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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think last night's flashbacks were intended to be interesting, LOL.
  2. The Voice is usually on Mondays and Tuesdays. I don't watch, so I'm not sure why it was on last night.
  3. I'm actually surprised it's getting such great reviews. I enjoyed it more on rewatch, but...yeah, surprised about the reviews.
  4. Ray had been sending her distress messages ever since the explosion, but Felicity wasn't around to get those messages, because she was off traveling with Oliver. She was feeling guilty that he was living that tater tot life for months and months when he wouldn't have been if she hadn't left her job to travel with her boyfriend who does indeed have the perfect jaw Curtis, wtf. Felicity was angry at herself for dropping her life for Oliver, which had the side effect of leaving Ray stranded like a fallen chip between the couch cushions of Star City.
  5. The spoiler was that Oliver and Felicity would have an emotional storyline in 3x08 (and on, maybe?). So I think he tells her outright. Or maybe whoever finds out about it (the campaign advisor?) informs them both at the same time.
  6. There's a break Thanksgiving week, right? So, we get 7, a week's hiatus, and then 8&9 before the winter break?
  7. So, if the ghosts are reanimated corpses, a) gross, b) why would Andy have spared Digg's life? c) is Digg gonna have to do something super fucked up like murder his dead brother? d) why am I looking for logic and e) gross
  8. Yes! I posted that when we got Quentin/Donna confirmation, LMAO. It would be the ultimate troll move-I think they'll totally do it.
  9. I wouldn't feel very good about it, haha. I wasn't sure if it was just for tonight or what, since the only reason Felicity gave for it was because Curtis was there.
  10. Is it actually a permanent code name, though? Or was it just something that they used tonight?
  11. That was supposed to be in tonight's ep.
  12. Apparently someone said Poppy's real name tonight, and I missed that too! I know what it is, I just have no recollection of anyone actually doing that. Must've been Oliver? I also feel like they're setting her up to have some weird Stockholm-esque thing for him, even though he's technically not keeping her hostage, just bringing her food and whatnot.
  13. I just remember getting irritated because Constantine said the top was useless, and it turned out not to be so useless after all. THE ONE TIME I PAID ATTENTION TO THE FLASHBACKS, AND THEY UNDID IT THE NEXT EP. Ugh.
  14. Thank you. I have no recollection of that whatsoever. I zoned out after the hieroglyphics or whatever showed up on the wall, because.... Ah, I even fell asleep writing that sentence. ;)
  15. To comment on something that nobody cares about (not even me, but I'm curious): in the flashbacks, was the guy Oliver killed supposed to be someone? Did we just find out that the bumpkin had his own little tribe or something? Or did Oliver kill one of the workers? I honestly did not pay a single bit of attention.
  16. But this wasn't just about Ray, this was about her and who she was. So guilt was part of it, but the part where she mentioned not being the kind of woman who lost herself in a guy had to have been festering for a while. Maybe it happened over the week she was looking for Ray, but it seemed like something that had been niggling in the back of her mind while they were gone. The whole issue didn't come out of nowhere for me, only part of it.
  17. He's like, sounds good, I'd like to try that. Dinner party with the Diggles next time.
  18. I find Felicity's tendency to snap/be mean incredibly uncomfortable to watch because I have a tendency to be that way too, so I don't like watching it or watching other people's reactions to it, haha. I mean, I've gotten control of it for the most part as I've gotten older, but it kind of just makes me cringe and want to cover my eyes/ears. I think it was also due to his mindset, wondering if Ivy Town was as good as it would get for them, since everything was "complicated" in Star City. So, knowing his track record (like he said) not being so great, I think he thought the other shoe was going to drop. Not necessarily just because of Felicity, but because of some doubts he had, too.
  19. I think that when she said, "I think we should..." DRAMATIC PAUSE he probably thought she was going to say something like "spend some time apart" or something not entirely favorable.
  20. Yeah, I cringed at Felicity throughout this episode for the most part. She really can be pretty mean (TOTES MARY SUE!), but Oliver handled it so well. Their little convo at the end had me all heart-eyed. Also, PUT SOME CURTAINS ON YOUR WINDOWS. Oliver, do you have an exhibitionist thing or what?
  21. Yeah, the character moments were really great. I believed pretty much all of them (although I have difficulty with the Sara/Mom one, because I think Dinah is a gross human).
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