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Everything posted by suomi

  1. Such a bunch of busy little cockroaches, constantly in and out of each other's hives or colonies or whatever. Leaving slime trails. (My understanding of creepy crawlies is all over the place, evidently).
  2. This is pretty funny. https://www.instagram.com/p/CG2dCA5pNLC/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  3. Dyslexia was mentioned in Mariah's thread. A dyslexic robber ran into a bank. He screamed: "Air in the hands mother stickers this is a f*ck up!" http://www.jokes4us.com/peoplejokes/dyslexicjokes.html
  4. That they get paid for lying. Wait, that isn't new.
  5. They make a habit of latching on to pols and when I say latching on I have the breastfeeding reference in mind. They want to be news and they also want to be opinion but they can't have it both ways. The whiplash inflicted on the viewer who tunes in hoping for news analysis is inexcusable. My insurance adjuster, and theirs, would classify them as being at fault if I made a claim. They were giddy while salivating about Jared and Ivanka on air after the 2016 election. They name dropped on nearly a daily basis and if you (the generic you) weren't a viewer then it is difficult to convey how smarmy their behavior was. The sound of jaws dropping at 30 Rock sometimes interfered with being able to hear the boasting, "nevertheless they persisted." They were like cats slurping a bowl of cream - until reality dawned. They are lightweights who see themselves as heavyweight contenders and they were played. They were tossed aside when their usefulness came to an end. It's hard not to appreciate the finesse and thoroughness that went into dealing them their public humiliation. It was like watching a Long Con 101 instructional video and no amount of backpedaling will obscure the reality that they are starfuckers. Dr Z was right on when he said Joe is stunningly superficial and that it's almost embarrassing to listen to him hold forth. And you know that on some level he recognized that he was describing his daughter as well. So does she. Watch that video again while keeping in mind that Mika's discomfort is not entirely on Joe's behalf. Sometimes a cat plays with a mouse simply for the joy of doing so and sometimes the cat's motive is the enjoyment of being observed while doing the deed. Some cats are like that. So they can shove their righteous indignation, which ebbs and flows according to certain news cycles, because they asked for it. And they continue to ask for it by incessantly needling to provoke responses which they react to by clutching their whore-y pearls. Pffftt.
  6. Alex Trebek, 80, died at his home this morning. He always seemed younger than his age, didn't he? Jeopardy will never be the same. I wasn't having it when he took over for original host Art Fleming in 1984. I tried to watch for years and would always change the channel in disgust and then one day it was OK. Art was an elitist about the show and Alex was an everyman. His episodes will air through December 25. I looked at some 1984 photos and realized I had forgotten how nice looking Alex was in his younger days. He sorta had a Robert Goulet thing going on. Alex will be greatly missed. https://images.app.goo.gl/zki2G9fZFRRh2ick7
  7. That's what I couldn't figure out either. I found seven links about her and posted three. I read each one because I was just sure that one would mention "deceased" or "prior to her death" but none of them did. I do wonder if she has/will have underground damage that will show later, like heart or lung or thyroid gland complications. She must be fairly spry and spunky. Maybe she hoses kids on her lawn!
  8. This Crabtree individual has been involved in a couple other gofundme endeavors. A few years back one was for medical bills following an MVA, there was a hospital bed photo. Their name was different than his, is he a bishop, does he raise funds for his flock or families related to his family?
  9. I heard this on talk radio last night and thought "yeah, right" but decided to look for more reputable sources today. IMO, this patient is rare only because we don't know what we don't know. Others like her perhaps have not been "discovered" because they have not been in the right place at the right time. If there's one thing we know about SARS-CoV-2, is that its effects on people vary. A lot. As the pandemic rolls on, this coronavirus continues to bring new surprises. A team of researchers and doctors has now reported the case of one woman with leukemia who had no symptoms of COVID-19 but 70 days after her first positive test she was still shedding infectious SARS-CoV-2 particles. https://www.sciencealert.com/case-study-reveals-rare-patient-who-showed-no-symptoms-but-shed-infectious-sars-cov-2-for-70-days A 71-year-old immunocompromised woman at a Washington hospital shed SARS-CoV-2 for up to 70 days and tested positive for the virus 105 days after her initial diagnosis, according to a pre-proof study published in Cell. Researchers said the patient had chronic lymphocytic leukemia and was unable to produce virus antibodies. After the patient's initial COVID-19 diagnosis March 2, she was tested 14 more times over the course of the next 15 weeks and continued to test positive through June 14. She remained asymptomatic throughout the entire course of infection. https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/public-health/asymptomatic-patient-was-actively-infectious-for-70-days-study-finds.html For this study, the researchers actually tested the samples to see if the virus on the swab would still be able to infect lab-grown cells. And that’s how they found that this particular patient was still infectious after 70 days. “This indicates that, most likely, the infectious virus shed by the patient would still be able to establish a productive infection in contacts upon transmission,” the scientists said. What allowed the virus to survive for so long was a preexisting condition in the host. The 71-year-old patient has chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CCL). That’s a form of slow-progressing white blood cell cancer that impacted her immune response. The white blood cells, like the T cells that are mentioned in plenty of COVID-19 immunity studies, are involved in immunity processes. The woman was diagnosed with CCL 10 years ago, and researchers believe that immunocompromised patients like her might shed the virus for much longer than others. https://bgr.com/2020/11/05/coronavirus-symptoms-asymptomatic-transmission-70-days-record/
  10. Seeing it laid out paragraph by paragraph is impressive. There is no joy in McCainville. Mighty Meggy has struck out.
  11. On CNN the screen is one third talking head and two thirds rotating crowd scenes with sound. On FOX the talking head is one quarter of the screen next to half and quarter screen rotating crowd scenes with sound. On MJ... all together now... no crowd scenes or sound, just Joe pontificating and grudgingly sharing turns at the full screen with droning Barnicle and chirping Mika, who got tired of doing her Edward R Murrow impersonation. Thankfully, LO'D and Rach are holding the reins now... and the MJ posse undoubtedly has moved on to sheet cake and day drinking.
  12. Oh, man, who is watching this? Mika's body language says knowing and confident. She's using a voice and delivery that she stores in the pantry for special occasions. Joey went with the Aeschylus quote often associated with RFK re the loss of JFK. His delivery is best described as melodramatic. This is unspeakable. They are coming off like they are the ones who toiled full time and overtime in the studio all week. Sharpton on now saying he was In The Room when Biden met George Floyd's family aaand Barnicle is up next, intro'd by cry talk Mika. Oh yeah, this is MJ all the way. Is there a bigger bunch of star fuckers anywhere?
  13. "Beau was a friend of our show." Joe is breathless. So the clowns got to make the victory announcement and co-opt Beau at the same time. Watch out, Joseph, the meter is running and they always collect...
  14. I have never understood why the period with 2-3 more hours of daylight, depending on geography, is labeled as daylight saving time. Why do we save something while we have more of it rather than while we have less of it?
  15. Motherhood and its side effects will be a perpetual ace in the hole. She will play it during every dumb, stupid, entitled, poorly reasoned moment she creates for herself now and forever, amen. The degree of my dislike for her is attained by very few. She is quite close to the top of my long but distinguished shit list.
  16. Some celebrities, we like everything about them. The "relationship" is a perfect fit. If discrepancies creep in it's natural to second guess or doubt our judgement. It becomes important* to figure out if they fooled you or you fooled yourself. *Not earth-shattering importance, but a puzzle that "needs" to be solved. People are funny animals. I used to like everything about Kelly. Now I can't remember why.
  17. How jarring is her return going to be? No matter the little heres and theres, it's been so pleasant. Sigh.
  18. Mika is dressed appropriately and looks like a professional. As if she is sitting on the bridge of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D).
  19. First impression, it looks like a colorized black and white photo from the 1940s-1950s. She resembles the young Norma Jean Baker (Marilyn Monroe) from that era.
  20. Kornacki gets some love and MJ is mentioned. Nice photo. The comments are great. He hasn't changed clothes for three days. He is the college roomate you had to remind to take a shower. The kid who pulled an all-nighter, then sat in class during the final, tapping his pencil nervously on his desk, then shouting out "COME ON! YOU KNOW THIS ONE!" MSNBC's Steve Kornacki keeps going. And going. And going. https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2020/11/04/steve-kornacki-msnbc-election-map-board/
  21. Quick. Which one is the most repulsive? (Every answer is the right answer). When is karma coming for them? Whennn?
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