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Everything posted by LilJen

  1. Some nice moments, but overall a very lazy piece of writing. Way too many things wrapped up in a box with pretty wrapping paper. Nate redemption story just really badly done--gesture is nice, yeah, but. . . he was an ass because he was a genius? And I find it VERY hard to believe that he would not try to tell his side of the story about quitting--hell, last episode he was saying that Rupert was "really a lovely person"?? (And someone had reminded us all last week that Nate would have seen yeeeeears of Rupert's bad behavior so he is well aware he's awful. Charming at times, but awful.)
  2. Reminded me of Juno Temple (aka Keely on Ted Lasso).
  3. Lengthy article about one of those "Christian" medical cost-sharing ministries. Well, one family involved with two of them and related companies, doing all KINDS of fraudulent things. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/5/7/2167331/-A-Christian-health-nonprofit-saddled-thousands-with-debt-built-pot-farm-a-bank-and-an-airline?detail=emaildkre&pm_source=DKRE&pm_medium=email
  4. The answer is: WHO GIVES A RAT’S ASS? (Clearly Dave doesn’t much care, either.)
  5. I was pleased to see Sister Julienne roll her eyes at Sister MJ. Even her patience has limits!
  6. So sad seeing Nacho on the phone with his dad. Emmy for Michael Mando for facial expression and vocal control.
  7. watch out, Sadie! Do NOT look at Daddy's pocket square monster!! (Saw the "fancy folded hankie" thing a few weeks back and I just can't unsee it as an imp trying to crawl out/desperately get away from the ICK that is DBD.)
  8. Will wonders never cease? I can only dream of writing poetry with such winning lines as “poppin’ corn and makin’ candy.” Make that woman our Poet Laureate, stat!
  9. Is it too much for me to hope that what Ma REALLY said was “back off, bitch! Neglectful bitch!”
  10. I feel we were robbed of Isaac running around cones singing “DANI ROJAS, DANI ROJAS!”
  11. Awesome pairings: Will and Higgins, Jamie and Roy, Trent Crimm and "I am a strong and capable man", Coach Beard and Piggy Stardust, Ted and triangles. And the pillow fight was the PERFECT solution. Rebecca totally got knocked up by nameless Dutch guy who had bedroom eyes on her from the instant she was standing on the bridge. I call BS on not remembering the sex and/or yet another inappropriate/dubious consent moment :(
  12. The pocket square (if real) looks like a tiny clawed imp is about to climb out of DBD’s pocket. I wonder if you put a microphone up to it if you’d hear the screams of all the sinners in hell.
  13. Exactly where my mind went when she reached out to touch the stone. She’d probably fit seamlessly into 1736.
  14. I had to read and re-read "Tears of the Anaren" a few times, because I initially mispronounced it in my head. . . 😜
  15. Mother Mildred has annoyed me to no end in both episodes she’s appeared in. She appears to have zero ability to read the room, even if she can apologize later.
  16. The kids would be lucky to have a focus on teeth that WORK, not just look good. My MIL is forever nutritionally damaged by the orthodontist who said she didn’t need braces because her teeth were straight. Fucked up bite for yeeeears and now at age 80 she’s in pain and can hardly eat. This or that: -Grandpa Duggar wheeled around on an office chair or -Ma Noyes dragged around, left in pain, ignored, and starved while others gorge themselves Hey, it keeps his mind off of lustful thoughts about Heidi! A “thesis” that is 10 pages? That’s barely scratching the surface. Did those in my sleep in college. But it fits with the stupid idea that “quoting Bible verses from memory” = understanding biblical doctrine.
  17. Not sure what type of therapist Dr. Jacob is (LMHC, LMFT, LCSW, LPC) but my code of ethics (LCSW) says NEVER. There is always an inherent relationship imbalance between client and therapist, and Dr. Jacob is totally unethical. Time is not a factor. Former roles are. Of course he was already unethical in (1) starting marriage counseling with Ted and Michelle when already Michelle's therapist--you ALWAYS refer to a therapist who is new to BOTH partners and in (2) always taking Michelle's side in sessions (kind of inevitable with (1), which is one reason (1) was bad and unethical). Back to your normally scheduled programming. I also got a kick out of Jamie's somewhat unorthodox jammies. . .
  18. "She makes me go with her to Codependents Anonymous."
  19. “Mahmo!! Take a picture of us just sitting here in our matching shirts the color of wilted green beans!”
  20. See above. Strong suits include drama; lying; starving her kids and warping them emotionally beyond hope of escape and happiness; grifting everything from food to housing to hair extensions to vacations, mascara, eyeliner, spouses for her kids; making everything all about her; terrible theology that punishes everyone else and rewards her; and waxing poetic about her fat lazy slob of a husband.
  21. When it happens over the course of SEVERAL YEARS, you get HELP.
  22. She does like that “looking up at the camera” angle. Add the massive crust of eyeliner and it is ghoulish indeed. Someone needs to flip the colors to negative (please let there be a filter).
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