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Everything posted by TheFinalRose

  1. I won't guess on the sentences but I suspect that Teresa will want to start hers right away to avoid having to film the reunion. haha.
  2. You're right. I can see saving enough money to buy the lot and the construction and all that goes with it, but then afterwards, I just can't imagine how they can keep up with the rising taxes and all the upkeep that a home that large requires. I mean, is Richie going to mow the lawn, clear the gutters etc. on a house that big? The property tax payment alone based on the lot and house size is money you could spend traveling or doing something else worthwhile instead of handing over for garbage collection and schools. I can understand building if you hit it big in stocks, or selling a company, or an inheritance with lots of money left over. But the Wakilies move up seems to be a head scratcher. I understand why they would want it, but not where the money came from/will come from to live in it over the next ten years.
  3. I have a freshman and senior in college and if I could build myself a nice custom home I would do it too. I grew up in a small house and raised my kids in a small house. When I was a kid everyone I knew lived in a bigger house than me; now that I am married it seems that everyone else still has a bigger house than me. I just want to know what it feels like to live in a big house, and have space to store stuff and a dining room big enough for everyone not to be smushed on the holidays and the age of my kids does not change that. That's why the Juicy's fraud burns me. A lot of people want to live in a nice big house but don't steal the money to do it. Plus even when your kids are in college they are also home for months too. My son came home in the first week of May and didn't go back until Aug 21. That was almost four months of togetherness in our small house even though he was technically in college.
  4. I look at this as the glass half full ... no one is even pretending Juicy won't end up with jail time.
  5. Yes, I think that Teresa probably looked at Kathy's modest lifestyle as "settling;" Teresa also probably knew she should be living Kathy's lifestyle on what their paychecks brought in. Of all the NJ Ho-wives Kathy is the only one I could see myself liking in real life. Except for Richie, who is a huge liability. Anyway, Kathy was probably some kind of disapproving spectre hovering over Teresa just watching and waiting this whole time. Kathy doesn't seem stupid to me; not like the felons are. I would watch that. But then I watched that stupid Married to Jonas show, so I guess I watch a lot of vapid garbage.
  6. I don't know which made my head spin more, the sight of Joe in a suit or the fact that the Wakilies are building a mansion? Geez, I need to tell my kids to drop out of college right now and we will use the tuition to buy the first gas station or paper shredding franchise we can find for them and they will be all set. Although I'd probably rather watch that house being built, in a kind of Bravo/HGTV hybrid storyline, than the antics of the twins/Rino/Bobby gang. I'd like to see Kathy putting her kitchen together. And the taxes on the marble mausoleum are 60 grand a year? I'm assuming those were not paid either.
  7. The original version read "We are AWESOME!!!!!!!!" This makes no sense. Interesting. The house must have been what tipped the scales in favor of Heather being cast on the HoWives. Obviously Hedy did not expect for the contents of the letter to be transcribed. More secrets revealed than she thought, hahaha. Meanwhile, I'm loving looking at her Instagram. I find Heather's brand of shallowness fascinating.
  8. This show was so boring for the first hour; then it got better at the end, and then we got the credits, which were hilarious. Question: Would they still have invited Des and Chris to show up and dispense advice if Brooks had been one of the final couples? Also, is Molly pregnant, or recently post-pregnant? I did feel sorry for AshLee a little bit, mainly because she looked kind of pretty/natural and wounded in the limo ride, but if your true forever love is easily talked out of continuing your "relationship" then it wasn't what you thought it was to begin with. Jackie really had no second thoughts dispensing with Zach. And, as I began to suspect the preview of the handcuffs never came to fruition. Isn't there a law against that??? Lacy and Michelle had the same dress on; only Lacy was made up as a clown whore to distract us from noticing.
  9. No, and if we don't get that next week I think we all need to band together and sue for false advertising. Hear that Fleiss? We are waiting. I know. I wish she hadn't left, she and Brooks could have hit it off!
  10. Brooks is so gay. Over on TwoP that seemed to be a constant topic during Des' season but I never really saw it. BUT, last night...woo....he giggles nonstop, doesn't even try and kiss Jackie on the date, giggles some more on the couch with Sarah, and then brings some nail polish so he and Jackie can have some girly time. Even if he is a struggling post-Mormon from a broken home who might have some issues to work out but is really as straight and hetero as they come he sure acted gay last night. Me too, but he seems like a really nice guy. That montage where all the guys were joking that Cody was going to eat Tasos if he asked out Michelle was funny. There is not enough ABC screentime in the world that would make me swim in a cave with bats. I would have turned around and headed back up that little ladder so fast. Don't you have to get a rabies shot pretty darn quick if you get bit? No way. There is no such thing as a time-share by a lake in Chicago because the lakefront property in Chicago is pretty much all owned by the park district. You can buy or rent an apartment in a high rise with a lake view, but I'm guessing Jesse will never have the amount of cash that costs. However, a quick internet search shows that if Jesse were to come to Chicago there are plenty of upcoming street fests to be invited to, such as the Ukranian Village Fest, Sept 6-9, or the Sam Adams Lakeview Taco Fest, Sept 20-21, which he can ask Tasos to join him for.
  11. I just voted and Shannon has pulled ahead. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of Shannon's scenes this season. I'm sure she viewed joining the cast as an adventure, or a lark for her, since she has everything money can buy but you can't necessarily buy an experience like being on this show. Anyway, she sure delivered. She better be back next season.
  12. No, I don't think she is up to this show's standards, either. And I don't remember her at all from Juan Pablo's season. She is the only one on this show that I drew a blank with when she walked up. Her hair is the worst. But then is Jesse really considered a prize anyway? Oh, I guess I drew a total blank when Jesse walked up too, so I guess they have a lot in common and belong together!
  13. It's too bad the producers didn't think this show through ahead of time, or do a better job of thinking on their feet. By the time Marcus was saying I love you to Lacy and the cast was scratching their heads in boredom that should have been the cue for the big black bachelor SUV to pull up outside the hut and carry them away to that real hotel that the Putz was staying in. Right. The Sara/Robert friendship is just that.
  14. Eh, now that I did a Google search on Danielle I no longer think that she wanted out of the show. I think Bravo most likely cut her because she was boring and she probably shut down all her social media because she is embarrassed that she got the boot.
  15. I think this is the issue otherwise WHY have a press conference about it? It was a preemptive action, followed by her dissapearance from the series after already being filmed. No way do I think BRAVO was protecting anyone ... they cannot have sunk lower than the Taylor and Russel Armstrong mess and yet they did not excise Taylor from the footage. Let's say that, in Bali, someone (hmmm, I'll take a wild guess and say Tamra?) says that Danielle's husband is/was gay, although if Tamra said it I am imagining that there would be much more colorful/vile language used. Let's suppose that Danielle goes home, tells her husband that his orientation was the big focus of a major fight. He goes ballistic, they get some bad advice to hold a preemptive press conference, then the hubby regrets all of it and threatens all sorts of stuff unless Danielle quits the show. He may have good reason to be angry about it for business reasons or whatever. Anyway Danielle (in a rare, nonfamewhore-ish type of action) actually chooses her husband/family's reputation and says she wants out of the show completely or else her husband is going to do something drastic and blame BRAVO for it. I cannot see Bravo protecting anyone's reputation, and Tamra doesn't have a reputation to protect; Danielle seems to be the one who shut everything down and Bravo went along with it.
  16. I bet the producers made him say that stuff to her because the rest of the show was super sleazy with Christy and Jessie and "what's her nuts." But the cuts to the head scratchers during their kiss was hilarious. Can I say how disappointed I was that it was Clare that ran off into the woods, and not AshLee having a freak out? And I was also really disappointed that it was Lacy in the ambulance too, with just your typical traveler's stomach. Zack seemed really relieved that Claire left so he could get with Jackie. Anyway, with Claire gone I hope that does not mean the end of the racoon's appearances.
  17. OMG Graham so wants to be done with AshLee that he will grab at any straw (with a vodka and soda attached, ha, that was hysterical) to shake her off. I mean, yeah, she was a mean gossip but if he was into her he would not let a little gossip like that get in his way and he would talk to her about it later. When I saw the previews I thought AshLee had said something way worse about Graham and that was what made Graham embarrass her and leave her twisting in the wind with her rose. But no, just gossip about Claire. Anyway, Clare rocks. She is delusional about Zack, but I too love her confrontational aplomb! Marcus looks zoned out, again, but I thought his slip of the lip and saying he loved Lacy was really cute. But that about wraps up their camera time/storyline and Fleiss ought to engineer a way for them to leave the show at this point because they are dead weight and taking up two slots that other famewhores could be using to mix up the pot. I do not remember Jessie from Jillian's season but no wonder as he is not very remarkable. However, he seems to have Ed's sleazy come on line ability that worked like magic on Jackie, so good for him, I guess. Kalon is a joke. But he did provide the only real laugh out loud humor in last night's show. Looking forward to tonight as the preview at the beginning of the show looks like there is some hidden night camera action which BIP has yet to provide.
  18. Shannon wins the night for her well-thought out zinger to the Dubrows about why their house is up for sale: "It's too big and we want a better view." HA! She was basically telling Heather Dubrow. "been there, done that and it's not all that." She really twisted the knife with that one and you could see the shock on Heather Dubrow's face. Ouch! Good one, Shannon! Hated the bangs on Heather. They just emphasize the cartoonish angles of the rest of her face. I am a bangs person, always have been. There is something unsymmetrical about my brow bone and my face just looks more even with that covered up. But those blunt ones are awful on Heather Dubrow. Anyway, I would imagine that being on the receiving end of an apology from Heather Dubrow has to be one of the most frightening experiences a human being can be subjected to. Does anyone know anyone who speaks to people in real life like Heather Dubrow does? Me thinks she took her thespian-ism way too seriously and forgot to check it at the Syracuse drama department door.
  19. Oh yes and this reminds me of the "Your flight leaves at 9" line the date cards all end with, which I hate. I'm wondering if they had no intention of upping for transportation away from paradise for dates and overnights, etc., and then when they got a week into filming realized they had to start shelling out or else the contestants were going to mutiny. Or they couldn't twist the arm of the Campeche tourist office hard enough to come up with enough locations to comp them so poor Marquel ends up going to the same place two days in a row.
  20. I love this show. I laugh so much when I am watching it and I thank the editors for not even pretending to take it seriously. I dunno, I'm feeling that Graham may be a little bit of a pushover if he lets AshLee call the shots on his adventure in paradise. It makes me respect Dylan more for shaking off Elise when he recognized her as a Stage 5 clinger. Of course, that got him booted off but I can't see that as anything other than a win/win...the accommodations in paradise are so low rent. And that paradise is sure windy, don't you think? I would leave too. No phone, tv or internet stuck in a crappy hut on the beach while being in pain and unable to get yourself around? What does he have to lose if he drags Elyse back home with him? And it appears to me that Chris is making a career out of appearing on these Bachelor-derivative shows. I am sure this is not the last we will see of him. Unfortunately. I think back on the old TwoP someone said he reminds them of Squidward, from Sponge Bob. I remember wondering why in the world Emily dragged him along to number 4 on her season. I know. If anyone was on the receiving end of a sign in this episode it was Marquel with that lighting strike. Although the message might have been dude, don't wait for the production team to call time when a storm is coming. Use your own judgment. This is true but if we know it then rest assured production knows it and I am confident that they will find ways to break up the coupled ups. Except for Marcus and Lacy, who are so boring. Marcus seems depressed. And next week looks awesome, as our friend the racoon returns.
  21. I'm glad they picked Chris. This show needs a fresh storyline for its Bachelor, and they can milk this lonely farmer theme until the cows come home. Remember the On the Wings of Love theme for Jake's show? HILARIOUS. They will definitely cast some lonely farm girls, maybe another one-armed cast member who lost her limb in a thresher accident? So many possibilities. And I am sure some of these girls will be more than happy to exchange living in the middle of Nebraska or Wisconsin or Minnesota for the middle of Iowa and the cover of US Magazine. Marquel has proven to be unentertaining on BIP, and I wasn't a fan of Arie on his season either. I am more excited for Chris than I was about Andi.
  22. Yeah, I'm thinking that Marquel is another addition to the Juan Pablo Less Is More Hall of Fame.
  23. The only thing that will affect Carole's ability to get a future book deal is whether or not she makes money for Henry Holt, her publisher. As a reader I don't believe Aviva's claim that Bill Whitworth ghostwrote What Remains. However, I do kind of believe that someone said something to Aviva along those lines and that it's possible Whitworth's editing crossed over into re-writing, or "co-writing". The only reason I have for wondering about that is because What Remains was so emotionally devastating a read, and The Widow's Guide was as shallow as they come. None of Carole's ability to create an emotional connection with the reader in What Remains was carried over into The Widow's Guide. So I'm wondering where that skill went between books. Now that being said, I will definitely read Carole's essay book as soon as its published. Who is Tricia Boczkowski? Do you remember the infamous "you know" interview/article that was published that really did Caroline in? I think it was in the NYTimes or, "you know, wherever, but she had some outrageous number of "you knows" in the transcript and it did not reflect well on her. Nevertheless, she does seem to have managed to keep her family out of the tabloids.
  24. Thanks Chris, for pointing out the further indignity suffered by Mr. Putz, that of having to submit to MEXICANS for his health care. The producer's use of "birthing position" to describe the man's agony convinces me that all Bachelor production staff must be frustrated comedy writers biding their time in between their auditions for Lorne Michaels and co. LOL. Remember when Chris had to participate in the Dubrovnik version of the Highland Games in Emily's season and he was humilated by Sean and Arie and a couple other hunky dudes? Emily felt so bad for him that he got the group rose date for "trying." And Sarah is such a sad sack on this show. She totally does not fit in with the crazy. She needs an emergency phone call from home asap to get her out of this show.
  25. REENACTMENT cracked me up. I mean, the font was really really large. Then followed immediately by P-U-T-Z. I was laughing so hard. So Marquel puts on a pair of glasses that aren't exactly flattering, and tells Michelle Money she drinks too much, and he still can't get himself kicked off. Anybody else think Marquel correctly concluded that BIP is a lame production with cheap-o dates and just wants to go home? And apparently Ben is finished with Hollwood! Finished, I tell you!
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