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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I thought that kiss was gonna be weird, but not so much. Yay! When he kicked DD in the face I was like YESSSS, but then when he got strangled with the magic chain snake I was like nOOOOOO, and then when he kabloomed his way out of it I was like YESSSSS again. And if villains weren't so obsessed with evil monologuing, THEY WOULD FIND OUT WHO THE MASKED GUYS ARE 100% OF THE TIME
  2. Also, I LOLed at Diggle's nickname being Spartan. I wonder if that one's sticking? Despite my meh-ness on parts of this episode, I loved the character-building stuff, like Sara talking on the phone to her HORRIBLE MOTHER, Diggle and Oliver's convo, Oliver and Felicity's, Felicity and her mom's. Even-and i hate myself for this-Lance and Donna's interaction. I thought everyone did a great job of selling the way that all of these people felt about each other, so that was great.
  3. Filler ep, kind of meh about it, hated the fight, loved the talk at the end, LOVED Damien vs. Oliver, loved Felicity acknowledging that she could handle being targeted by a madman. Hated that they spent all that time on Sara's resurrection and she only hung around for five minutes. I mean, the less Lance drama the better, but if I've gotta sit through it, give me some pay off.
  4. Eh, she didn't show any doubts about their relationship or any regrets about leaving town with him IMO. The only thing I got from her in the first ep was that she hated suburban life.
  5. I totally get the point she was making, but I would've gotten it more if that wasn't the first we'd seen/heard of it.
  6. Yeah, she's being kind of a bitch. I was glad she seemed to realize it at the beginning when she calmed down asked Oliver for a back rub. Hopefully she'll realize it again by the end. That fight came out of nowhere - her being worried about losing herself in him. It would've made more sense if she'd expressed a doubt about it before. So, not a fan of that. Also, show...if you're going to have her say she's good at her job, you should probably show that at least once. It's also weird that she's so manic about Ray considering it doesn't even seem like she came back to Star(ling) for his funeral?
  7. I don't think they ever will. They're not going to have everyone taking off their mask and walking around with raccoon eyes. Although it'd probably be easier for the makeup department, it would not be aesthetically appealing, which is probably why they do like they do and pretend it's not there when the masks come off.
  8. She has such naturally great lashes. It kills me that she does that to them on purpose, haha.
  9. Poor, spelling-challenged interns. Laural isn't such a terrible mistake, given the pronunciation (aside from the fact that these people should know how to spell her name). A for effort!
  10. Because post-Pit bloodlust is even mentioned in the synopsis, but not a peep about any of that.
  11. They're filming 4x11 now. They started on Monday, I believe.
  12. Could be! Probably because she's been acting a little manic - maybe that's got something to do with the "always fixing everything" or whatever she says.
  13. She doesn't really seem to promote individual episodes that often. Most of her tweets about Arrow are BTS pics.
  14. "the best part of arguing is the makeup sex."
  15. Wasn't there an interview or something about them leaving and forming a team because they couldn't stay? Like maybe everyone in LoT gets caught up in something illegal, or...I don't know.
  16. Didn't SA say during a Q&A (or maybe it was on Twitter) that he's contracted for Arrow through the midway point of the next president's term? Granted, that's unreliable info given SA's difficulties with math, but it seems like maybe we're in for more than 5 seasons, and like all other promo for this show, not much thought was put into it.
  17. I know I'm probably asking too much here, but I hope they explain how Ray has that suit. He wasn't wearing it when PT exploded, and the chances of Tiny Ray finding his tiny suit are (wait for it) miniscule.
  18. LMAO at him being a paperweight on someone's desk. A PAPERRAYT
  19. Haha, I forgot about his hiatus on Lian Yu.
  20. Well, he meant when Oliver and Felicity returned from Ivy Town, I think, but point. It's happened twice now. There's an IQ lowering agent in the SC water supply, BECAUSE THAT JAW IS PERFECT, CURTIS.
  21. Dinah/Satan is my OTP. SHE'S THE WORST
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