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Everything posted by Puffaroo

  1. Oh yeah... but I expected a different resolution. Have I missed previous discussion about Rachael Leigh Cook being pregnant in real life? 'Cause it sure was obvious.
  2. I didn't get that either. Can someone explain, or is this totally off the wall?
  3. A Maura episode! And OMG, not just flats, she actually wore PANTS!
  4. Gosh, I hope it's longer than that! I'm really enjoying seeing Jimmy do his thing, and I'm not in a rush to get to Saul.
  5. Too much, IMNSFHO -- the queen doesn't look very queenly. All the women have short-short skirts, long-long hair extensions; the only thing they're missing are big-big boobs, and that's probably only because they're mostly British. I had to resort to eye color/makeup and slight variations in hair color to tell them apart.
  6. I *flove* Josh McDermitt. He's funny, he's articulate, he's self-deprecating. I'm always glad to see him on TTD.
  7. And what's with her having to take a deep breath at weird places? Pulmonary issue? Maybe the Botox migrated to her lungs.
  8. Yay, more discussion on Hot Bench! I didn't much care for it at first, but it's kinda grown on me.
  9. It's frequently the most recognizable guest star. I hate that. Taste is subjective. I liked it, but it made no sense that she changed into it to go back to work.
  10. Didn't she say something like "That was my life for 44 years?" She's said that she's been deaf for seven years, so I'm betting that's what she meant.
  11. I suspect it's SSS -- Special Snowflake Syndrome.
  12. Probably while douche-nozzle Guy Fieri is shooting his two hundred shows. BTW, I never watched America's Best Cook, so this show kinda felt like a low-rent The Taste to me. Don't count on it. She makes good TV. When they start that crap, I hit fast-forward. Better under than over. Also, it's a different situation on these shows than it is at home, where you can just sprinkle more salt on the dish. Ted's a detriment for me. There's something about his voice that works my last nerve.
  13. Last year, I saw the comedienne Sandra Bernhard in concert, and she regaled us with a tale of being in Prague several days and wanting to kill herself from boredom, so I'm guessing that's not that great a prize! I suspect he wanted that ring out of his fannypack and onto her finger ASAP, for safekeeping.
  14. I totally agree. Framework is, I hope, a work in progress and will improve if it comes back, preferably by reducing or eliminating the number of team challenges. I like that the designers have to do their own work (references to Katie not doing much, for instance -- that wouldn't fly on Framework). I strongly advise recording it and watching it later, so you can fast-forward past any smack talk if you wish.
  15. I'm not wondering at all -- the toss of the head was a dead giveaway. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  16. I suspect he kept plunking that one note just to be annoying, at which he absolutely excels. IMDB doesn't list that actor who played the owner of the electronics company (but oddly lists some people I don't remember seeing in the episode at all) -- but the minute I saw his face, I knew. What is it with the most recognizable guest stars being culprits? I suspect it's done on purpose, to make us feel smart. I hate it.
  17. Dan appears to be at least in as bad shape as Will, maybe even worse, and he did fine. Looks can be deceiving. We're all attracted by different things -- when she sat down at tribal, jutted her jaw forward and smiled, all I could think of was, "Whoa, snake!"
  18. OMG, I didn't recognize him! Definitely a reason to watch. Plus I kinda liked the pilot; I'll give it more time to hook me.
  19. She seems to always wear the same thing: a grey top either with or without a black cardigan. And then there's that hair...
  20. And then the plaintiff defines a rave as a "music festival" -- I would have said something more like "traveling clandestine drunken drug-fueled dance party."
  21. It took three weeks before she spoke.
  22. Especially since, unless I missed something, the buttresses seemed to be on the *outside* of the wall.
  23. But freaking brilliant. BTW, that doesn't make a twinset. Just sayin'. ;)
  24. I suspect CH didn't get to the easter egg because Alanna's running her mouth ate up too much time. I expected the easter egg to be the title of the book that Michonne was holding during the taped interview, since it seemed awkward and out of place, but then again maybe not as they kinda hit us over the head with it.
  25. I beg to differ: she needed to SHUT UP every now and then. Fortunately, she seemed to clue in after a while.
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