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Everything posted by Mindymoo

  1. My great aunt committed suicide on the morning of her daughter's first communion. You never know with addicts or the mentally ill.
  2. I don't follow them on social media, but comments on the news stories on Facebook have people chastising the fifth victim for coming forward and saying that this is just a cash grab, and that what he did to her wasn't all that bad. It makes me sick.
  3. Was he supposed to tour with them this summer? Because I had tickets for them and TOTO. He was a brilliant bassist, and will really be missed in the music world. Such sad news.
  4. I've got the link here: http://potus.wtfpod.com/I was able to listen to it on my phone on a long drive home Monday, and it made at least that hour pass pretty quickly. President Obama is pretty self-deprecating in his sense of humor, which I like about him. Marc tried to keep it as just a conversation between two guys as much as he could, which is pretty much his style if you're not familiar with it. But yeah, it was a really good listen.
  5. He came across more as a mediator to me. Meeting at a neutral location to pick up/drop off? Yeah, my brother went through that for awhile with his bio-dad before my dad adopted him. I enjoyed the episode a lot more on rewatch. There was a lot I feel like I missed. Yeah, some of the dialogue is stupid and it doesn't have the same punch as it did last year, nor did any of the characters suck me in like Rust and Marty. But I liked it. Taylor Kitsch's character is who I want to know most about. Watching it the second time knowing that he's impotent when that woman tries to buy him off with a blowjob makes his situation a lot more upsetting, when he's clearly facing some serious demons anyway. I just want to give him a hug and a pat on the head. Ray is interesting enough, but I hope there's more to him than brooding alcoholic dirty cop. (Which reminds me: this makes two HBO shows where an adult character screams at a child bully that he will kill his mother and rape his father. Only on "Silicon Valley", it was hilarious in a really awful way.) Not too interested in Ani yet, but I'm not much of a fan of Rachel McAdams as an actress. Vince Vaughn can do drama, as he was good in "Clay Pigeons", but he hasn't made much of an impression yet. His acting seems stilted. There's enough here to keep my interest though, so I'll stick with it. I really miss Rust's nihilism though. I felt like someone on TV was finally speaking my language.
  6. I did! President Obama is a really funny guy. I thought it was a good interview, and that the controversy over him using the n-word is so stupid because of the context in which he was using it. I also thought it was interesting how he was honest about why he chose to do the interview. I also loved Marc describing the neighborhood before the President got there, and how he was so clearly nervous and excited for it. I honestly can't imagine another president or serious candidate that ever would have done that interview: a podcast, with the initials for "what the fuck" in the title, in a guy's garage.
  7. I think the finale would be interesting if they just took a "life goes on" approach. Jackie continues to use and betray; Eddie remains pathetic and awful; Zoey keeps going with her Zoey self. That would be fine. Nothing big, just a low key "adios." Because Jackie is a drug addict, and once an addict always an addict. I know- I have a family full of alcoholics and drug addicts and one thing at least the drug addicts don't do is just change. Especially if that drug is an opiate/opioid. She will keep on until she kills herself, or a patient, or until she gets caught again.
  8. MASH is way too racy. They referred to Hoolihan as "Hot Lips", for Chrissake. As for "Hogan's Heroes", it soft of makes me laugh. My grandparents were concentration camp survivors and they loathed the show and found it so offensive fhat they would make a comedy about a German POW camp, particularly when wounds from that war were still kind of fresh. In return, my dad never let me watch reruns as a kid due to his sharing that sentiment. The one show I couldn't watch as a child, the Duggars can? What the hell, dude!
  9. Right there with ya, Chattygal. I have heard (well, read) some vile, nasty language hurled at me for being a woman and for being a lesbian. It is hard not to engage with these trolls, but this stuff is scary and awful. In relating why I am standing behind the women who accuse Cosby to my own sexual assault experiences, not only was I called a liar, but I was told I would be shown what rape really is. And then there are the women getting doxxed left and right. It's all so horrible and depressing.
  10. Is Ani Ray's ex-wife? They mentioned a failed marriage her belt, she said he was a cop that was a real piece of work, she is fucked up herself... Yeah, we didn't see the kid with her when she was screwing that guy, but that doesn't have to mean anything. He could have been at school. Plus, the two clearly know each other and have a history based on the look at the end of the episode. I dunno, just a thought.
  11. I don't have Showtime where I am at right now and can't watch until tomorrow, but are you meaning to tell me they are straight up Birdmanning this shit?
  12. I disagree that it's the only part. Yea she is horny in prison, and she's a butch lesbian. But she also is fighting for the people she cares about. Donating her makeshift dildo to frame Stella? Everything with Tucky, from making her realize that abortion was the best she could do for those pregnancies and that she was never, ever at fault for her rape? She showed one hell of a lot of growth this season and I am proud of her. I guess you could argue she started off one note, but Boo takes care of those she loves and fights injustice. And she helped take Tucky from someone I loathed in season one, who I tolerated in season two, to someone I rooted for and who my heart broke for. She's not a one-dimensional bull-dyke character, she is showing how awesome and real she is. She could hang out with me and the gals at the Boobyhatch anytime.
  13. I am a femme lesbian married to another femme lesbian, but Lea DeLaria does have something very sexy about her. And the thing that's weird is that the men that I find attractive, but attractive only in a way where I would never fuck, are "pretty" men like a young Roger Daltrey, Peter Frampton or David Gilmour. I am 90% attracted to femme chicks, but Lea when not playing Boo is hot as hell. I have some really gorgeous butch friends too. It isn't just their appearance though, but how they carry themselves.
  14. The ghost-hunting didn't bother me. I'm an atheist and a total skeptic, and I think that Jackson takes these people on and respectfully humors them. "Yep, you're a ghost hunter. Let's ghost hunt for three minutes and I'll play along. No ghosts? Imagine that! Now let's get to the real problem." It's the same thing with the woman who claimed she was a pet psychic. He was there to fix the cat problem, not to debate the legitimacy of pet psychics. And lo and behold, he was helping the issue with the ghost-free house.
  15. I'm a lipstick lesbian. I've known people in the LGBT community whose families have outright rejected everything about them, so they find comfort in being the outest, loudest, most stereotypical lesbian/gay man you can find. Women who butch it up to eleven, men who are like a cross between Freddie Mercury and Elton John's stage persona, because from a very young age, that's what they thought being gay *was*. Yes, you can be from a repressive household and go the opposite direction and from a progressive household and be flamboyant, but for some people, that's just their expression. And since they lived for so many years being told that what they are is wrong, shameful and evil, that one part of their identity becomes the loudest part.
  16. Right you are. I've never watched a single episode of their stupid show. However, I know who they are, the platform of their beliefs, what they believe about "evil" atheist lesbians like me and my wife and my "perverted" trans friends because these people are everywhere. Even before the molestation story broke, they were in newspapers, on online newsmedia, and there were stories about them on the news programs I do watch on CBS, CNN and MSNBC. The media was saturated with them. Even entertainment newsmedia had stories about them. My 82-year-old Busia who never watched their show or Fox News knew who they were before the story broke because she subscribes to People Magazine and watches other news programs. (She also knows about Snookie, which I find hilarious.) These aren't some backwoods nobodies: these are people who actually did hold some power, who hung around with right wing politicians, who spread some really awful hate speech about people like me, friends of mine, and members of my family. And I knew all about this before we learned that Josh was a child molester.
  17. Boo and Pennsatucky's relationship was the best thing about this whole season. I was left underwhelmed, to be honest, but those two shined whenever they were onscreen together. I never cared much for either character- in fact, I HATED Tucky- but they make one hell of a team. Tucky's rapes were hard to watch as a survivor myself, and I understood where she was coming from when she was trying to place the blame squarely on herself for it, because I did the same damn thing after my rape/assaults. Boo standing up and saying fuck no, that's not your fault, was so awesome to watch. As was Boo's taking down the pastor, and Tucky admitting that she's still taking money from those sleazebags. I don't give a shit about the Alex cliffhanger, or what Piper did to the girl who stole the panty cash, or Caputo and Fig's hate fucking. Morello's wedding was cute, I guess. However, even as an atheist, I do admit to being moved by Black Cindy's conversion to Judaism. That felt completely real to me. And even though the lake sequence went on too long, I was glad she got her Mikveh. I don't know how she plans on doing that after each menstrual period, but whatever. And to think that he had a real spiritual transformation after just trying to BS her way into getting the Kosher meals. And aww, Suzanne has a girl with a crush on her. I did appreciate the look into the for-profit prison industry, and how corrupt and rotten it is. If I had to grade the season, I'd give it between a B and B-.
  18. And he worked his ass off in night school to get through law school and pass the bar. No way Josh would be able to do that.
  19. I guess that's one thing I liked about the Catholics. They're not proselytizers. They don't go door to door, which I find so incredibly rude. I don't want my own friends and family coming to my house without calling first, so why would I want strangers knocking on my door to preach to me? When the Jehovah's Witnesses came to my Dziadzia's door, they asked him if he believed in the almighty god. He told them he believed in the almighty dollar and slammed the door in their faces. He was a Catholic, but he didn't put up with that nonsense.
  20. That's how it was in my family. My paternal grandfather sexually abused all three of his daughters. They stayed silent about the abuse, not telling their brothers or anyone about it. Then my cousin, who was the daughter of my uncle, was abused by my grandfather for YEARS. It took her seeing an episode of Oprah until she understood what was going on, and even then, it took her telling four people until someone believed her. The fourth person she told? One of the very aunts our grandfather abused. Still, my cousin's abuse was treated as a family matter, and while both of them got counseling after it came to light and he was not to come into contact with children, my uncle and aunt still brought her around him. I'm very lucky my mom was creeped out by them and never let us spend time alone with my dad's parents, because that very easily could have been me. But yeah, silence and treating it as a family member is just harboring abusers and asking for more and more abuse.
  21. Isn't Jeanine Pirro on Fox News? She's someone whose politics I can't stand, but I wish the interview would go to her. After seeing how ruthless she was in her dogged pursuit of Robert Durst in the documentary miniseries "The Jinx", I don't think she would suffer these fools gladly.
  22. Does anyone have a good recipe for ceviche? I had some when I stopped in Cozumel while on a cruise two years ago, and I am dying to have some. None of the restaurants around me serve it, so making it myself is my only option. I planned on using grouper, which is what they used in Cozumel. So, has anyone tried cooking their fish in lime juice before and had it come out great who could pass the recipe along to little old me?
  23. So, you guys know Baltimore state's attorney Marylin Mosby, who brought charges against the six officers in connection with the death of Freddie Grey? Well, she was on an episode of JJ 15 years ago as a plaintiff. Girl had her stuff together. A neighbor in her building used her apartment for the three months she was away at home during summer break, completely trashed the place and threw a baby shower there. The full episode is at the next link. http://jezebel.com/baltimores-marilyn-mosby-once-took-a-neighbor-to-court-1707443441
  24. I went to a Catholic school and was raised by a Catholic family, though I've been a dyed-in-the-wool atheist since I was about five years old. I wouldn't say that the Catholic Church is a cult. Perhaps that's because I'm really familiar with it, but mainstream Catholicism isn't up there with Gothardism, the FLDS, etc. in the least. Yeah, you're not supposed to use birth control, have in vitro fertilization, have sex before marriage, blah blah blah, but few actually follow that stuff. The pope, cardinals and bishops are figureheads and tend to skew conservative, but parish priests themselves are really a mixed bag, and that is who the flock really tends to listen to. The priest at my Busia's church, for example, refused to read the pamphlet that the bishop put out that was encouraging people to vote against allowing domestic partnerships for gay people. He said if they want to read it, you can find it in the back of the church. Only he just printed out one copy as a "screw you" to that line of thinking. He also teaches that anyone, regardless of religious belief or lack thereof, can go to heaven as long as they live a kind, good-natured, charitable life. Why? Because that's living in a Christ-like manner. Some churches have priests that are way more conservative, but you find really progressive and liberal ones like this guy too. But yeah, it's really not cultish, unless you're of the mind that every religion is a cult. The way they closed ranks around pederast priests is sickening, but as we're seeing more and more, this sadly happens in a lot of religions.
  25. I was surprised too, but it was really considerate of him and it was nice for him to just back off from his ex and abide by her request rather than air all of their dirty laundry. I was hoping he would call back Mary-Lynn Rajskub though. I love her.
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