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Everything posted by MV007

  1. The Axe/Wendy relationship is really great. However, I'm always left wondering what the sexual dynamic is between them. Have they fucked? Are they going to fuck? Trust me, I want nothing to do with an Axe/Wendy romantic relationship but clearly they have some sexual chemistry going on and I don't know if I want that thirst to be quenched or not. With that said, I also kind of liked Axe's devotion to his wife, but she's also a witch so I don't care much about her or any potential aftermath his cheating would have. I'm also interested in seeing Axe interact with the Androgynous genius.
  2. Carol drives me insane on this show. I never bought her as a bad ass but since they wrote her that way a few seasons ago, now I just want her to wake the fuck up. This show isn't good enough to really delve into PTSD. So I just want to be entertained and Mopey, whining Carol is my least favorite Carol.
  3. No doubt. I see the narrative reasoning behind introducing a new group. I just find the execution pretty terrible.
  4. The Junkyard gang makes no sense to me. She told Rick multiple times that they can't be bothered, that they take. So why would Rick take her threat seriously about not getting them guns? If they can't be bothered then what the hell are they going to do? It sounds like if they can't steal from you then they won't risk anything. Like the boat for example. They didn't want to risk anything so they waited for someone else to do it. So why would they try to fight a group led by the guy who just killed the franken-zombie? Nevermind that they just told Rick they have no guns. How smart are these people that they just let Rick and his group go so they can fetch guns for them? How are you going to inflict any retribution if they fail in there task? It seems to me if Rick and company have guns and fail to deliver on their contract then Rick and company could just shoot these idiots.
  5. From this post I'm guessing you're from the UK. If that is the case, then I'll add that American boys grow up playing football. I'm not talking organized football. I'm saying that while they grow up they leave the house and round up their friends and play football. So while they may need some slight coaching on the fundamentals of things like tackling, by no means would it take much to coach a stud American athlete on how to play football. Every high school coach in Texas is probably trolling the fields of other sports looking for "athletes" that he can steal from other sports and stick into his program. And he does this knowing they have some general knowledge on how to play. This isn't like asking him to play field hockey.
  6. If a kid is a great athlete, regardless of his prior experience, a football coach will put him on the team. I don't have an issue with the believability here. Now, if he is the QB then thats a different story but again I don't think that was ever said.
  7. I think ideally, Fred would take control of the situation once Alice started going in on Archie. If your kid was just caught in a sexual relationship with a teacher would you allow the next door neighbor to run the conversation? He could've show some incredulity and anger. Then he could've had a conversation with Archie and they mutually agree to let Grundy just disappear. And another option would be to not write the confrontation and aftermath in this one way. It didn't have to be resolved in one scene. As to your thought about Archie not realizing what happened to him. I completely agree. My fear with this show is that this storyline will just be thrown away. It won't really be referenced and won't have any real aftermath. Now, I do see Grundy coming back but I bet it will only revolve around the murder mystery and not the Archie affair.
  8. My problem with the Grundy storyline is they wanted it both ways. They wanted it to be sexy to have Archie screwing his hot teacher. But they also wanted to walk the line and show she was manipulating him. In the end, they failed in both respects for me. It wasn't hot and sexy because a teacher screwing a high school sophomore is wrong no matter how old the actors look. Most people have a visceral reaction to that kind of thing. Then they also didn't go far enough in condemning what Grundy was doing. The parents should've been repulsed, especially Dylan McKay. To the above poster's point about this result being better for Archie then a full blown trial. I agree, but no character verbalized this thought. We have no idea if thats what Archie's dad was thinking. I also would've preferred if they made the manipulation more obvious. Show us that Grundy was lying about the abuse storyline. Show us that Archie is learning that he was victimized. As far as I can tell, Archie's little cry fest when getting out of the car had more to do with losing his fuck buddy then losing some kind of innocence. Still Love Betty though.
  9. This is ultimately meaningless but I don't remember the show stating that Archie is now the Quarterback of the team or that he had never played football before and was just trying out for the first time. For some reason I thought he was supposed to be a wide receiver. And I definitely remember the coach saying they were bringing up from JV to be on Varsity. I don't remember the coach saying anything about how significant his role would be. Regardless, its not crazy for a sophomore to be a great player on a high school team.
  10. I think its obvious what they have done. The only reason Lexa gets this kind of remembrance is because the show caught a shit ton of crap when they killed her off. So they bring her up to ward any further criticism. They need to justify killing off this character and you do that by constantly showing her impact. If the very vocal fans that complained about Lexa's death never opened their mouths then I'm of the opinion that Lexa would've gone the way of every other fallen character. By the way, please stop pointing out Eliza's cleavage. It was gone for far too long and I've had to stare at Lincoln's abs in the meantime. Please give us this.
  11. I don't really understand what they are doing with the Betty/Veronica relationship. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving it so far but are they trying to hint at the possibility of a romantic relationship? I don't for a second believe the show will go there. But they had the kiss in the second episode and Veronica looked more predatory then Chuck when Dark Betty was revealed. I hate it when shows bait fans of homoerotic relationships. So if there are no intentions of going there then I'd prefer they pull it back a notch. I also share the frustration with the Archie character. I don't think the actor is bad or anything, I just wish the show would give him something to do. The music stuff with Josie was a good start. But I'd also like to see why Betty likes him so much. Maybe it could've been shown that Archie refused to take part in Jason's book or didn't know about it. How was that not Betty's first question? Was the boy I like involved?
  12. I know I'm probably being manipulated in some way but I just want Betty to get everything she ever wanted. My only issue with Jughead is that he talks like he's on Dawson's Creek and everyone else talks normally. It worked on DC because everyone talked the same. Here, though, where it is just one person, it sticks out like a sore thumb.
  13. I think the episode suffered from the same thing the series suffers from. Its too heavy on mythology, creepy camera shots and wolf roars. And too light on character development. I agree with most of what has been said regarding wanting more time spent on certain storylines. I also think they were limited given Dylan's availability. I do wonder though if there was some way to push the series back so that they could have him for more time. They could have built the Stydia relationship throughout the season with flashbacks. They could've gone in a completely different direction then having him disappear. Regardless, the show is light years better when he's around. Even if they had to push the final season back to starting now or in a month or two, I think they should've really thought about it if it meant more Dylan. I really don't want to believe that Dylan just didn't want to do the show anymore and that this wasn't just a result of his accident. Finally, the ending was mind-numbingly dumb. Like a lot of the show, the idea was solid but the execution was poor. And for all the buildup for a Stydia reunion, they kissed upon seeing each other and then we never saw them interact again.
  14. It helps me to think to myself sophomores instead of 15 yr olds. The number clicks in my brain and forces me to realize the ridiculousness of it all. But I want a teen soap so I do what I can not to think about it. And as the previous poster said, this is all about getting another year out of high school should the show go on for a couple years.
  15. This episode illustrates my biggest issue with the show. Something as heavy as the erasing of one's sister from the world should be an all encompassing weight on Lucy's shoulders. It should not be addressed once every couple episodes with a cheap narrative trick like the hallucination. The real changes in these peoples lives should be a central part of the show in my opinion. Instead we get glossy flashbacks to major points in history with an occasional nod to what should be the very real repercussions of changing said history. I mean, what the hell is going on with the new fiance? Ultimately I don't care but I wasn't the idiot who thought that was a neat twist. If I did think it up, I would try and think of a way to resolve it and not just leave it out there.
  16. I really liked it. I thought the Betty/Veronica friendship was really nicely played. And I'm interested in seeing what happened between Archie and Jughead. And I want to see Betty continue her downward spiral from perfection to normalcy. With that said, I hate the teacher/student thing on high school shows. It's just wrong. My other complaint would have to do with the love triangle. I know next to nothing about the original comics but I expected the love triangle to be pretty evenly matched. Having watched way too much TV and teen soaps, it seems obvious that its going to play in favor of Veronica. Having a guy say he has never felt those kinds of feelings for someone that looks like Betty tells me he's never really going to get there.
  17. I have found questions like this are best left unasked for this show. I just accepted this crap because I enjoy the show. If I spend time thinking about the ridiculousness of extreme cold causing these two to focus on their memories and be hypnotized, well I wouldn't be watching the show much longer.
  18. I did not necessarily read the opening of the rift as evidence that Lydia/Stiles connection was strongest. I know the characters almost said as much. But it seemed to me that the rift was opening with Scott but he couldn't stay in that frozen box forever. They had to get him out before he died and it they just didn't have enough time for the rift to open. Same with Malia. But Lydia was under no such constraint. She could complete the process of remembering Stiles without the threat of dying and thus the rift opened.
  19. I don't think the show is trying to tell you that Stydia is a stronger relationship then Sciles. I think its just choosing to focus on it because Lydia's feelings are coming to the forefront. We know how much Scott cares about Stiles. We don't need to be shown that. Their relationship is what it is. We've seen it for 6 seasons. On the other hand Lydia's feelings for Stiles are changing hence the need for more screen time. Not that its a competition. I loved this episode, with the exception of the eye-roll inducing hayden/liam plot. They're just such terrible actors that I can't take them seriously. Papa Stilinski was so great though. I don't know what scene was better, the one with the red string or the scene where he realizes Stiles' mom isn't real. Such a good performance. Finally, and this will come out of nowhere but I kind of want to see Malia and Scott develop something. Its never really crossed my mind before but that final scene in the house was nice.
  20. Why would they go there? Maybe I'm forgetting something but I can't remember a single scene that would suggest either of these characters is gay or bi. Regardless, I completely agree, this show is really well done. I'm shocked by how much I like it.
  21. Man, I hope people are watching this show. It's got to be the best show nobody is talking about. I'm a little surprised its not getting more buzz from the same critics who loved veronica mars, buffy or even izombie. And I'll just add that Eliza Bennett's performance in the 6th episode was really amazing.
  22. I wouldn't say a stiles and lydia relationship came out of nowhere. I would never argue the chemistry thing as that is subjective. But, while the relationship has been on the back burner at various times it has also been there throughout the series. Whether it was the tether thing or the early season Stiles pining or last seasons life saving. The show has always touched back to that relationship even if infrequently.
  23. Really enjoyed this episode. I thought it was easily the best of the season. It's no surprise it had Stiles and an absence of the Junior Pack. I have to say, Malia is a great addition to the team. She really brings some needed levity. I never paid much attention to her previously but I feel like she's shining in a limited role this season. And I can't get enough of the Stydia. Long overdue. I'd say its worth the wait but I'd rather not have waited till Dylan O'brien was unavailable for such a large chunk of time.
  24. I think Lorelei's story would be amazing if true. A young woman who voluntarily gives up the comfort and luxury of money rises from adversity to own a small business and raise a young daughter. Besides, I thought the idea behind the book was that it would be about their relationship. You know like the show we all became transfixed by.
  25. MV007

    S07.E02: The Well

    All I could think about during this episode is I wish it was Carol who got the bat instead of Glen.
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