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Everything posted by GHScorpiosRule

  1. Thanks. And my crime? My race/ethnicity. In this particular instance? I refused to join in with the bully who offered to be the spotter for gymnastics, where she didn't know what she was doing and I didn't relish hitting my head on the ground or pole. And said I didn't feel like it. She then threatened to kick my ass, repeatedly. Her cronies were egging me on to "DO IT!" They finally cornered me, outside-in the rain-and I had no defense; didn't know how to fight or defend myself (then). A teacher saw what was happening and put a quick end to it. Alas, my dad was on my way to pick me up because of the rain, but was running late. What a difference 10 minutes made. And he was just as furious when he saw my face. And both my parents worked full-time. But the thing was, back then (70s/early 80s), parents could talk and deal with each other; we kids were held accountable for whatever unacceptable stuff we did. I have always maintained that I lucked out on the teachers I had from elementary through college. And I lived in a rough neighborhood. It's a miracle I didn't turn into a gun-wielding mass shooting monster.
  2. Hmm...I don't know Ivy (stopped watching years ago), but what about...Deacon? That is, if he can cut himself lose of that barnacle called Sheila.
  3. Yeah, well, I'm not as charitable. Not all bullies are "victims of trauma" in my opinion.
  4. I went to Disney World when I was 12. Before Epcot. We were there for a week and it was a blast. My nostalgia as to my childhood is more of being grateful I was a kid when I was a kid. We got to play outside, even in the dark to see the lightning bugs (fireflies), and not have our parents hover over us. I could go up three blocks to my grandparents' place and just walk in without having to knock. Played football with the neighborhood boys, because of course-and not flag football, but get in your face, tackle. Until Puberty. Then my mom put her foot down and said "No more Football for you!" Because I didn't give a shit and went for the jugular and tackled with my body. The boys scoffed until they found their faces down in the grass. That all said, my childhood was also miserable-with the bullying and getting beat up. BUT, back then, we had teachers and parents that gave a good goddamn. I think I mentioned pages back, how my mother turned into a TIGER MAMA protecting her cub, when she learned who beat the shit out of me the last time I got my ass kicked. With my best friend, we went to her place, and I remember being scared because the girl's mother looked...mean, smoking a cigarette as she listened to my mom, demanding she (the bully's mother) LOOK at what her daughter had done to me. I thought for sure she would tell my mom to get a life, like the parents in The Brady Bunch episode, where Cindy was bullied and Peter had gotten a black eye by Buddy Hinton. Nope. Girl's mother screamed her daughter's name to get down there, and ripped her a new one while we were all there. She never bullied me again, and a year or so later, we managed to be civil to one another. Oh, and it was a teacher who broke up the beat down and walked me home. School was four blocks away.
  5. Another First World Problem, but I wanted to reach out and thank @Yeah No-I tried Toppik again and this time, not using the stupid baster (apparently, that only works on the huge bottle and not the small one), and it actually works! Also got the spray to "lock it in" so if my fingers touch the crown of my forehead, they won't come away smudgy. It's not as good as my real hair, but looks passable enough I don't see my scalp between the hair that hasn't grown back post-chemo. The only problem I see is having to wash my hair every time I use it, because I don't want it messing my bedsheets. So have decided to only use it when I REALLYYY need to-like today at work in the office and on Saturday, when I get my updated picture for my driver's license-yeah, I've postponed, and rescheduled for the past two months because I've been too lazy/tired to go. But definitely going on Saturday. I hate (and this should go in peeves) that we can no longer just walk in at the MVA here in MD. We have to make stupid appointments.
  6. Sean Kanan is SO wasted on this show. Why can't he ever play a character that wins? Either way, I'm still rooting for him. But why, why, WHY for GOD's SAKE does he have to be in wuv with that monster?
  7. No she turned up alive on All My Children-with amnesia. Then when Robin/Kimberly left the show, she decided she was going to look for Anna. She and Felicia had an emotional scene where Robin said she missed her mom (this was after the Robin told AJ about baby SLS) and wished she was around to talk with or something. I'm not sure what made her think Anna was still alive, but that reunion, which SHOULD HAVE been on this show, took place on All My Children-where Alex was a good character. And that Reunion was EVERYTHING. Then Anna showed up again on this show, about a year after Robin returned, I think? After the Monkey Virus, to jump out of a helicopter and drop kick Robert's ass for faking his death and not telling her or Robin he was alive. But of course, by then, we learned the WSB weren't the good guys of the 80s; they had threatened Robert to keep and stay dead if he didn't want anything to happen to Anna or Robin. Ahem. Sorry for digressing. But yes, then Anna was WSB, and I remember investigating, Ted King's Alcazar. Sigh. I miss when the WSB was one of the good guys.
  8. Thank you for this! I had to hold back in posting a snarky and angry response to the link above. Like you, I didn't notice any weight gain on Sunny-and we know that the camera adds 10 pounds. And Sunny looked no different to me. I've already vented my spleen in the episode threads here and elsewhere, but Sunny can just take SEVERAL SEATS. She is not anywhere CLOSE to those women and men who have diabetes, are pre-diabetic, or obese, who need this medication. It's not a WEIGHT LOSS DRUG. But that is one of the benefits-you lose weight. Oprah can also STFU. I was stressing and my blood pressure shot through the roof because of greedy doctors and people like Oprah, Sunny, Ana, and the like, who used it for weight loss only, thus causing Ozempic to go out of stock, so they got Trulicity (which was my medication) and THAT went out of stock, and I didn't know WHEN it would be back and what my options would be. Then I got Mounjaro. For a month. Then it was out of stock! Luckily, it came back in stock, so I'm good through the end of June. Sunny, instead of stuffing her face, maybe also exercise. Because we know it works for her, instead of taking the lazy route and also-no one knows what long term use effects will be.
  9. Yes, and yes, and yes! She and Robert “died” in ‘92 or ‘93. So it would have been more accurate for Anna to say it was the 70s, since she was in Port Charles from 1984-1993ish.🙄🙄🙄
  10. Dear Current Writers Who Can’t Bother To Do Research: Anna was no longer in the WSB in the 80s! She’d given birth to Robin, and turned to life as a fence for stolen merchandise! And can we PLEASE get Anna to stop crying already?! Clearly she can’t handle being Commissioner and should just resign. JEEBUS CRIPES. Confess and wail to Robert or Robin. WHYYYYYYY is Jagger making GOO-GOO EYES at Cujo?!!!!!
  11. Let me clarify my complaint. Yes, I know they've always pulled the stories from the comics-because that's the source material. But in the original, they let the stories...breathe. Even if I didn't know who was this and what's going on, there was exposition, that wasn't an exposition dump, so I could enjoy them. Even with Jean's return and then being taken over by Dark Phoenix, we got flashbacks/exposition. With this show, I feel like I'm supposed to know the material to appreciate what's being told; but it's also too fast/mashed up, where it's just causing my head to spin when it looks like it's contradicting canon from the original. Which, intellectually, it's not, because it's being pulled from the comics. But it's stuff that wasn't part of the original show, so that's why it seems confusing to me. Like I said, I like it, but I'm not loving it all, like I did the original, with the exception of the Mojo episodes.
  12. Nope. Didn't you see last week, where he told Cujo it..."hurt too much?" Or some nonsense like that? Though I did cackle that hers was the last person he thought of after Sam, Elizabeth, Jake, Danny, and Monica!🤣
  13. But is she? That could be the real corpse of Sheila, since according to Deacon's blathering, she's been there for weeks! Who's been feeding her? Making sure she gets water? I mean, didn't Kimberlin say she was leaving the show?
  14. Maybe this is petty of me, but I don't care. I've lost any respect I had for Sunny when it was revealed she took Ozempic/Mounjaro or whatever it was to lose her "COVID Weight" depriving those that have diabetes and who NEED it. She certainfuckingly did not.
  15. If Blaze doesn't want to come out, then maybe she shouldn't be kissing Kristina in public? Like at the Metro Court? Where I'm sure, Nina's sleazy Invader gossip columnist hangs out? Or does she think no one will see when they do kiss in public? That's definitely not a way to keep her sexuality a secret. And I loved Brook Lynne telling her it's 2024 and that there are a lot of artists who are out-even those in the music business.
  16. I have missed Jessica so, so, so much! Loved seeing her again!!! Now I’m hoping to see Asif Mandvi!
  17. I’m so happy! And it’s probably for a silly reason, but oh well. Friend is going to India and he had room to take four of my pants-two that go with the suits I wear in Winter or when I have to be in court. Remember last year, when I posted how I had to roll them up because I hadn’t realized how much weight I’d lost and that I hadn’t worn them in over five years? The tailor my mom uses has magic fingers. He altered my summer capri pants last Spring and you can’t even tell where the stitches are. So I know he’ll do the same for these pants. The other two also need to be hemmed at the bottom cuffs. I can’t find a decent tailor here or one that isn’t too expensive and I don’t want to risk them messing up. So since my friend goes to India on a regular basis, he told me he would take them to my Mom. Oh and what a GLORIOUS day today! ☀️ was out and Summer is here! And my leasing office turned on the AC! Got my car washed, removing all the pollen and other crap and it’s all nice and clean and shiny. Two more months and it will paid off. That’s a nice chunk I can bank in my savings.
  18. You need to give it a minute to load, then edit your comment-either adding or correcting. Then hit save.
  19. Sorry I wasn’t clear-I did see where Alexis told Molly to talk to TJ, but not where she said it was on TJ-his constant bitching and problems with Kristina. And he’s her domestic partner. They’re not married. Decided that was the best thing since she refused his marriage proposal.
  20. You can edit your posts. Just click on the the ellipses in the upper right hand corner and select edit. I think you can edit within a week.
  21. I know! I loved Brooke for telling Luna this wasn’t her fault. But like the other soap I still watch, this one also thinks it’s the 50s! Luna admits she was drugged. Oh, I’m sorry, “not herself” and thus she wasn’t taken advantage of. That because she was in Zende’s bed, she let him think she wanted to be there? But Zende wasn’t drugged. And he KNEW Luna was with RJ; that they were in love and in a RELATIONSHIP. It boggles the mind that these younger show runners and writers are regressing and writing as if it is 50-70 years ago! And how ironic, that the 70s-90s women had agency. On soaps.
  22. Yes. In the PopCulture Forum Under Movies HERE.
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