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Everything posted by PinkRibbons

  1. It's not unheard of for a network to allow an early termination of contract for this kind of reason, though.
  2. I noticed that in the scene when the weapon was on Opal and Baatar wanted to halt it, Kuvira's back is to the camera the whole time, in what I suspect was a very deliberate move by the writers and animators. If we had seen what she thought of blowing Opal away, it would've taken away the little shock that came from her attempting to kill Baatar in the next episode.
  3. Something keeps bugging me -- where does Kuvira get off demanding Korra be turned over to her? The United Nations army, yes, that's mostly understandable. But the Avatar is not simply a weapon or a soldier. She or He is a person who simply fights on the side they believe is in the right and/or will keep the world balanced. Arguably the Avatar belongs to no nation, and if Korra did it would be the Southern Water Tribe. She's not Raiko's to turn over. So here we have Kuvira, who is so careful about making everything she does look above-board. She makes a show of giving chances and being "merciful". Demanding that the Avatar make a surrender along with Raiko, and pledge to no longer meddle in Kuvira's business; that's reasonable. But to demand her person to be turned over to Kuvira is going too far. The only thing she could do with Korra would be to force her to work as another spirit weapon or more likely to kill her so the next Avatar will be Earth Kingdom and easily controlled by Kuvira from a young age. But murdering The Avatar has got to be cause to declare world war again (hell, it might even be cause to declare war on Kuvira from the spirit world as well! Raava will pissed if Korra is murdered). At the very least I'd expect The Southern Water Tribe to move in response to Kuvira murdering not only one of their citizens, but the daughter of the tribe's leader to boot. Is this a sign that Kuvira has finally gotten too cocky?
  4. She told him on TVD. I'm surprised there hasn't been more mention of it on The Originals. Possibly the writers are planning a Retcon and want to wait long enough for any viewers of both shows to forget what was previously said to be her trigger. I remember saying the same thing about Enzo when he first said he died of "consumption". The only way that could have worked was if someone gave him blood like a second before he hemorrhaged to death, maybe?
  5. I would say that she's more likely to leave the show entirely if she gets this part. I say that based on what I've seen with other young TV actors who go into big movies -- they tend to want the movie career more than TV. If she chooses to stay on the show they'll have to reduce Bonnie's role yet again to accomodate her shooting schedule, at least on X-Men. (That is to say, if they film at the same time.)
  6. I seem to recall Hayley mentioning something to do with a friend dying on a boat accident where she was driving. Hold on, let me check a TVD wiki...
  7. I completely forgot about Miss Cuddles!!! (How is that even possible?) My bad.
  8. Francis is set to die fairly soon of some kind of ear hemorrhage, I think? I'll miss Toby. This show's timeline is so strange -- they skip weeks at a time...according to Nostradamus's vision Francis will die around the time he and Mary have been married a year. They got married in episode 13 last season and we're on episode 10 of this one, but who knows how much time has past. I suspect they'll hold off Francis's death until the season finale. Catherine didn't exactly become ruler; Charles, Francis's heir, was too young so Catherine became regent until he grew up. Three of her sons ended up sitting on the throne and dying without legitimate issue, and finally the next King after them was one of their cousins, who just happened to be married to one of Catherine's daughters. (Don't quote me, I'm too lazy to double-check myself.)
  9. They always used to say stuff about "waiting for the blood to get out of your system", which I assume means it lingers as long as it takes for you to pee it out completely. I don't know how long that is. Is Bonnie still powerless? Kai can't take magic permanently, he can just siphon it off. When he runs low I don't think the magic returns the original holder; just that the original holder grows some more. Seems to be what Jo's trying to do before the merge.
  10. I felt like this episode's flashbacks gave a subtle nod to an idea from earlier in the series; that Caroline has always felt sort of left out among the three girls. Bonnie and Elena were both closer to each other than to her. Stefan actually did/does treat her like someone who is his exclusive Best Friend. I'm shipping it, but I also really love that friendship.
  11. This does feel like Bash redux to me. I see just as little chemistry between Conde and Mary as I did with her and Bash. Less, even. I'm guessing whatever's happening to Catherine is what caused Henry's madness. We never did get a solid answer on what was wrong with him that sent him over the edge, and he was seeing spirits too. I'm guessing it's some kind of poison from Clarissa, because I suspect we're meant to believe the spirits are real. That whatever is causing them to haunt Catherine came originally from the pagans in the woods...some kind of hallucinogen?
  12. That was awesome! Looking forward to how they handle things with Brezhnev's death. My mother described it as being an incredible shock since he had been in power almost all her life. The next few guys who came in died in such succession that Mama says they actually had a joke people would say quietly to each other -- "You're gonna laugh, but another one's dead!" Philip and Elizabeth have been in America for basically Brezhnev's entire regime. The revolving door of replacements should be a mess that reaches them. I think we're going to see a lot more episodes like the one with the bomber -- someone in Moscow makes a decision, then someone else in Moscow makes a different decision, and meanwhile Philip and Elizabeth will probably be tossed around from mission to mission to undo last mission...I wonder when they'll get the hint that things are really going down and they should start worrying about themselves. My parents left in '85 and things were already falling apart right in front of their eyes. Philip and Elizabeth are removed from that. They may not see the fall coming until it lands on them.
  13. NOTE: Reign airs on Wednesdays in Canada, meaning that the episodes are very often viewed a day before they have aired in the US. Therefore please be aware that this thread will almost definitely have spoilers for those who wish to wait until Thursday night to view the new episode. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n09taUWGlI
  14. From imdb: ...So, is anyone aside from Bataar Jr. surprised that Kuvira did that? No? Didn't think so. I'll give the show kudos though, I thought they did play it well enough that you know Bataar Jr. was not just a worthless pawn to Kuvira. She seemed to really love him -- just not nearly as much as she loved the idea of being Supreme Ruler of the World. ('Cause yeah, where's she's planning on going next, do ya think? Fire Nation? One of the Water Tribes? Oh no, she'll just stop at Republic City. Right.) More kudos to the show, that giant mech-suit scared the holy hell out of me. Great animation and sound design, especially when it could have come out looking really silly.
  15. Huan? I'm pretty sure he's a bender, but he uses his bending to make metal sculptures. So not so much a fighter, but an artist.
  16. I loved how much like crazy!Henry he was. Seems to have freaked out Narcisse as much as everyone else near Henry got freaked out. Guess that crazy-good nanny/actress/imposter isn't the only one who can channel a loony old king.
  17. New Clip Up! Gotta wonder, what exactly is Kuvira getting from the relationship with Bataar Jr? I mean, other than the spirit cannon, which up until recently was Varrick's baby. Think she's really in love with him?
  18. I'm calling it right now: I think Korra's gonna take a blast straight on from a spirit cannon, and she's gonna absorb it. Like literally, take the spirit energy and convert into a part of herself. Or perhaps that's just what I want to happen...
  19. Agreed on this. The lengths Stefan is going through to keep her concealed are pretty extreme. Bordering on The Originals' Hope Protection Program. I mean if he can't tell Matt of all people the truth (because come on, Matt's an understanding guy who would probably commend Stefan for being so good to the real Sarah), then there's something deeper that seems to be going on. He really seems to worry about the real Sarah being made a target.
  20. This is up on the CW's youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btWIsMuxQNo
  21. My only problem with his speech was that it did not start with the phrase, "are you seriously that fucking self-centered?!"
  22. That was brutal and I don't know how I feel about it. I don't think I've ever seen a Cw show go this explicitly dark ever, and if TPTB argued it through, they better damn well have a plan on this impacting Mary's character for the rest of the series. If this was just a cheap way to manufacture drama and make Francis into the injured party by proxy, I hope the show is canceled and that no one on that writing staff ever works again. That being said, the acting in this episode was incredible, the entire cast was firing on all cylinders. If this storyline is going to work, I trust they can see it through. I don't know how much I trust the writers. How they go on from now will be a test of what they're made of, that's for sure. This better not have been an idea that someone in the writer's room casually tossed out in response to, "so, this conflict between Mary and Francis will be resolved. How will we mess with their relationship dynamics now?" It's done, and now it better damn well be followed through right.
  23. NOTE: Reign airs on Wednesdays in Canada, meaning that the episodes are very often viewed a day before they have aired in the US. Therefore please be aware that this thread will almost definitely have spoilers for those who wish to wait until Thursday night to view the new episode. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grwp-bbMos0&list=UUPWQWav6BpPvtanCtloXkiw
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