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Everything posted by Puffaroo

  1. They should have looked up the number and used The Last Remaining Payphone on Earth to call it. ;)
  2. Yep -- there's one right outside our local police department. It gets a fair amount of use. ;) One can hope. I find him unspeakably annoying.
  3. Oh, trust me, she'll be back -- in flashbacks. We're not rid of her yet. Unfortunately. I could have sworn show was telegraphing that she killed Lila.
  4. I'm guessing because most of 'em don't really exist.
  5. That plus all the inappropriate snarky comments and posturing. The more you know, people... ;)
  6. I was calling that one Broken Nose vs. Meth Teeth. I think Broken Nose got a bone splinter in her brain.
  7. "Framework" is acceptable if you fast-forward past all the manufactured drama.
  8. This is the first time I didn't fast-forward past most of her appearance -- the first time she was on, she seemed a little too much in love with her own voice. This time she was great.
  9. I put myself in the plaintiff's shoes and thought about what my reaction would be. I would be okay with waiting two or three days to see if someone brought the comforter back. Then I put myself in the defendant's shoes, and once the customer said sure, we can wait a few days, I would have added that if the comforter weren't returned, I'd be glad to provide reimbursement. But the defendant didn't do that. He was a butthead, and he paid for it. Also just wanted to add that a year-old comforter very likely didn't have much (if any) wear and tear. I know mine doesn't.
  10. It's starting to look like the camera operator manipulates the angle when she's amongst the spectators, mostly hiding her behind other people. We might have someone from the show reading here. ;)
  11. Not all jurisdictions -- in my state, you don't have to have insurance unless you have an accident. How's that for "Live Free or Die?" When my car was rear-ended, the responding officer advised me to keep a copy of the state report I submitted, as he said this sometimes happens. And it did! I was really glad to have the copy to show I wasn't actually at fault.
  12. I just wish he didn't think the audience's applause was for him, smiling and waving at them while the other two guests were applauding each other. He figured it out after a while, but it was cause for pause...
  13. Man, I do NOT get the aesthetic of the judges on this show. They seem to come from the same place where they get the judges for Project Runway -- the love the items I consider fugly, and vice versa. I *floved* Carley's couch, except maybe for that band of contrast along the bottom. Okay, it didn't fit with the other furniture, but neither did any of the others. The guest judge for the couches seemed particularly rigid. I just wanted to smack her.
  14. And/or with green leaves, as one of the judges suggested.
  15. Ooooohhhhh, good point! Less qualified = more drama.
  16. I like it, too. I almost didn't finish watching the first episode, which I realize is usually a mistake as they have to set up all kinds of stuff for us in it, but when he got to the "I'm you" part, I got hooked. Now I have it programmed on my DVR. I must've missed something. Who's the son? The gay man who lives with him?
  17. I would watch that show if they didn't have Harvey and the Street Urchins on there. He doesn't have much to do and, understandably, he's probably reluctant to let go of a certain amount of fame and the big paycheck that goes with it. I had a job once where I didn't have enough to do, and it just about drove me crazy until I could find another one. Plus he's likely just as tired of the neverending stupidity as we are.
  18. That's precisely what I do. I'm about 99% sure she improvised all that, and it just didn't work.
  19. In which case she will get *precisely* what she deserves. But of course she'll still bitch about it.
  20. And wasn't there something else about designing for dogs? Some big opportunity to do canine couture? I've deleted the show, so I can't go back and check, but I seem to remember that. Laughable.
  21. I don't mind her body. It's what she puts on it that works my last nerve. I assume she's wearing her own designs -- they've all been pretty awful. Not as awful as Zanna's critique dress, though. Holy crap, that was ugly.
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