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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I don't think the reveal was pushed back - I don't think it was ever going to be a mid-season thing. They placed it 6 months in the future for a reason, so I'm pretty sure it's always been planned for April-ish.
  2. I cried over Oliver and Thea when Moira died. And when Moria said, "close your eyes, baby." Glad SH ad-libbed that.
  3. It's not a Laurel-specific thing, though. Any show runner who kills off a prominent cast member (who isn't a villain) is going to hope to squeeze some tears out of you when they do it. Assuming they're going to, well...good luck, lady!
  4. Absolutely. That's the thing I hate about tissue warnings - you're assuming that you're going to do it right. With this show? I'm not so sure that's going to happen, haha. It's like when fic writers write stuff like, "You're not gonna be able to handle what's in this chapter. Get your tissues ready!" I assure you, I will be able to handle it. And I'd be more likely to cry about it if I didn't know it was coming.
  5. Haha, okay! I was just thinking that this conversation had gone WAY off the rails.
  6. Seriously? No one here was hating on him for not liking Taylor Swift.
  7. I think this convo is an offshoot of a comment I made about seeing a bunch of people take shots at Taylor Swift while praising Ryan Adams' version of HER music, which I think is gross, and not specific to SA's commentary. I don't think he's terrible for not liking her music. He seems to be a fan of a particular sound, I just wish he'd left her out of it.
  8. Could be that she's missing for part of the ep, and hospitalized for the rest?
  9. Donna and Quentin are gonna date. Yuck. If Donna and Quentin are gonna be an item and Quentin is the one who dies, the ultimate troll move would be to show her crying at the grave, haha
  10. Maybe a little erotic hand holding is how things get started in the Smoak/Queen household.
  11. All that knuckle rubbing. So much heat!
  12. Oh good. No offense, but when you posted that I thought it was you own opinion and I got a little worried!
  13. Perhaps it's just me, but nothing I saw on Arrow made me even remotely interested in watching anything to do with Constantine, although I did enjoy him on the show. Which is weird, I know.
  14. Yeah, I don't think it says much about the FX that nothing really looked that different. Some of the audio was, but not in a good way.
  15. Because my curiosity always gets the best of me, how was that hand holding erotic? To me it seemed like a couple being a couple during an emotional moment. I mean, their hands were just clasped together, lmao.
  16. I mean, he is who he is. A social media break won't change that, haha.
  17. There was a whole other part where the OP pointed out other posts of his and thought maybe they were indicative of a certain attitude of his. No one said him not listening to or liking Taylor Swift was misogynist.
  18. There's no ado - we're just discussing it. I doubt anyone gave him shit about liking that cover album. Glad he took the time to let us know he never listened to the source material, though. Extra cool points for him!
  19. What it seems to me like he's saying is that no way would he ever listen to Taylor Swift, but what Ryan Adams did with HER music is totally amazing, go listen to his version now! I think it would've been better if he just said something about enjoying the cover album, and left any commentary about Taylor Swift out of it.
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