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Everything posted by LilJen

  1. On the plus side, she's come a long way from the heavy eyeliner and perm days.
  2. Dear Jill: Congratulations. Not only do you appear to meet the criteria for narcissistic personality disorder, you also appear to meet them for histrionic personality disorder. You also display some traits of antisocial personality disorder: repeated lying and conning others for personal profit or pleasure; consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior [mothering, i.e., feeding and educating your children] or honor financial obligations; and a lack of remorse, as indicated by your indifference to and rationalization of having hurt or mistreated others. Technically, because I've never met you in person I can't *really* make these diagnoses, but, you know. The DSM-5-TR tells me so. You would never, ever get any sort of treatment or admit that you have any need to change, because you believe you're perfect. Yours with rage, LilJen, LCSW *this does NOT constitute actual social work diagnosis, because no, I cannot do that without personally examining and assessing this person. Thus, this is all pure speculation and should not be taken for absolute clinical opinion.*
  3. What the hell, Jessa? Don’t bother teaching your kids self control or respect for others…
  4. Olivia benson, you took the words out of my mouth. Pointing her stubby finger with bad nail polish at the “amazing” bag she got for being SUCH an outstanding Plexus pusher *smile* I was tempted to snarkily allude to other crushing weights. . . But then @sixlets referred upthread to the REAL challenges of women dying far too young from cancer and, well, those are true, difficult burdens that Jill would never have the depth of character to appreciate.
  5. Jill’s lack of self awareness is a nightmare to all, and apparently bulletproof as well.
  6. No charge for the chastity lecture to Philip or the “saving of souls” done at the ballpark.
  7. Is that how she spelled “caramel latte”? BTW, took me several seconds to figure that out. Dear Jill: God caused a donkey to speak to tell Baalam he was an idiot. Please use the faith you say you have to hear that your RV is telling you quite clearly to STAY HOME AND FEED AND EDUCATE YOUR CHILDREN. Sincerely, God I don’t want to know who composed a Rodrigues original….
  8. Years ago, publishers cut way back on advertising/marketing. This why there are so many celebrity “writers.” (Not that the Duggars really are; low on the list.) When Madonna or [pick a big name] puts out a children’s book, the books sell themselves. I remember being pretty let down when my husband began publishing kids’ books… ZERO marketing. Publishers are lazy as heck with 99% of book sales. So… yeah, Jill and Jinger must do their own marketing.
  9. Dear Jill, You only need to meet 5 of 9 criteria to qualify for narcissistic personality disorder. Now you have another reason to feel superior: you meet ALL NINE CRITERIA!! Congratulations. Sincerely, the DSM-V Poor Newman. Auntie Sadie (thanks for the correction, SK) is holding him in the most uncomfortable way. Of course, the poor girl hasn't the strength to hold him properly due to her parents starving her. Let's not even talk about how little sense it makes to drive all those tracts all the way to Florida instead of just, y'know, putting them in a box and mailing them?
  10. Is Jill’s presence a contribution… or a detraction? And of COURSE poor Kaylee has to hold the bottle right next to her breast. Yes, Jill, we know where breast milk comes from.🙄 Tessie’s eyebrows look to be even more of a hack job now (thanks, BME!) and it looks like she has some sort of Invisalign type appliance on her teeth now…the better to attract a dogly suitor 😢 FREE TESSIE!
  11. Donny Osmond also has some pretty dope moves in Weird Al’s “White and Nerdy” video 😁
  12. I enjoy the "REFRESHING HYDRATING[PERIOD] GIANT AMPERSAND" myself. "Only in America! Wow!" indeed. . . .
  13. "a neck injury, or whatever" = JB on his child who fell into a pit and had blood on his face from knocking teeth out. And you can hear the smile in Michelle's voice with "needless to say, everyone was getting it on their cameras!" Why was Jana holding Josie on a hard counter, on her back, with her head over the sink, during a seizure? She had seizures before, and they know NOTHING about how to keep someone safe during a seizure? Yep. I live in a town that was a sundown town. And still has few nonwhite people. In some ways, Indiana wishes it were part of the Confederate south. . .
  14. Oh HELL no is the proper response 😜 that or “why the f&ck would I want to torture myself that way?”
  15. “Sorry, yeh… I forgot how skittish elderly people can be because of the war.”
  16. Well, now, there’s a money-making opportunity: sell the recording to US intelligence for use in torture…
  17. Derrick should have known better but 1. He lost his dad when he was 16, and 2. He trusted JB.
  18. This. She’d go on and on about how they are fulfilling their fleshly desires now, only to burn in hell for eternity. And how those wonderful tracts born of Hunk’s hard work on the printer will win them back to the right way. In the 70s and early 80s, we would do two things with old torn jeans: cut off shorts, or you slit them down the middle, make a couple more slices, and sew in a huge inverted triangle of same fabric, and ta-da, you have a jeans skirt! Hers is an update on the jeans-to-skirt idea, and it’s fugly. (I haven’t frequented malls since the late 1980s, so I never saw the trends that some of you mentioned.) This makes it sound like her dad is dead. I guess if she can dramatize the departure of Nurie for Florida like it was someone leaving Illinois for California in 1850, she can post poems that pretend her dad is dead?
  19. She looks like she’s auditioning for an album cover. Weird. I’ve always heard that the alcohol was important, since you couldn’t rely on water being clean. Alcohol kills a multitude of germs. It’s rather a stretch to say that a house featured in a fictional movie is “history.”
  20. Mmmmm. . . debatable whether Roy would qualify more for that (Beard's actual beard excepted). . . being rather a hairy man with DEFINITELY a hairy bum.
  21. Sigh. I WANT to enjoy it. . . but the easy solutions & resolutions that haven't been properly earned are taking away from my enjoyment.
  22. "J" looks like a 12-year-old in that getup. Poor Tessie. Such a beautiful girl and soooooo badly parented. (A modesty shirt under that dress? Really? Ridiculous for Kaylee's dress, too.)
  23. As a violinist myself, I did appreciate not having to see a badly faked playing scene. Stringed instruments are really hard to fake.
  24. <snorts> YOU ARE SCARING ME. Please show do NOT do this. Roy will forever be the better human being. (Also: since when is Nate a genius? We knew he had a knack for football strategy. But. . . a genius? Whatever, show writers.) Yes. Nate has MANY apologies to make and a lot of good behavior to make up for his bad behavior. I really hope Nate doesn't return to Richmond. Just. . . wrong. Spiegel im Spiegel will always be the music from one of the Shibutanis' (ice dance team from the US) best free dances.
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