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Everything posted by PinkRibbons

  1. My mother just submitted the episode with the story of how Leonard and Sheldon met. Personally that's one of my own favorites for the shallow reason that the only time I've ever considered Sheldon sexy was when he stopped the elevator door, grabbed Leonard, pulled him out and closed the door again. Damn.
  2. They could always go the old-fashioned route of saying she moved down to Florida and continue having (one side heard) conversations with Howard over the phone.
  3. I'll go with a common one -- The Adhesive Duck Deficiency. The Penny and Sheldon parts were great, but I always always always lose it watching the three guys get high. It just keeps topping itself! Raj's "Rabbit's Speech" alone!
  4. I didn't quite know where to put this, but there's a new promo up for season 3! I really enjoy how this show promotes itself -- this one tops last year's Russian Roulette Commercial for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knW3c-54HpM&list=PLq14kOkqi1wFgwIcu546sqgw3ZRaBVrCR
  5. My immediate thought upon hearing Margaux saying that she was pregnant was, "So Daniel, you think you've got some ammo on you or are you just gonna wait until a convenient gun shows up to shoot her?" (Which isn't to say he only shoots women when pregnancy/non-pregnancy is involved but...yeah.)
  6. According to wikipedia, Izumi means "source of water", or more poetically, "spring" or "fountain". At least it means that in Japanese. I have only a little knowledge of Japanese naming convention (years as a manga!nerd do pay off in unexpected ways!), but I suppose it's possible that her name is spelled with characters that are pronounced "Izumi" but mean something else. I hope someone with more knowledge than I can shed some more light on this! The thing about Opal, to me, is that the things she's angry about, I totally agree with. She's got every right to be mad that her ex-ish boyfriend is trying to romance her after working with the woman that imprisoned her whole family. She even had a point earlier when she got all snippy to Bolin when he was refusing to listen to what she felt (and later knew) Kuvira was really up to. But good God, the girl has an annoying way of expressing herself. It's strange to watch a character and think, "you're right. SHUT UP!"
  7. My only issue is the freaky dark!Korra vision-thing, because I'm still not sure if it was related to the many issues she's come past now. It's such a specific eerie image, and they've hinted it's a spirit thingy. So I'd like to know what it is or was if it never shows up again. Otherwise I thought the episode was pretty great!
  8. Is Kai reminding anyone else of Jason Dohring as early Logan Echols on Veronica Mars? To me they seem to share that strange sociopathic charm (though of course Logan turned out to be an actually good person.)
  9. What I loved about that line was that no matter how many times I listened to it, I didn't hear Archer, H. John Benjamin's other animated character, who often says "that's classic ____" a lot. And both characters are variations on his own voice! That man has so much talent, holy crap.
  10. I agree about whether the rings work anymore with the other side gone; that should be addressed. If they still work they should really start guilting Luke into making more of them. Looks like the guy has already been popping out daylight rings for anyone who asks. As for the whereabouts of the Gilbert ring yes, it's on Matt. It won't work for Jeremy because being a Hunter made him supernatural (I think. They did spend a lot of the episode after he died that time waiting for him to wake up. Well, Elena did. Everyone else just didn't want to say that he was starting to decompose.)
  11. I spent a ridiculous amount of time preoccupied with "who the hell invites one member of a two member family for Thanksgiving knowing very well the other will be left all alone?" Because that shit is just tacky and I'd think Caroline would be above that, personal problems aside. I'm starting to feel pretty sympathetic to Stefan here. He's basically getting the "someone is in love with you which means they are entitled to having you love them back" treatment, which I usually see done to female characters. In that area I think it's actually only Caroline and Stefan who aren't being douches about the whole thing. I'm glad he gave her more of an apology, and that she is not hiding the fact that her avoidance of him is based much more on her hurt romantic feelings than anything else. That felt real. The show's observers of the whole thing one-sidedly deciding that Caroline is completely in the right are bugging me. It's not right to try to force someone into feeling something they don't. Leave Stefan alone and let him process things on his own time. It's okay for Caroline not to want to see him, it's not okay for the rest of their friends to get involved and take sides. But just UGH WHO LEAVES A PERSON ALONE ON THANKSGIVING. Moving on, I think that one of the issues with killing Kai is a lack of imagination on his coven's part. Maybe they assume they can only kill him with magic, and that would backfire spectacularly. I'm guessing no one ever thought, "hey, maybe we should just shoot him in the face!" One thing that's confusing me is the estrangement between Luke, Liv and Jo. If they all survived Kai's massacre, why would they have been separated so long as to not recognize each other? Did they explain that and I missed it? Preach. When Alaric decided his relationship that had lasted all of five minutes was more important than the life of a young girl who had sacrificed herself for him and many of his loved ones, I wanted someone to punch him in the side of the head. Go Damon, do what you have to do. Although I'm kind of shocked Ric isn't on vervain.
  12. I'm just thinking any pretext to get rid of Narcisse should be foremost in Francis's mind. Say he can't have Narcisse executed for doing Claude. But, Narcisse has presented himself as the representative of the Catholic Nobility. He's putting everything on the religious side of things. If he gets caught (and I mean caught, pants down in front of several cardinals and/or handfuls of nobility) in the act of sex with Claude -- who has just been pronounced a virgin by emissaries of the Pope himself-- he's revealed to be a power-hungry hypocrite. His position cannot possibly be strong enough to weather everything. He's getting way too powerful, and the other nobles are probably aware that he's the one whispering in Francis's ear. He's got to have enemies in the Catholic faction that are starting to get tired of him and all his power; not to mention that I doubt the majority of nobles think a religious war is a good idea. Put Narcisse in bed with Claude to boot and there's your pretext -- he is trying to become a ruler so hard that he's gone to the lengths of de-virtueing a member of the royal family.
  13. I think Bash was just trying to get her the hell out of court before she revealed anything or ruined his marriage for kicks. As for Claude's death, I honestly wonder how much harm her sisters could do to her? We had that scene last week where one of them yanked back Claude's neck, but it looked to be a more of an illusion Catherine saw... I did too, and ugh to that. I'm with you on the idiocy on not informing Francis that he was accidentally creating a martyr, but I think the bomb thing was justified -- instead of assuming there was no bomb at all, they just thought it had actually been planted somewhere else, with the fake to make them lose time. I had a thought about Claude and Narcisse. There was a real-life scandal when Elizabeth I was a young teen -- Thomas Seymour set out to seduce her, (presumably so he could eventually rule the country with her as his queen), and he lost his head for it, it was treason to the crown. Wouldn't sleeping with a "chaste" French Princess be just as treasonous? Narcisse sleeping with Claude might give Francis an excuse to execute him if they were caught in the act. The downside would be of course that Claude would have been publicly ruined, but she doesn't want to get married and anyway up till now everyone was just politely looking the other way about her; her marriage prospects are really low as it is. Although if that doesn't work, perhaps Narcisse would be forced to marry her, which might nominally give him more power (Princesses couldn't technically inherit the throne in France, but that Royal Blood was nothing to scoff at), but she's also crazypants and maybe she'll murder him in his sleep.
  14. NOTE: Reign airs on Wednesdays in Canada, meaning that the episodes are very often viewed a day before they have aired in the US. Therefore please be aware that this thread will almost definitely have spoilers for those who wish to wait until Thursday night to view the new episode. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5Je-q_ZnC8&list=UUPWQWav6BpPvtanCtloXkiw Producer's Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im3c8WGc58w&index=2&list=UUPWQWav6BpPvtanCtloXkiw Edit having seen the episode: The only thing I kept thinking as the episode ended was, you know what, Catherine? Give the little spirits their revenge. Claude is not just a brat, she's a psycho.
  15. It isn't remotely easy or simple for a woman to just give up her child. I still think Francis was in the wrong here, that they should have let people think Julian was the father while Francis was named Godparent. Sure the kid wouldn't have titles and land, but he also wouldn't be at risk as a possible pretender to the throne, and his mother would have a far easier chance of remarrying and giving him a more normal life. Now he has to go around with "bastard" hanging around his neck. (As for not returning with Francis, he said himself that he couldn't get a newborn back to the castle alive without the mother to feed him. She missed the boat (literally) to leave him with the baby and would basically have had to high-tail it ten minutes before Francis got home, if she chose to leave the baby with Francis. Meanwhile he country was devastated by plague and she hardly had an easy escape route.)
  16. I think it's actually just a regular five-pointed star; the one that Howard took into space with him and brought back so she could now wear a star that had truly been in space. (Take that, every other guy who'd ever given her anything!) The actress is Jewish so it's possible she herself asked them to let up on having her wear the cross, but I don't think it's a Star of David.
  17. Well good! I'm really starting to think she should write David an email (including all appropriate attachments and links) titled "Why Victoria Grayson is an Awful Human Being". It could detail every horrible thing that's transpired, and why Emily pursued the path she did. As it is these snatches of conversations she keeps getting obviously aren't being helpful at all because not much actually relevant is being said. I suppose it's a security risk but seriously, if that email got out I doubt it would be Emily who came out looking worst. Oh, also? Here's an easy fix for the Nolan-supposed-theft drama that wouldn't expose Emily: Have David release a statement saying that he's learned that his daughter, who did in fact receive all the money due her, considered it blood money and donated it all anonymously to several hundred different charities. Emily did come out of juvie believing that David was a monster, after all. I don't even remember if David mentioned on camera the diaries that went to Amanda either, and if he didn't, that helps the case even more. Nolan comes out smelling like a rose because his refusal to explain on live ambush TV could be chalked up to his wanting to honor the late Amanda's wishes for anonymity and not wanting to hurt David's feelings by telling him how his daughter supposedly felt about him. Ta~Dah! Everything fixed.
  18. Yet another elephant in the room goes unnoticed. (Conversation that should have happened) David: Victoria is not the person you think she is. Emily: She personally murdered the man I loved and left his corpse on my couch. David (because he is an idiot): That's part of the war between you two. Emily: Okee-doke, let's talk about her paying off a child psychologist to torture me into hating you, most likely because she knew I saw her when she stole your laptop. And this happened when I was nine. Hey, wanna see this video of me as a child screaming to be let out of a locked room? (I like to think that even if those videos were dumped into the sea, that nutbar psychologist probably has them backed up on a cloud somewhere.)
  19. Toph made an off-hand comment about how the local Swamp-Benders really can't take a punch, so I think they're still around.
  20. I'm thinking that whatever Kuvira was planning on doing with Wu, it was extremely risky for her cause. Wu's kidnappers explicitly said that they worked for her, and for all we know if Partial Team Avatar hadn't saved him, the kidnappers would have just disappeared Wu, not unlike the whole Richard III/Princes in the Tower mystery. So long as Wu is alive and out of Kuvira's clutches, he's a possible rallying point for an opposing government, using his "rightful place" as King to mount a good argument, even if he is just a figurehead. That makes Wu dangerous. However, since Kuvira has been caught pretty much red-handed, this could be tantamount to declaring an act of war. She tried to seize a Republic City Citizen (I guess you could say she was taking him home because he was Earth Kingdom, but that's a weaksauce argument -- Republic City is made up of people from all four nations), or if not a citizen, someone who was definitely under the protection of the Republic City government. My guess is next week the kidnapping attempt combined with Bolin and Varrick's intel about the spirit a-bomb will indeed start a war. But at least this time Korra can honestly say she didn't have a hand in starting it. So that's something, I guess?
  21. Also from the 6/07 thread: I think there's always been a difference in the brothers in that Damon is all heart while Stefan is far more level-headed and generally pragmatic (when, you know, not hopped up on human blood and ripper-y). In this case, Damon has been led somewhere good by his heart for once. I also think the past couple of seasons have made Stefan more cynical than he was in the first few when he was just trying so hard to be good. I mean, I was watching the comet/rain scene last night and thinking, "Man, this is sweet, but Stefan is still locked in a chest underwater right now, drowning over and over while you're having this moment". Stefan tried really hard to be good and his crazy evil brother got the girl. And I don't think that this is entirely about Elena, but in a sense, the universe has just kept letting Stefan down over and over for a while now. I can kind of see why he's lost some of that angelic edge to his character. When was his last happy storyline?
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