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Everything posted by GHScorpiosRule

  1. Agree. I don't need to be in the villain's POV; I don't CARE. Sandra Brown went waaay beyond with the Villain's POV in The Crush. I like the sparsing of it, like we got in The Witness. But I don't want the whiffing at the end like we got in Nightwork. I know, I know. I'm so demanding!
  2. Sounds interesting. What I want to know is, do we see both Thea and the hero's POV in equal measures? Or is this like Nightwork, Identity, and even Book 1 of The Lost Bride trilogy, where in the first, the majority was from the hero's POV, and the last two from the heroine? I don't want to guess at what the hero is thinking or feeling. But, like I've posted before, I'm hardly ever disappointed. And after the INSULTING and FRUSTRATING books I read by another author, I've gone back to re-reading Vintage Nora to cleanse my brain palate, which has helped. I finished Homeport last week, and started Sanctuary. I really love how Nora writes relationships-be they of friends or family. And here we have family that's been estranged for nearly 3 years.
  3. As others have stated, this was something Storm was able to do in the original show as well. We saw it in the pilot, at the mall where Storm and Rogue were shopping and the Sentinels who were hunting Jubilee, punched their way in, Storm stretched out her hand and the outfit she was wearing turned into her White X-Man uniform.
  4. I noticed that we got new writers in the 10th season after Patrick came back; or were they hired during the Dream Season? Anyway, I remember stating this when this was a single thread and mashed up with that INSULT of a Continuation, that the Dream actually didn't happen until the morning after. So. Show totally dropped how Katherine framed Jenna, and was stalking Bobby. She was outside of Pam's house that night. Yet, we don't see or hear from her until season 10 when she comes to see Bobby in the hospital in Widow's Weeds. I guess that statute of limitations ran out on her jumping bail under the attempted murder one charge? Which, well Polanski. Ahem. So another thing that had me rolling my eyes in the early shows of season 11 was Charlie's sullen attitude about Lucas and the living arrangement with Ray. Like her classmates weren't accusing Jenna of being pregnant with Bobby's baby before she gave birth? There was NOTHING about her being bullied then, eh? Yeah, yeah, plot point to have Ray propose. And again, I know it's just plot point, but for me, laziness regarding the series finale. Look, Nick came into Sue Ellen's life because she owned Valentine, so there is no way their paths would have crossed had she never met and married JR, because he life would have gone to marrying another Rich Texan. So having Scalia show up as her lover? husband? just made me roll my eyes. I don't doubt she wouldn't have turned into a drunk; I laughed that Kristin turned into some con artist. But I also rolled my eyes that Valene was some rich business woman. Her being dirt poor had nothing to do with JR's being born or existing. It was just an insulting way to end the show, which indeed, was an end of an era, as my local news reporters stated during the 11:00 o'clock news after the finale. And I read recently that Patrick HATED how they ended the show. But back to 11. Obviously, they knew about Victoria's doppelgänger. And she did have chemistry with Patrick. So why not just recast her as Pam? Or more realistically, since Pam pretty much blew up in the car, just recast another actress a la Steven Carrington from Dynasty when they recast with Jack Coleman? But nooooo. They had to have the semi-stalker real estate agent dress up as Pam to get in Bobby's pants, and then show up again AS Pam, when Cliff found her, only to have her tell him she fell in wuv with her doctor, because the easy and LAZY thing to do was to have her dying of some unnamed disease. Of course.
  5. I COULD! And I will if Show goes down this path.
  6. He didn't lose his badge; he was just sent to Staten Island, which was considered a demotion, but he was still a detective. Again, Logan wasn't fired.
  7. If this happens, Jagger will be: The SheBeast RUINS Every Good Character that is STOOPID enough get involved with her ass.
  8. Well, he did say that they should pass on hiring Dex, and Anna thanked him when he told her why; she didn't insist that he pass Dex through anyway. And speaking of putting people up as bait. That's what Anna is doing, wanting Dex to become a cop-and be her eyes and ears on what Mooby is doing. Well, no one turned against him when he MURDERED AJ and went to prison for awhile for that murder; because the Mayor at the time thought whatever he did to save the citizens of Port Charles with that water poisoning thing, was enough to grant him a pardon. So they are all willfully blind when it comes to who Mooby is; being off his meds doesn't change his CHARACTER or who he is, but I guess, just his behavior? And that will probably be the justification for everyone falling over themselves, begging for forgiveness.
  9. I don't know if the actor played Bennett (I was on the Barge), but right now, he is the one in charge of the Academy and decides who gets in.
  10. I was close to 50 when I interviewed and got the job at the firm I am at today. Will celebrate six years this summer. And I wasn't asked what my age range was on the application or during the interview process.
  11. Brag, brag, brag! Seriously! I am soooo jealous! The last ARC I had of hers, was the Born in Death, which I won in a contest on her message board. I was peeved because I thought it was for Innocent in Death. I didn't give any bluedilly fucks about Mavis' pregnancy or her birth.
  12. I think it was due to the preemptions? But even if that's the case, why didn't Canada show the earlier episode first? The U.S. hasn't been playing catch up and episodes have been running concurrently until Tuesday.
  13. What I do appreciate is that Laura's eyes aren't filled with tears and her voice isn't breaking when she's telling Anna how her eyes have finally been opened (really, Laura*?), unlike Anna, whose eyes are STILL filling up. *I guess Show didn't want to bring up how Laura knew WHO Mooby was and she'd had enough when they all thought Lucky had died because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and it was thought Lucky had been a casualty. I LOVED her raging at him at the morgue and calling him a murderer. And of course Jasus stood there like the good robot he was. I'm sure people will just attribute that to grief. Whatever. I loved it, and wish Laura had cut off things with Mooby permanently then, even if Lucky turned out to be alive. And don't shoot me, but I loved the talk about Luke and how he changed that building to the Blues Club. Great times those years; wonderful production values. I hope I see Laura's FIRE when Mooby shows up to confront her, and he WILL, about any charges levied against him, instead of sad, sad tears like Anna has been displaying.
  14. As I stated, it is for me. And unlike this new show, I can watch the original over and over again. Whereas so far with this show? I've only watched the premiere twice. And don't have any inkling to rewatch. That's not to say I'm not enjoying them. Some more than others, but the '92 version is more watchable for me, with the exception of a few episodes.
  15. So that happened. Did the writers expect me to be shocked at who was behind the sentinels? Because I wasn’t. It was rather predictable. What Xavier was going through wasn’t any different than what he experienced on Earth. All I can say is I’m glad he’s coming back. LOVED seeing Storm in that outfit and flowing hair! But man! The animation when it comes to lips just sucks. Xavier looks too…fleshy. And his eyes look like he’s wearing eyeliner. So far, the original is the superior and preferable show for me. Sigh…
  16. Does Laura even hear herself? Mooby is an old friend? Yes, but he's also a fucking criminal. She KNOWS this. Her family was roped into the mayhem and violence when Lulu was born. So she can (I can't believe I'm typing this) shut up, put up, or tender her resignation. I don't really care about Jar-Jar or that, YUCK, he's Maxie's love of her life? What is Felicia smoking? There is NO COMPARISON between Mac and Jar-Jar-who, by the way, is also a fucking criminal. So does this mean Maxie never loved Nathan? Do the writers even think before they write such idiotic dialogue? I didn't care for Nathan, but even I remember how much Maxie loved him. Or was she just...settling.
  17. Huh. Now this is unpopular: I LOVED Caviezel as Reese. He was the Batman without the cape and cowl for me in this. I just LALALALALLALALALALAA'D and ignored his real life stuff so I could enjoy the show. The chemistry between him and Michael Emerson was just wonderful.
  18. Unless something changed, Lopez was on yesterday.
  19. Never have I found dialogue so offensive as I did today when Luna is begging RJ and telling him that Zende didn't take advantage of her. Like, SERIOUSLY?! It's almost offensive as when Laura insisted Luke and she made love after he raped her-when during that one moment-he knew and admitted what he'd done was rape her waaay back in '77 on General Hospital*. Remember, I'm saying almost. I have no use for RJ, but he was right. He asked that she wasn't aware, but Zende wasn't drugged and he KNEW who she was. Ergo, taking advantage/assault. And damn, but Luna's nails scare me. How can she get anything done without poking herself in the eyes or other stuff? And did my eyes deceive me? Those talons looked like they had clear polish, then in the scene with Poppy, she had a light pink polish on them. *Only bringing that up because I am unaware of any similar rapes here, as I stopped watching, but know and have been told that Ridge raped Caroline? Like WTF? After she had been raped after she broke their engagement. That he or SHOW would go down that path?!
  20. I only meant to clarify. And it was during the era when NO ONE kissed Cujo's ass, and she was still a possessive jealous shrew over Jason. Oh, wait. She still is. The only thing that's changed is that EVERYONE has to kiss her ass now.
  21. I'm going to defend this friends selling jewelry on FaceBook. A couple of them were doing this to make money on the side because they needed the money. One of my friend's house had blown up due to faulty wiring (not their fault and they were recompensed to rebuild at no cost to them), but they were struggling. I didn't feel any pressure to buy. Both were selling cool jewelry and it wasn't obscenely expensive. I didn't always buy, but tuned in to the videos to provide support. What peeves me are the repetitive posts that state that if I'm a true friend, I'll copy and paste a post that will let me know who my true friends are. It's nothing short, no it IS the electronic version of chain letters. I REFUSE to do that. And guess what? I'm still friends with them, without them demanding why I didn't do a copy and paste. But they know how I feel about this shit. And It's not being sent to me DIRECTLY, but on their feed. But it's still annoying.
  22. I know I'm a broken record about this, but I don't care. But ROBIN is the only one he fought for-he left the mob for her and set up working at a garage. Even if it was until Mooby returned, and then it was back to normal bidnez. Though it didn't last, she's the ONLY one he did try and change his life for while they were together. Then Cujo also returned and that's all she wrote. Jason's ass shoulda gone to Elizabeth while he was bleeding out instead just to see Cujo's head explode. But I can't have nice things.
  23. Good Lord. Another episode where Jordan whines about never having cooked X and doesn't know if he'll be able to make it and picks the worst of the worst proteins. Only for him to end up making a poirfect sushi roll! Gee. How'd that happen?🙄🙄 And Gordon? You know I luv you (SHUTUP! Don't JUDGE ME! @seacliffsal where ARE you?), but I'm certain you had a say in what proteins to make available to the contestants. So stop with the disgusted look when one of them ends up having to choose imitation crab or chicken tenders, etc. I will be Shocked if Jordan doesn't win this. Pissed and peeved if he does. But shocked and ECSTATIC if he does.
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