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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Everyone else has been in what looks to be their character's clothes. CR, PB, KC and SA. I haven't seen Willa, but there were reports of her on set outside the hospital talking to the press and/or a lawyer (there were a few different accounts on Twitter).
  2. Yeah, I don't think most people here are trying to figure out who's in the hospital because they think it's connected to the grave. We're just trying to figure out who it is so we know who it is.
  3. Yes. ETA: We have a BTS pic of him and CR with what I thought looked like a hospital curtain in the background. But it might not be. He was in Lance clothes though - unless that's the kind of stuff PB normally wears. https://www.instagram.com/p/9r6IbbxoIE/?taken-by=charlotteross2
  4. This is true. But we didn't have any BTS pictures that could give us any clues as to who was hospitalized or why. We've gotten one of every single actor but EBR and DR either in or around the hospital, in full makeup and street clothes. Since Donna's around - pretty sure the hospitalized person is Felicity (unless Diggle is hospitalized too, for whatever reason).
  5. Yeah, money troubles aren't always super obvious to kids, especially if the parents go to great lengths to hide it. My parents got divorced when I was 6, and when my dad would come and pick me up, he always took me to this burger place that had a huge fixins bar. He would buy me a burger, and then he'd make himself a salad from the fixins bar. I remember asking him why he never got a burger, and he told me that he just really liked salad. It never occurred to me that he wouldn't be telling the truth, so I believed him. It wasn't until I was an adult that he admitted it - I had no idea growing up how broke he was.
  6. I wondered why Donna didn't just tell her she didn't have the money? Being embarrassed about it is kind of am strange unless she just didn't want Felicity to know they were struggling at that point. Seems like "it's impossible for you to go" would've been easier to accept than "I don't want you to," especially if she was that upset about it.
  7. The episode preceding 4x03 also ended with a main character digging up her sister's corpse, but I'm sure OTA is the main reason for the decline in the following ep, LOL.ETA: that is totally not spec as to why people did or didn't tune in-as I wrote above, I think that's pointless.
  8. It's probably the same hospital room everyone on Arrow and Flash have been in.
  9. Haha, no worries. I misread from time to time too. :)
  10. You wrote that it wasn't a sure thing that Felicity was in the hospital, and I was just saying that based on what we've seen, it probably is her.
  11. It's probably Felicity. Can't think of any other reason why Donna would be around. We haven't seen EBR. Everyone else we've seen in BTS shots and they're all in normal clothes and hair/makeup, with the exception of Diggle. But Donna doesn't seem to know him well enough for a hospital stay.
  12. They could be lying about the timing. But seriously, you don't set up a death in the very first ep-a death that got people talking and still has them talking-and blow your load on it by the 9th episode out of twenty-whatever. Plus, didn't WM recently say that there might be another grave tease in 9 and maybe 10? And that we'd find out where whoever dies dies? Or what they were doing when they died? I can't remember the wording.
  13. Oh, I'd be really surprised if Felicity's "death" wasn't the 4x09 cliffie, followed by another shot of the grave (with Donna weeping, for full troll effect). Doesn't really make sense for her to not be filming, unless she disappears for whatever reason.
  14. Unless they're giving up their big surprise grave dweller before the halfway mark, EBR not filming doesn't mean Felicity is dead, so there's no reason to freak out.
  15. No idea, they haven't said who he is, just that he isn't Connor.
  16. Eh, I just don't see the point if it's not canon. Let him think he has a kid for a few eps and deal with all that entails, and then pull the rug out from under him when the paternity test comes back negative. All the character development of having a kid, none of the show-dragging kid-ness. Works for me.
  17. Yeah, I only thought it would be weird to meet outside of he did make the trip for danger notification purposes. Otherwise it makes sense to meet outside. I really hope that kid winds up not being his though.
  18. If Diggle's sticking around town, then I wonder that the AWOL is about. Maybe something to do with his past? Or Andy's?
  19. I think maybe it had something to do with him seeing her so frantic to get to Ray, and she repeatedly mentioned the fact that he couldn't help her because he didn't know how to code or build the equipment they needed. I think it was a culmination of things leading up to Felicity telling him that she regretted leaving everything to be with him, and he wondered why she did that to begin with since he wasn't as smart/capable with the tech stuff as her. He probably wondered what exactly he had to offer.
  20. Thanks. I was just wondering because I didn't watch anything apart from Arrow for the past couple of weeks, so I wasn't sure which promos were actually being broadcast.
  21. I don't remember the promos for this. Apart from the Olicity/Felicity flood on Wednesday, were they even mentioned in the others?
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