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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, the new Brother Blood reveal was definitely interesting. Guess Diggle and Felicity better watch out - Felicity especially. Do I need to put that under a spoiler tag? IDK.
  2. I mean, they can't really have canon Atom on a show that's trying to be grounded in reality, so I just figured they'd tweak his powers. Not quite sure how they'd do it though.
  3. I wasn't implying that he'd become tiny through a machine, but they'd adapt his character to be more applicable to this universe by using some kind of machine or the like, kind of like Sara's sonic device in lieu of the canary cry.
  4. Since Ray's interested in the Applied Sciences division of QC, maybe they'll have Atom's "powers" be dependent on some kind of machine or device.
  5. To expand on that (from this): Guggenheim disclosed that the explanation behind Oliver's new equipment will be detailed in DC Comics' currently unfolding digital-first series "Arrow: Season 2.5," taking place between the second and third seasons. I hate the 2.5 comic more and more every time they do something like this.
  6. He needs to embrace The Costanza Principle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKUvKE3bQlY
  7. I did like the snowman, but I thought it was a fairly, um...not good movie.
  8. What exactly does Oliver need a double-pronged arrow for? Is he having a cookout?
  9. Why are we having this discussion here instead of the spoiler thread? I think because it was a spawn of a conversation about agency that got spoilery. I'm terrible at knowing at which point we should move a convo!
  10. Yeah, I can't imagine what would make them fight, and I can't imagine HOW they'd fight. Everything seems stacked in Barry's favor, haha.
  11. I'm not saying they don't fight, I'm just wondering if it's fisticuffs in the traditional sense of the word, because unless Barry's been drugged, Oliver shouldn't even be able to get at him like that. I thought it might be something along the lines of Oliver taking shots and Barry evading/dodging them (and that picture doesn't rule out that possibility).ETA: unless Barry's just pissed off and wants to throw old-fashioned slow-mo punches, which wouldn't make much sense, but okay.
  12. I'm not sure how to explain this, but maybe it's not so much a fight as it is Oliver throwing punches and Barry dodging them, being a little cocky about his speed? I can see Oliver getting irritated about not getting his way or something because Barry's the new kid on the block and Oliver taking a swipe at him, but Barry just laughs and gets out of the way and taunts him about not being able to land a punch because seriously Oliver?
  13. You don't have to be a police officer to be commissioner-depending on the jurisdiction, they can be appointed non-officers (I think this is rare though). That being said, the way it was worded made it seem like Malcolm might be commissioner of...something, which wouldn't make sense given that he's a mass murderer (although I guess in Starling anything is possible), so he probably just misspoke. I guess he might've meant that it'd be interesting to see Malcolm interact with Laurel now that she's DA.
  14. Also, how exactly is Merlyn going to come back to Starling? He can't be out and about, living a public life, because surely he'd get charged for the Undertaking. Or is he not going to get prosecuted for that?
  15. Oh, I know. And the EPs flat out said she was in the DA's office (or THE DA, depending on whether you believe indirect quotes). I just find it interesting that she had it, considering we never saw Donner with one (or Kate Spencer). But then again, they also weren't out in the field, so...I just thought it was an interesting tidbit in light of this hopefully false statement, haha.
  16. What if this is why Laurel was wearing a badge in that BTS pic when she was filming at that gym? Am I imagining that? Haha, no. No. JB just misspoke. OR maybe in Ray Palmer's version of Star City, the District Attorney is the COMMISSIONER OF JUSTICE? (this is a joke, btw)
  17. If Malcolm is the commissioner of police, then Starling City really does need to burn. City commissioner? Some kind of government job, since Laurel's DA (or in the DA's office), and that's the only way he'd deal with her? But he was responsible for, oh, I don't know, MURDERING PEOPLE, so...how? Is he returning to Starling pretending to be someone other than Malcolm Merlyn? Nah, that can't be it.
  18. Was this translated from another language, maybe? Laurel...the commissioner of POLICE? Nah, that has to be a mistake. That can't be right. Does he mean Malcolm is the commissioner? That can't be right either.
  19. Yeah, I mean, how would Oliver even be able to get his bearings enough to know where to punch? Unless Barry's taking it easy on him and it's played for laughs with Barry being a smartass about his powers and Oliver getting pissed about it.
  20. I'm thinking too much about the logistics of an Arrow vs. Flash fight. Wouldn't speed beat training?
  21. Generally speaking, yeah. I just think in this instance, with the communication, maybe not.He tries though, I'll give him that. He has good intentions, he's just bad at execution.
  22. Oh, I don't think he's a shitty brother at all. In my post on the previous page, I thought he was either giving her space or not so suspicious at first because they weren't on good terms when she left town. Just replying to that particular theory is all.
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