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Diane Mars

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Everything posted by Diane Mars

  1. Or, as I saw it on reddit : Saturn V Blueprint 🤣 [ETA : it was suggested for Laura]
  2. Yes, I really like Leilani. And Also liked the moments with th soon to be son in law of the Ward's 😀
  3. And I will add that they're away from friends and families... OK, for some of them -Hannah, Colin or Joao- weknow that they've not worked on charters outside of BDM, but it's not the case for Travis, for instance. I'm on the "unpopular opinion" side here, because I thought the way that Sandly handled it was the good way. Talking with Hannah first (don't forget Hannah's brother problems with alcohol), talking to Travis after, voicing her concerns percisely and giving him a really good advice was the best way to handle it, for me. And YES, the "try 30 days and see" was a really good advice, because he will see his relation with alcohol from another perspective, and will -or not- give it a try. But she was really helpful and cheering here. I was on Anastasia's side, regarding the stuff to buy for table settings, because I KNOW the shop where they went and, YES, it's cheap and tacky. For real A good EP for me, lol !
  4. Kinda off topic, but I'm always quite surprised regarding your discussions about accents, because it's like if you never think about "us", foreign people, for whose English is NOT our native language at all, and I'm always asking myself : what can they do not understand, if I do ?!? lol !
  5. I found the image I was "seeing"... And I'm really hoping that it's not a problem to post it here, as it's part of History and sports. EDIT : I found another image, without the Nazi logo, and it's much "better" and less problematic to share 😉. (EDIT 2 : @Ham On Wry : I googled Munich 1936 Olympics 😉 )
  6. I get it perfectly, because it's what I thought too !
  7. I noticed also that the last answered post doesn't appear anymore on my homepage ! Only the forums I've chosen to follow, but not the last answered topic !
  8. My two cents on it : Colin will talk to Sandy, And Sandy will tell him that's OK to leave, even if she doesn't like it, but it won't get June back. Colin stays. Why do I say that ? Because June hasn't any twitter or public SM account, afaik, lol !
  9. Unfortunately, for us, non US residents, it's not possible to go on their website ! It's redirected on their youtube page... Even with Hola...
  10. I don't know. He doesn't neither. He's not a baker (even if he's still making cakes, croissants, pastries, etc. ), but he told me he never used it when he was making bread (some years ago, lol !) and that you don't need it if you've got a good sourdough. But I will stop here, because we don't have the same flours, products, etc... (and I'll add that I don't like "sugary" bread at all, and we don't like the bread like you do in NA, so, of course, we don't follow the same receipes)
  11. Awwww... Thank you ❤️ I really appreciate.
  12. It "nourishes" and helps the sourdough to grow, told hubby
  13. It has been ! In last season of Million Dollar Listing, with the David(s), who are working for The Agency. After the robbery, PK decided to put it out off the market 😄
  14. French -born and trained- Chef's and restaurant owner wife here : Just to let you know that having the humility of checking for a receipe and following it is ESSENTIAL in this job, and it's absolutely not considered as something "weak", or a lack of knowledge or professionalism at all. Asking her mother for a pragmatic solution to "down-sweetened" her Chantilly for the icing and ending by doing a buttercream instead, by adding butter to the cream, like she did as her mother told her, neither... I'm NOT a chef, but I'm quite good at cooking 😉 I thaught Hubby some receipes, and when he's not sure about something, he asks me... We also create some plates together, sometimes. We've also some friends -and clients- who are "starred" in the Michelin's and/or Gault and Millault guides, so I have the pretention to think that I've got a little bit of knowledge regarding how it works in real world, and what she does is exactly how she should doing it. Until now at least, but she's got the right attitude, the right humility regarding her position (even the "fake it 'till you make it", because she's putting what it needs to learn and grow.) ETA : I hope this post doesn't sound cocky or like if I'm lecturing you, because it's not my intent at all. My goal is only to explain/clarify, as I have a good knowledge of this working environnment, requirements, service, etc... 😉 ETA#2 : and "basic food", when well made with good products is AMAH-ZING ! It's my forte and I "helped" Hubby to "tone down" some of his plates, for the better. Let the product speak ! "Let the carrot be a carrot and taste like a carrot" ! I have to admit that we're really lucky here in Switzerland, because we've got quite good products, with taste, no antibiotics, etc... It's expensive, but our basic products are good, tasteful and healthy.
  15. Where are you living to assert that ?!? Because October, in Cannes'area, is not that hot at all ! 65°F - 70°F is not "Summer". And I'm not even talking about the evenings/nights !
  16. Yes. But no. The hired person need to be trained on boats & certified, AND pass the Bravo approval.... No as easy as it seems 😉
  17. I agree 100% with your whole post and, yes, Except when she HAD to do community service -I don't know how it's called... when she was serving soup- I can't remember any neither !!!! Aditionnally, all her TH were invalidating what she told the orther women when she came back ! Yes, she came back because of her obligations regarding of her sobriety, but all the rest was what she knew she was supposed to say, but no way she was feeling it... And, in my books, it's not being a narcissist, but a sociopath 😩
  18. Yes... It's a really good way to remove you from any situation ! Nobody will contest it (for real 😉 )
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