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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. It was used to promote the show insofar as shippers asked MG to post them, he did, and they got plastered all over Tumblr and Twitter. I don't think it's too much to want Felicity included in an official promo, however much of a long shot that is.
  2. They did? I missed that. And it makes me angry.
  3. There was another write-up that mentioned Sara's bloodlust being an issue on the mission in 4x06, so one of them is wrong, haha.
  4. I need to know HOW Damien Darhk even knows Ray is alive. Did Ray's tiny body rocket out of PT and land on DD's shoulder as he was enjoying a sandwich at a restaurant down the street, or what?
  5. Yeah, the last con I went to, the guy who was regulating the pic line said, "Don't slap Stephen's butt. Don't ask him to slap yours. If you try to jump into his arms, he WILL drop you. If you want any of those things, you'll need to see John Barrowman, who is right over there." LOL.
  6. John Barrowman seems like a very nice, gracious guy, but god. Being around him at cons/panels when you're actually on the panel must be exhausting (and maybe a bit annoying?).
  7. It doesn't make me more or less excited, but it does make me realize how completely ridiculous these shows are. I mean in a fun way, like...I know this is supposed to induce nerdgasm (and I know it does for some people), but look at all those goobs in their masks and leather. It's amazing. I'd like to know why Barry is wearing those goofy gloves, and why Oliver's bow is on the floor. I'm intrigued!
  8. "They wanted me to price it at twenty-one dollars, but I'm going to go with eighteen because I like multiples of three!"
  9. I wouldn't mind the LoT setup so much if it seemed like there was some thought put into character motivation on Arrow, specifically. I can't speak for the Ray storyline since we haven't really seen much of it, but we all knew that last year when he 'sploded himself that he was coming back in some way or another, so, we'll see how that goes. It is true that the writers seem to struggle with season-long arcs post season 1. We're going to get filler episodes anyway, although I'd prefer that those fillers go to people who are actually going to stay on the show, but whatever. As for what we have seen, we got four episodes of this lazy-ass, crazy-ass resurrection storyline for no other reason than because Sara needed to come back for LoT. If they had taken some time to develop it, and given Laurel any kind of motivation other than because she wanted Sara alive - hell, just some kind of nagging feeling that she couldn't shake that Sara was in trouble (or something) would've been better than what we got. So we're left with a story that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and doesn't really make anyone look all that good. I mean, my preferred method of dealing with the whole Lance family would be to put them all on a rocket headed straight for the sun, but if I'm gonna have to watch them, I prefer that it make some sense.
  10. I wonder if the title of 4x11 (A.W.O.L.) means that we're finally getting into the meatier parts of Diggle's story this season?
  11. You should probably save your keystrokes. Pointless, repetitive argument is pointless and repetitive. ;)
  12. He did make a choice in S3 - he chose to just be Oliver, since he couldn't be the Arrow. Did you not watch any of the part where he didn't want to come back to Star City? Where he said he didn't know how to put on the mask and not go into the darkness or whatever? That was the struggle.
  13. He did struggle with it, that struggle just didn't last for very long, like most things on this show.
  14. Seems like he made the decision to do both in the premiere. And his story is running for mayor, and probably something to do with his kid once he comes into the picture, since the ep summary suggests that'll happen in 3x07.
  15. I wonder if Sara's soul was in the Pit because that's where it was before Laurel demanded a dip (even though it makes no sense for her to be stuck there) or if she was somewhere else and got stuck there because of some Pit juju. Was that brought up in the ep and I missed it? Maybe that's something we need to hear about from Sara, if we ever get her POV on the whole thing. But since it seems like we'll be seeing her a week or more after the fact, probably not.
  16. Yeah, I don't think they intended to write Ray as creepy, I think they intended for him to be incredibly charming. And I think they believe he's incredibly charming, and dismiss anyone who thinks otherwise as not liking him just because he's not Oliver.
  17. Yeah, I thought the issue wasn't so much about Roy in that scenario (apart from the fact that Oliver just left him there), but that Ray was going after the Arrow for hurting/killing people, and then Ray went ahead and outright electrocuted Roy, while still claiming some kind of moral high ground.
  18. I think he'll be fine on a show where he doesn't exist for the sole purpose of being spun off into another show/being a ship block. They did fine with him in the later half of the season when the angsty romance/idiotic Arrow vendetta crap was set aside and he could just be himself. I have to disagree with you about this, though. I truly believe that MG and co. didn't think there was anything wrong with the way he behaved when he was pursuing Felicity. Like, I would bet actual money that they dismissed all of those complaints as ship bias.
  19. Not sure, I didn't watch the panel. If there weren't, then I have no idea what she's talking about.
  20. I figured that because of the lead-in about comics fans vs. non-comics fans that she meant that he was diplomatic about ships and was careful not to engage in any Laurel vs. Felicity (or EBR vs KC) stuff?
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