. suomi


    The worst part is that FT will be featured prominently while Mrs Fish Whiskers groans and carries on. .
  17. Staying current with her pretensions is a full-time job.
  18. Fresh paint and vinyl plank flooring. The 4' by 6" planks are easy to install, look like wood and are not expensive. They are tongue and groove and don't require adhesive. Cut with a knife and tap into place.
  19. A lack of autonomy factors in as well. There's a lot of talk and teaching about looking within. But females get stroked for consulting males in authority, which is nearly every adult male in their orbit. Even teen boys wield authority because they receive the priesthood when they are 14. My nephew's wife runs to her bishop for everything. If he's not available she prays until he is. You would never guess this if you met her because she comes off as assertive and knowledgable. One example, the school called her to talk about bullying. I didn't say so but figured her 4th grade middle son was being bullied. No, HE was bullying someone. I said what did you do (we were on the phone) and I lip synched her response: "I went to see the bishop." He was busy so she waited until he had time for her. Not her husband or her parents or her siblings who have a ton of kids or the internet... nope, the bishop. And she didn't talk to her son until the bish counseled her.
  20. Enormous lenses with such teeny tiny eyes is a laughable pairing.
  21. This is why I swear Madame Speaker was throwing shade when, during the first couple minutes of being interviewed by Mika not too long ago, she made sure to use her name during her responses (which public figures tend to do) but pronounced it as Mike-a and then Mick-a. I raise my hand, that's what she did. I even posted about it. And Mika heard it, her eyes said so. It was delicious.
  22. The part that kills is that they will earn more money from continuing to flaunt themselves on a scheduled basis. They don't need more money and they certainly don't deserve more. Whoever is in charge of western civilization is doing a shit job.
  23. She jumped on that update to the original October interview right quick, didn't she? The time stamps on the promotion announcement and the update were 5:14pm and 5:24pm. Ten minutes. She reminds me of a spider somewhere, maybe in a basement, attuned to the slightest vibration in its web. Did you know that eating their prey is not a spider's only option? They can inject their victims with poison that turns everything inside the prey's outer shell to jelly. The jelly can be slurped now or enjoyed later, as long as the outer shell remains intact and tied up in the web. Like a pantry. She spun her sticky KYV web in the MSNBC environment and remains on constant alert for any hint of prey in the vicinity. She runs to keep her eight hairy legs in shape so she can launch herself with vigor when someone gets married, has a baby, gets a show or gets promoted. Also like a spider, she spins silk around her victims and stores them in her web for future enjoyment. No use slurping today what she might need down the road. Gah.
  24. Bummer. Your housing situations are very different and she doesn't fully appreciate that. You described the difficulty and if she heard any of what you said she chalked it up to a slight imposition, not realizing that more accurately she creates a hardship. Hard call, but I'm with Jeanne222. It sounds like your friend won't understand your situation unless you get very, very blunt with her. People often don't stop to think about how others live but you already explained it to her so it sounds like your friendship is on a very unequal foundation. Best of luck to you, however you decide to handle it. _ _ _ _ _ I learned a lot about different types of housing when I worked in a particular in-bound customer service call center for 3 years. At Icon Fitness here in Utah (which started as ProForm) during the busy season our production lines shipped cartons without hardware kits all day long, all week long. I had worked as a steel tech in metal fab for 3 years there so I understood the pressure, but jeez. Each carton was weighed so the leads knew they were light and the entire company knew the hardware kits were back-ordered from China for 2-3 months but the lines were pushed to meet quotas, so... Every year we were FLOODED with calls from customers and Sears stores needing hardware to assemble treadmills and other equipment that we didn't have to send to them. The sales people in the stores were righteously pissed because they opened carton after carton hoping to satisfy a customer only to find that ALL the cartons in the back room were missing the hardware kits. I obviously was aware that people were indignant but one customer truly made me see the hardship. He lived in a high rise in NYC, he had to pay the doorman to stash the carton when it arrived while he was at work. He had to pay someone to bring it upstairs. He didn't own any tools, not even a hammer or screwdriver, he counted on using the screwdriver that was promised in the hardware kit. He had to pay someone to take the carton back downstairs and pay the doorman to stash it until the Return Authorization truck showed up. If it showed up when it was supposed to - we got those calls as well. Some people hired very expensive assemblers who found out the hardware was missing and couldn't assemble but got paid anyway. I mean, expense after expense for... nothing. Customer service reps dropped like flies during the busy season, most people couldn't tolerate the abuse. The Mormon girls cried and the guys wished they could. I still recall the customer who called me a "dildo-breathed mf-er" and a "c*** sucking dingleberry" and this was 25 years ago. I said "Sir, no one speaks to me like that, my husband will insist that I quit my job when he hears this." (I was single at the time). He said "I'm very sorry, from your voice I thought you were a guy." (I've heard that all my life, runs in the family). The two guys who founded the company are famous in the Mormon community, ooh, local crooks boys made good. I got my Very Best Call regarding one of them. A customer from Chicago said "You tell Gary that I want my hardware tomorrow or I am going straight to his bishop about this thousand dollar paper weight I purchased." I said "yes ma'am" and hoofed it over to the corporate building. I handed Gary's girl the verbatim quote and enjoyed watching her face while she read it. I tracked that customer in the system and saw that she received a Red Label delivery the next afternoon. Maybe Gary ran to the hardware store, I dunno... I gave up on that after 3 years and transferred into Sears Support, assisting techs doing repairs in the field so the only calls were from them. Troubleshooting electronic malfunctions all day long was so much easier and no one called me nasty names! I got a $200 bonus after my first season there when I laid it on the line about how badly we damaged our reputation by shipping light cartons. They took the the stats I provided "under advisement" during the off-season and found new hardware suppliers for the next year. I talked to Sears buyers at least weekly because I was the liaison and I made sure they knew the input came from me. They called and sent letters thanking me for the improvement, which was nice. I don't know how long it lasted because I tired of putting up with my manager watching porn most of the day and moved on after one more season. But I did enjoy jumping into his office without warning with something for him to look at or sign while he scrambled to keep me away from his screen. Then I worked the Saddleman/Le Bra phone lines for a few years and most of the calls came from auto parts stores. Just like at Icon, people on the East coast took no prisoners. Women in Pennsylvania hands down were the, uh, most assertive. People in Cali were laid back; people in Hawaii rarely had the required information, it took 2 or 3 calls to wrap it up. They knew the vehicle's year and make, sometimes they knew the model but I often had to explain that bucket vs bench seats made a difference when ordering seat covers. And auto parts was their business! They were very nice but you could almost hear the trade winds whistling through their heads. The folks in the Midwest and the South were tied for the nicest. The Southerners were extremely polite, everything was yes ma'am, no ma'am, it was like talking to a Marine. Never got a call from Alaska at either company. This ends my blanket impressions of those who live in the good ol' USA.
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