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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I just think it was narratively not the best choice, because they didn't tell us why he was doing it. Also, because he fumbled with it and was totally inept, it just seemed naive and do-gooder instead of like he was looking for an outlet for anything, and it doesn't at all match up with the kind of fighter he was at that point in time. I'm guessing next year someone is going to tell him about the Undertaking and that he's got to come home to finally right his father's wrongs or whatever in the hell, and he'll recommit to hooding up. I just wish that we hadn't seen pre-Hood vigilante-ing. Takes some of the sentimentality away from his choice to suit up IMO.
  2. I don't think EBR has a big enough part in Brooklyn to do official promo for it. ET used an Arrow promo shot to ask for Twitter questions, and KTLA advertised her appearance as "Arrow fan favorite," so I'm pretty sure these interviews are for Arrow.
  3. I think they made a mistake showing that Oliver hooded up and tried to be a vigilante in Coast City. It seemed so...IDK, good-natured and sweetly naive of him. I really thought that he embarked on his whole crusade specifically for his father. Like, when Felicity asked him if it had ever occurred to him that he could do some real good in the city, now we know that it had at one point - he had already tried it. Oliver left Hong Kong because he thought he wasn't "good enough" to return home or whatever, and I get that he was trying to find himself and hold onto something that made him feel like a worthy person, I just think it was the wrong way to start out the flashbacks this year. I don't think Oliver has to go super OMG DARK, but I guess since I've had three-ish years to think about how he became the dude in the pilot, I had different expectations about how that would happen. He's still connecting with people. We still have a year and a half to go though, so - maybe the dude he killed in the water last week will be the beginning of the lying, scheming, detached guy we saw in S1.
  4. I think she was being serious about wanting the spinoff, I just think that it's the kind of thing that probably didn't come off well in print. The "and it should star me!" or whatever she said probably came off lighthearted and teasing when she said it, but just reads as narcissistic in print. That's all I meant.
  5. I didn't mean that there was a pilot in the works, I meant that there's truth in her statement - that she wants a spinoff and a starring role in it, but I think when she mentioned it during the interview, she was probably teasing.
  6. I think that BoP answer probably comes off a lot better in person than it does in print. There was probably truth behind it, because that's not the first time she's mentioned a spin-off, but I think it was probably mentioned in a lighthearted way.
  7. She referred to herself as the female lead, not the leading lady. And she's not wrong - she is the female lead. MG even said on Tumblr over the summer that they have no intention of changing the billing. It's a point in her favor, so I get why she mentioned it.
  8. Obviously this is just spec, but I don't think we're going to be seeing Alt Timeline Oliver on LoT - I think we'll probably be seeing actual Oliver as we know him on Arrow - just however many years in the future. And because these fools tease, tease, tease, I'm guessing Connor Hawke will be related. Although having it be Diggle's descendant would be great. But then where is he? I don't want to see a world where he's dead.
  9. Spoiler alert: It never ends. This is your world now.
  10. That is rather carefully worded - I thought they wrote that he wasn't related to Oliver, but he's just not Oliver's son. Boo.
  11. Yeah, I could see something like that happening.
  12. I wonder if they're going to have future Oliver bequeath his Arrowness to CH (even though he's allegedly not related)?
  13. Well, given the fact that SA wrote that he can't tweet a pic without spoiling, seems likely that this takes place in the future, and I don't want to see Oliver in the future. Present, sure. Past, fine. Future? Nah.
  14. Yeah, I thought at first she might be tweeting at the LoT account since it would be a huge spoiler for her to tweet at the Arrow account, and technically she'd be representing LoT. It seems more likely that it's a future Oliver on LoT, which...honestly, I hate that. They're probably going to tease more shit and that will make me angry.
  15. With the old man emoji, maybe SA is filming Oliver Queen in the future over on Legends.
  16. Her tweet makes it seem like she's the guest star, so this would be for Arrow. Please don't have future/present Sara go back to the island. That would undo quite a few things in S2, unless he watched her die AGAIN. Unless we're seeing Oliver in the future or something. But that wouldn't make sense, because this show doesn't do time travel. UGH
  17. Based on CL's tweet today, seems like maybe current time Sara shows up in the flashbacks? Total spec, btw.
  18. Could be, but I doubt that's the part that SA was tweeting about, haha.
  19. Yeah, seems like Poppy's filming today (based on her Twitter), so it's probably something in the flashbazzzzzzzz
  20. He wrote Oliver Queen, not the Arrow. Maybe it's something mayoral? No more wedding theories, please. PLEASE NO.
  21. Well, they do get a long break at Christmas, so he probably is excited for that. I just got the impression that he didn't like being out of the loop—so to speak—for an extended period, and would probably prefer if his role wasn't minimized in the future. IIRC, there was really only the one interview where he seemed like he wasn't to thrilled about getting what he wished for. In later interviews (at the up fronts, I think), he acted fine with it.
  22. I don't think he cared so much about why it happened, he just didn't seem to like *that* it happened. Didn't he say he actually visited the set while he was on his little break? Or am I mixing that up with something else?
  23. Yeah, that's what it seemed like to me, too.
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