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Everything posted by LilJen

  1. That book cover frightens me. I'm afraid Enthusiastic Pirate Dad is about to slash his kid's throat with his sword. Just for funsies.
  2. "I just got David settled with a snack" sounds like she's talking about a toddler. . .
  3. Conveniently, it also allows Jeremy to commend himself for only bullying Jinger in ways that include telling her what her opinions are, what she likes, and giving her simple tasks like feeding and watering him when she's barely postpartum.
  4. “Audio Assault” is a great way to describe what they do. it would also be a great name for a thrash metal band, but that’s beside the point.
  5. Isn’t “contentedly waiting” the same phrase she used for the Single Woman slated to speak at Jill’s “Ladies’ Retreat”? also not thrilled with the “perfect husband is a reward for your godliness” blather here. You just know Jill would layer it on thick with guilt trips if Renee isn’t married soon.
  6. Because he’s already balding, like the other Duggar boys.
  7. What on earth is up with Kaneshiro’s hair? Looking really wig like. Does he do the JB use-a-whole-can-of-Aqua-Net thing?
  8. I dunno, she was brought up to total obedience. “Honor your parents” meant to obey them without question. She had only them for all her education. How would she have any idea what any of that meant, and until a little time with Dreck, she had no idea that she could question any of what her parents had taught her.
  9. Maybe she has the dreaded Hot Dog Fingers (The Office) and is trying to bring awareness to this perilous condition.
  10. Moraine is an idiot. Lan, I’d be more than happy to take you.
  11. Because of course you take a photo centered on your stubby fingernail, holding garbage in that hand and pointing at a fuzzy scene and post it on social media…
  12. Ooh, ooh, me too!! Child Labor Done Easy: Train Them Up in the Way They (Not You!) Should Go! Using random capital letters To Great effect: it's not Just For book Titles, girlfriend! (SMILE!) GUSH!!! How to Fawn over Your Unattractive Mate and Fool Everyone! Premature Infancy: A Time for Travel for the Whole Extended Family, Even During an Unresolved Pandemic! Coaching your children in social media presentation: write it yourself and attribute to them!
  13. Flipped a coin? More like “I won’t allow that admission of guilt because my golden child would never do anything wrong!”
  14. Barking like a dog, Jill? Suuuuper. “One of the girls” until she’s 125 and utterly decrepit. I shudder to think of the rashes that will appear on these babies’ bottoms. Getting to know each other is beside the point. Get married in haste, produce babies as fast as possible, never repent because that mean you aren’t GRATEFUL to God and YOU MUST BE GRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING, even a shitty mother, power-hungry father, child molester husband, or rapist husband.
  15. Why the HELL can't she just leave her eyebrows alone?? Here we were thinking she could escape Mahmo's horrid style by moving to FL. . .
  16. Satan spends way too much time smelling brimstone. He absolutely is avoiding “sweetly grunting” DBD’s fart aroma.
  17. Who wants baby #13 to be named "Ex-Lax"?
  18. Satan was that badly threatened by her ADVANCE AND HOLD THE LINE on green beans? Amazing. (and the "sweetly grunting" DBD is absolute GOLD, for sure, @Salacious Kitty)
  19. Yeah, I don't think you can count expenses related to raising your children as business expenses. Unless you openly admit you had each one of them ONLY for business purposes. Which, yeah, lots of love shown there, "Daddy."
  20. In any event, she wouldn't be allowed to snap a photo featuring her GORGEOUS GODLY countenance indulgently smiling or crying, depending on the Jesusy-status of the passport people, so she would cry 'persecution!' at the passport people. . . and then post long screeds about how, during the trip, she was NOT ALLOWED to go here there and everywhere due to her UNCOMPROMISING FAITH IN JESUS and by the way don't you just dream of being in my Plexus downline so you can go on trips like this?
  21. Upthread after the birth someone posted a link about a possible association between Plexus and preterm births…🙄
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