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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. They should make the financial situation more clear, because just owning PT and its real estate portfolio would be a boon to her bank account. Felicity would probably not need to pay herself a salary, either. I'm assuming she's paying for Arrow stuff out of money she's personally made off of the inheritance, although why they had her get PT to fund Oliver's mayoral campaign, I'll never understand.
  2. I'm not sure, but from what I could read of the document Ray had Felicity sign, he was flat-out giving her the company, not bequeathing it to her upon his death or whatever. So I don't think the ownership would change? And I'm sure Felicity would let him have the suit. I wish they had gone into some detail about what was going on with the company. When did it get into trouble? When Ray sploded himself? Because the woman that Felicity fired in the second ep said that when employees heard that Felicity was coming back that they thought things were going to get better, which sounds like she wasn't completely in control over the summer. She mentioned the board wasn't sure she was the right choice to run things (and from the sounds of it the board had been making quite a few decisions without her), but then she mentioned that she closed the Palmer paper mill, so clearly she'd been making some decisions. Messy, as per usual.
  3. So, what are the chances that Ray's re-embiggenment allows him to give Felicity some advice that will dig PT out of its financial hole?
  4. Eh, she does on rare occasions. It's just after someone has stopped her from doing the stupid thing, and she definitely doesn't learn anything from it. So I'll use "thinks" very loosely, and change it to a vague "reflects on her idiocy."
  5. I know commenting on fans' opinions is verboten here, so I'll just speak for myself and agree with @Cerulean Blue when I say that action means nothing if I don't know the motivation behind it, so watching all of these people being heroes without knowing what drives them or understanding what's at stake would be pointless.
  6. What, are they supposed to just do non-stop action sequences every week?
  7. Yeah, Oliver is a hypocrite, and he does keep secrets, but calling him out about this particular thing was stupid, and I don't really think Laurel had much of a leg to stand on. I think she's proven time and again that Oliver is right not to trust her. And it's not because I think she's a bad person, or because she intentionally does dumb shit, but it's because she acts first and thinks later. You don't give important information to a person like that. I mean, what obligation did Oliver have to tell Laurel about using the Pit on Thea? None. The circumstances under which he used the Pit for Thea were completely different. Not only was Thea still alive, but Oliver really didn't have a whole lot of choice in the matter (not going to get into the argument about how he should've turned Malcolm over in ep 4 - at that point, what was done was done). Ra's came after Thea, and would've kept coming for everyone. I still think Oliver would've used the Pit even if that wasn't the case, but if Ra's conditions were a life of servitude in the LoA in exchange for Thea's life, Oliver would've gladly given that. In contrast, Laurel found out she could do it, so she did it. There was no sacrifice on her part, just a demand. And then she gets upset that Oliver's not concerned about her feelings when she's the one who did a dumbass thing that everyone who knew she was doing it warned her not to do? Nah. I liked the conversation Oliver had with Thea about how he had no business getting mad about keeping secrets. That's how you acknowledge a character's shortcomings. Not by whatever in the hell that was with Laurel.
  8. The host said, "She had a stroke," and SA replied with, "A Deathstroke."
  9. The audio was hard to make out over in the social media thread, but did Stephen Amell spoil that another Wilson was coming onto the show? Slade's son?
  10. I thought he got killed off due to messy BTS stuff that happened after he had an affair with a staffer.
  11. I don't think they would, either. I'm surprised that she seems to be a popular guess as well. To me, she seems the safest out of all the non-Oliver characters.
  12. My boss is a HUGE Arrow fangirl, and she's convinced it's Thea, too.
  13. I'm not saying this to be offensive—at all—but I think it might have something to do with the addict part of his personality. A lot of them are effortlessly charming (in my experience). Helps them get what they want - maybe he was able to channel that in a positive way?
  14. Catch him at the party and tell him that, and he'd probably do it. He's an incredibly nice guy, and good to his fans, so it's at least worth a shot.
  15. I'd say that the chances are pretty slim - you'd have a better shot if you ran into him at a bar or outside of his con "duties." I think he'd be reluctant to do it, because that would open up the opportunity for everyone else behind you to ask, and he'd have to say no to them if he said yes to you.
  16. Yeah, the autographs were worth it for sure. I thought it was interesting, I was watching people while I was waiting in line to get SA's autograph in Chicago, and no one really said much to him. Kind of by accident, he and I ended up talking for almost 3 minutes, before the line manager got impatient, haha.
  17. I don't mind paying them to party, so long as they do it after the appearance I spent a ton of money to see. Get as bombed as you want at the after party/on your way home!
  18. I'm pretty sure the actors set their photo/autograph and VIP prices, and probably get to keep a big chunk of that? I mean, I know they're not doing brain surgery, and showing up hungover to an appearance is different than if I showed up to work hungover, but if you're asking your fans to pay that kind of money to see you (not counting their travel costs), then at the VERY least, don't talk about how drunk you got last night/how hungover you are this morning.
  19. I think it's kind of shitty to show up hungover when people pay so much to see you. And this isn't a shot at Katie at all it seemed to be common knowledge that most of the Arrow contingent were up to some drunken shenanigans last night. I mean, VIP packages DEFINITELY aren't cheap, neither are the autographs or photographs. Then you show up 1/4 in the bag? Nah. At least they all to be somewhat on their game, haha.
  20. MG said in an interview the other day (I think it was for the Constantine ep) that the death was "toward the end of the season," so I don't think there's any chance of them moving it.
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