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Everything posted by MV007

  1. Am I supposed to care about the former Mexican prisoner and the south african lawyer? Cause I don't and I wish they'd stop trying to make that happen. I continue to be baffled by the accents for these recruits. This show obviously plays fast and loose with reality (i.e. picking up Swahili) but for some reason I can't get past all of these foreigners. I know they paid lip service to it but it I feel like the producers of this show decided they had to have the most diverse cast in television and they didn't spend any time trying to find reasons to justify it. I mean its great how diverse the cast is but to me its getting in the way of the story.
  2. Yes. I was trying to articulate why Wyatt's actions may not have been the result of lazy writing when he attempted to save the reporter. Instead of it being a character being stupid despite obvious warnings not to change things. Maybe he just didn't care about changing things because his life sucks. So the fact that the timeline changed is of no consequence to him. My point would be that this may not have been a case of lazy writing to further the plot but an action consistent with a man who has no motivation to keep things as they are.
  3. I'll be interested to learn more about Wyatt's backstory. But at this point we know his wife died and he reeks of booze. And then at the end of the episode he was by himself at a bar. I'm guessing he isn't very happy with his life at the moment and wasn't too concerned with keeping the timeline as it was. He has nothing to go back to anyway.
  4. Here is something you have to remember with James. He is an idiot.
  5. Just someone with a different opinion. Heaven forbid.
  6. I think this particular circumstance is subtle. It takes a certain kind of thought process to see that this incident only involved 2 black women and 1 white man and then connect that with the sexualization of black women and what that has done to our culture. It seems so obvious when we write it out like this or read about it but when you haven't been exposed to certain things, that connection just isn't made. And it's not just a sheltered lifestyle. I can only speak for myself but it helped me immensely when I took an African American studies class in college. For me, this kind of intellectual connection of Frank's actions to our cultural view of black women takes a certain level of intellectual understanding that I don't think Natalie has. With that said, I do not like that Natalie has seemingly begun to think that they made it up.
  7. I'm not going to judge Natalie too harshly on this. She just doesn't see the world in that way. Her life experience would not lend her to identifying this issue. It's a form of white privilege imo. She is ignorant to it because she hasn't been exposed to this line of thinking. I think if someone sat down with her and explained to her that Frank only slapped the black women's asses and why that might've occurred then I think she might understand. But I'm guessing she has never had a reason to view social interactions through a racial lens, so, what you or I may see as obvious she may not.
  8. I think James' ideas about getting something out of the post-show fame are a lot smaller then others. I get the sense that he would think being a featured guest at a local bar's karaoke night would be a great benefit.
  9. I know that this wasn't the point of your post but this is the Natalie that I enjoy and the reason why I am rooting for her. I have been unimpressed with her intellect but I love her willingness to stand up for herself. She's been challenged by aggressive men like Paul and had no issues asserting herself. It's great to see when far too often with females in this game they just shrink and back down. And I love that her immediate response to this line of talking from James is to say, I wear what I want.
  10. I loved the ending. I think Bananas was completely justified in his decision. Not to mention, this is a game and he won.
  11. See, my thing is, I haven't seen him come even close to being physically abusive and nobody has accused him of such a thing. So, no, I don't think he will physically abuse Z. If he does or someone comes out of the woodwork and accuses him of such then I will be willing to go down that road. Until then, its a leap of logic to me. Of course, I agree with you as to how these things can go down, but there are also millions of men just like Paulie who will behave the way he behaves and not be physically abusive. You can still call Paulie out for his behavior, but I prefer to call him out on behavior I actually know he's committed.
  12. We can poo poo her reasoning all we want but those aren't the worst nominees she could put up. In fact, that might be our best hope for a shake up in the house.
  13. Maybe we haven't been giving James enough credit. He is far more likely to win AFP then he is the game so having that as his goal is kind of pragmatic.
  14. This is Exhibit A as why James is such a terrible player. He simply doesn't know what he should or shouldn't say to anyone. He either lies directly to your face (Clay&Shelly and Frank&Bridget) or he trusts you too much and tells you everything. Word to the wise for potential players, don't tell super athletic bros in your alliance that you plan to throw an HOH comp they can't compete in.
  15. I hate to come to Paulie's defense but this seems a little too far for me. He has talked down to Z and doesn't really respect her opinion. But that is a far far cry from becoming an abusive relationship. I won't argue with how such relationships begin and its one thing to call Paulie out for his conduct thus far. But I think it takes it too far to start talking about how he's an abuser or potential abuser.
  16. Just to be clear, I wasn't adopting this line of thinking. I was just deciphering what I thought Paulie's father meant as there seemed to be confusion.
  17. I think what Paulie's dad meant was that people who watch the feeds and judge his son are acting all high and mighty and are on their moral high horse. And that his son isn't perfect. He did say that.
  18. I would suggest everyone watch the Real Sports expose on this very issue. Suffice it to say, NFL cheerleaders are getting screwed. Hopefully Natalie has a good deal with her makeup and nail provider cause the Cowboys probably won't pick up that tab.
  19. I'm kind if in on Paulie. If only because I respect his game. If someone were to act as his foil I could give them a chance but right now these people are all too dumb to root for.
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong but my impression is that Z gets along with everyone... until they're not around anymore, then she talks shit about them.
  21. Being grateful kind of goes hand in hand with being humble so it's a strange criticism to me. It almost makes me think these people aren't that intelligent.
  22. I think it's obvious that America didn't quite understand the rules and that there were potentially better things to give to people. It would have helped if Julie explained on TV that the packages are only going to get better. Instead we're going to be stuck with the worst, least liked people getting the greatest benefit. I think the show should've allowed for a HG to win every single time.
  23. It's completely natural for people to judge others. I am 100% positive James and Natalie have negative thoughts about the rest of the house. I'm sure they find Paul's schtick grating at times. I'm sure they think Michele is a jealous bitch. But the fact that they act like adults and find a way to not express these thoughts over and over and over again in front of the entire world is a good thing. They deserve credit for that. If its fake to not spit out exactly what you're thinking and to act like decent person then everyone is fake.
  24. Maybe I'm being insensitive but this list does not make me feel particularly bad for Z nor provide me with some reasoning behind her behavior. Chima had real issues that explained her behavior. Being cheated on and having a deadbeat Dad is par for the course for millions of people. The speech impediment/bully thing might be more legitimate to me. But I do find it a little hard to believe that someone who looks like Z had too much hastle growing up. She's gorgeous and pretty girls usually get a pass from being bullied.
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